Following the shocking murders in Paris, condemned by Muslims all over the world, and subsequent moves to depict the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once...
“Our Prophet was verbally abused and physically harassed multiple times in Makkah. Never ONCE did any of the Companions go and murder those who did such...
Welcome to the another edition of’s regular Islamic Art feature. If you want to see your work on MM, then either email us your images...
I have two little boys (and a third one on the way) and I am always worried about what they watch on television. I do not...
Welcome to the another edition of’s regular Islamic Art feature. If you want to see your work on MM, then either email us your images...
Ross Douthat,ย The Newย York Times, today: In a way, the muzzling of “South Park” is no more disquieting than any other example of Western institutions’ cowering before...
This CNN report on the veiled threat made by an obscure, fringe American Muslim website against the creators of the “South Park” cartoon shows an extremist...
Welcome to the another edition of’s regular Islamic Art feature. If you want to see your work on MM, then either email us your images...