Salvific exclusivity contends that salvation and eternal bliss in the hereafter are only granted to the believers in a particular...
Gateway to all Ramadan related posts on MM Bismillah “The supplication of every one of you will be granted if he does not get impatient.” [Bukhari...
Gateway to all Ramadan related posts on MM *Follow up to previous article: Ibaadah, Taqwa, Shukr…. Mindblowing Relationship A few weeks ago, I was asked to...
Gateway to all Ramadan related posts on MM In this Month of mercy and barakah, it is not abnormal for people’s hearts to be open to...
Recently, I received a very inspiring email from one of my sisters in Islam, forwarded to her by another sister, who had written it with a very sincere...
Ramadan Mubarak again! Welcome to our weekly open thread, Ramadan style! Barack Obama’s presidential message was interesting. I think it is safe to say that this...
Welcome to the another edition of’s regular Islamic Art feature, which this week comes to you on the first day of Ramadan! If you want...
Gateway to all Ramadan related posts on MM First of all, Ramadan Mubarak to everyone from all of us at MuslimMatters! It has been a while...
Gateway to all Ramadan related posts on MM With Ramadan right around the corner, it’s time to start gearing up and adjusting our schedules accordingly. One...
Two nights in a row now, I’ve awoken at 4am sleep-babbling nonsense to my wife only an Ilm Summit student would understand. Though I’ve returned home,...
Bismillah In continuation of the post “Chill Out Like The Prophet: Tips For The Stressed Muslim Da’ee – Part I“, we analyze more ways of how...