Alhumdulillah, that time of the year is here again and we have been blessed to be able to witness it! Yes, here is the onset of...
Guest post byย by Asma bint Shameem Hajj is the ‘Ultimate’ journey. They say itย isย the journey of a lifetime. Yet I see so many people, brothers and...
A site that is regarded as one of the holiest on the planet is gearing up for a 21st-century transit makeover. Mecca, birthplace of Mohammed, is...
People who come back from Hajj often talk about a bunch of places, rituals, and events that you’ve probably never heard of. In trying to understand...
One of the greatest longings for those who’ve never gone for Hajj or โUmrah is to pray at the Kaโbah. For years you’ve seen footage and...
When people you know come back from Hajj, you notice them talking about how much they “miss” Hajj and how they can’t wait to go back....
Whenever someone goes through a major life changing experience, people tend to ask common follow up questions. If someone gets married, they’re always asked, “How’s married...
Bismillah-irRahman-irRaheem. As salamu alaykum wa Rahmat Allahi wa Barakatuhu. posted by abu abdAllah Tariq Ahmed Eid Mubarak! Whether or not you went for Hajj (and if...
Bismillah-irRahman-irRaheem. As salamu alaykum wa Rahmat Allahi wa Barakatuhu. posted by abu abdAllah Tariq Ahmed Most of the hujjaaj — the people who have traveled to...
Great news! The best ten days of the year are nearly here. It is expected that the month of Dhul-Hijjah may start tomorrow (18th November, 2009),...