Is beating kids just a part of “traditional Islamic studies”? Is it true that there are blessings associated with physical...
Insha’Allah there will be more posts with details of what was actually learned at IlmSummit but here are a few pictures (sorry it is not a...
The so-called “” (see document here) cooked up by a several Muslim organizations in UK gets a scathing review by Shaykh Haitham al-Haddad. Shaykh Tawfique Chowdhury...
A video from our own Tawfique Chowdhury on the men that used to be in our world and in Islam. [youtube OK9CBeVk1yQ]
Yo, I heard fasting in Sha’bān is supposed to be awesome. What’s the deal? Check it out, so the Prophet sal Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used...
“It is from Solomon, and it says: ‘In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful’” Al-Qurʾān 27:30 * * * Question: Do an exegetical experiment...
The following is a short interview with an 84 year old British man who accepted Islam. He discusses his experience and what led him to realise...
All aboard! You’re a happeningly hip young practicing Muslim attending the local university. After staying for an unnecessarily long MSA Exec Board meeting on campus, you...
So what’s crackin’ as of late? Here’s a few items… It’s only Sunday and Michael Phelps has already brought home gold for the US. Surprised, anyone?...
Shaykh Yaser Birjas delivered the first khutbah of IlmSummit 2008 to the group of students gathered in Houston from all over America, Canada, the UK, and...
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