Purpose The reason we are writing this post is because all attempts to meet with Imam Nick and resolve his...
Rahman did not intend to let these men and women die on this ship of hell. Nor was he himself...
Quebec Muslims Enjoy The Sweet Life, Too On Quebecois Muslims joining in the sweet maple-syrup fun at the cabane a sucre. Muslim Women Will Have to...
The article below appeared in the Jewish Chronicle. Let me repeat that, the article below appeared in the JEWISH Chronicle. I think that would imply that...
Seems there is a chunk of the non-Muslim population interested in Islamic financing. Not because it is more attractive in terms of return or cost (usually...
Sh. AbdurRahman Chao is providing bloggers an exuberantly exhilarating history of the Abbasids:
Br. Abu Abdillah conveyed the news of the death of the great scholar, an Islamic legend from Pakistan, Sheikh Abdul Ghaffar Hasan. He is the father...
If you haven’t heard it, it isn’t surprising. A quick google search doesn’t help much either. Seems the media doesn’t find much interest in stories that...
I think I’ve just stumbled across the most difficult obstacle that teachers face… dealing with disinterested students. Okay, I’m not exactly a teacher… I’m more of...
This is a real ‘gem’ I heard in a khutbah a long time ago from a Shaykh who is very dear to me (may Allah(swt) preserve...
Sr. Ruth talks about the challenges in starting up a Non-Profit (pls try to make a small (or big) donation) Dates Anyone? Sh. Yusuf reminds everyone...
All of us ‘grown-ups’ probably share some interesting stories from childhood. How many times have we heard someone say ‘my father used to say’, or ‘my...