The Kuwaiti shaykh who told me a story If you meet Shaykh Fayiz, you’d be mesmerized by his kindness and...
Some of the info. on this post is a little dated now. But Romney is still relevant, while alhamdulillah, Giul-911-iani seems to be becoming irrelevant, which...
The following paper was submitted as a homework assignment for the AlMaghrib Heavenly Hues course taught by Shaykh Yaser Birjas in Houston. The assignment was to...
This is a guest post by one of our readers, Um Imran. Bismillah Irrahman Irraheem These are some thoughts on the recent killings of two young...
Farmocracy Experiment 1 | 2 | 3 Please read Farmocracy Experiment for background and sense of where I am going with this. Eventually, the will of the parrots on both sides broke down,...
I was visiting the community in Macon, Georgia yesterday and a friend asked me the difference between two very interesting words in the Qur’an, both of...
Dawah in India is a hot item as of late. Organizations like Islamic Research Foundation, an India-based Dawah project headed by Dr. Zakir Naik, has been...
It seems that I am gradually becoming MuslimMatters’ unofficial media correspondent, as I now blog about yet another documentary concerning a Muslim minority community. But perhaps...
Introduction Part One: The Islamic Beliefs Regarding Salvific Exclusivity It is a fundamental belief of Muslims that Islam is not only a divinely revealed religion from...
When I began high school, I attended a local Friday night youth group halaqh. One night, the brother preparing the talk for the night handed out...
The Many Paths to God? Introduction As Muslims living in the West, we are faced with a myriad of legal, religious and political problems that our...