Announcing the Winners of the MM Photo/Instagram Eid contest! It’s about time, right?! :) We know you have been anxiously waiting, so let’s get straight to...
Dear Readers, Eid Mubarak!!! Last year we announced a contest โThe Best ‘ฤชd Instagram Photo 2012โณ contest and due to some technical issues could not host...
Allah [SWT] has called Surah Yusuf the best of all stories in the Qurโan. In this post, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi explores the family turmoil in Prophet...
I missed all but five fasts last Ramadan, and if this sounds like a shocking confession, you might want to try a survey of women to...
By: Maher Budeir We often hear the phrases, “When I was your age…”, or “The youth these days are different” or, “It is all because of...
Lecture by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi |ย Transcribed byย Zara T. [The following is the video and transcript of Shaykh Yasir Qadhi’s khutbahย “Making Families Work.”ย The transcript includes slight...
Recently, the Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament (MIST) held regional competitions throughout North America. ย MIST is “aย fun, educational, interactive program of competitions and workshops geared towards bringing high...
Parents sometimes forget that they are in a unique position to actuallyย create the memories their kids will remember when they’re older. Let that sink in for...
Do you ever wonder about the purpose of hijab? ย Do you sometimes think that wearing a hijab might be too much for you? ย Are you interested...
Here are all the fabulous submissions which made the cut for the MM Photo/Instagram contest. They are absolutely amazing! Makes me miss Ramadan and EID so...