By the late eighties, or maybe the early nineties, ‘‘’Aqidah comes first” started to become something of a slogan in...
*If you and your blog (if you have one) supports this call, then we’ll add you to the list of supporters at the bottom of this...
Nothing really earth-shattering here. Bush’s regime has been always one that wanted to expand executive powers, while compromising the basic tenets of the Constitution of the...
This was quite an interesting Ramadan for me, and one that has personally affected me in a number of ways. What follows is a compendium of...
(Written in response to – can you guess? – an almost disastrous ‘Eid party) Yes, it’s that time of the year again… ‘Eid time! And for...
Whether you are celebrating Eid today, tomorrow or on Saturday, the staff and specialists of MuslimMatters wishes all our readers and friends a blessed Eid. Eid...
This is an old piece that I hastily wrote in regards to the annual disputes about the number of rak`ahs for Tarawih and moonsighting. I am...
Courtesy of Sh. Haitham Hamdan at Multaqa Ahl al-Hadith: Over 250,000 palestinians praying in Al-Aqsa Masjid
To become a member, go to and click on “Donate.” We urge all brothers and sisters to join and support CAIR. We believe that CAIR...
The Triangle of virtue- Part II: The Qur’an and Taqwa (Part 1 can be found here) There is no doubt that the Qur’an is the book...
You’d think it must be a horribly weak faith if it requires a violent video game to attract teenagers to practice it. It must be a...