Here are some fun and easy Ramadan activities to try with your little ones this year!
بسم اللّه Part I | Part II | Part III For the second time in his young life, Prophet Yusuf [عليه السلام] found himself treated unjustly,...
Last Friday after my Penalty Box post was published, I went to salatul-jumu’ah at a hotel. The usual space was reduced by a third due to...
Submitted by Mustafa Šuvalija Baptist slams `camel method’ Ergun Caner, a former Muslim who is president of Liberty Theological Seminary, has called a method used by...
As many of us are aware (certainly those living in America and most Western countries), today is the greeting card companies’ favorite day to display your...
After reading the 500 most influential Muslims list, I began thinking of the people who have had the most influence on my understanding and practice of...
Bismillah One of my most memorable childhood memories was taking the trip to the library with my mother to get an official library card. I was...
Submitted by Amir “MR” Passenger who had Arabic flash cards sues over his detainment By Jeanne Meserve and Mike M. Ahlers, CNN February 10, 2010 10:13...
Submitted by Amir “MR” HENRY SAMUEL February 10, 2010 PARIS: An Austrian tycoon is giving away every penny of his £3 million ($5.3 million) fortune, having...
By Yaser Birjas & Megan Wyatt A while ago, a father came to me for help with finding a potential husband for his daughter. So, I...
By Mariam E. When an ear of corn is plentifully heavy with seed, it tilts and leans over. But if it is unfilled and light,...