The crabs elect a new queen, who pledges revenge on Yasin Rahman. On another world, a dreamcat trains for an...
A couple nights ago I went to a planning meeting for an event at a newly-built local masjid. When I walked into the building a brother...
The Wisdom Behind Calamities: An Islamic Approach Praise be to Allaah. Yes, there is great wisdom behind calamities, including the following: 1 – To attain true...
A reminder to appreciate the blessings of Allah that we take for granted… [youtube _ccgbH0YTQA]
Update: Dr. M has some more info on this affair as well as some great clips from Dr. Shahid Masood. See here. I have been meaning...
I’ve been thinking about this particular subject quite a bit lately… women’s rights, especially Muslim women’s rights, is a big thing now. People like Irshad Manji,...
Here is the third and final part of this essay. Please see part 1 here and part 2 here. With religion playing such an important role...
One of the goals I have for this blog is to start a small series of posts aimed at reviving Sunnah’s that are insha’Allah easy to...
2 Big Announcements insha’Allah The first is the launch of the July AlMaghrib Radio Broadcast – Divine GPS by Shaykh AbdulBary Yahya on July 26th, focusing...
——– a good reminder from my class-mate—– Assalam alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu yaa ikhwaan fi-Llah, There were many Muslims with us last year who are...
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah, Hat-tip to the original website (and to Br. Nadeem, for pointing out the website) for bringing to light this extremely insightful 1952...