Introduction The Muslim community within the United States is diverse, consisting of many different racial and ethnic groups in which...
Though the world of sports could be deemed a secular space, displays of ‘religiosity’ can be regularly observed. The best known examples are the: “Please God!...
This information should benefit anyone involved in Islamic organizations, but it really needs extra attention from those in leadership positions in their communities to start...
We have been pretty busy recently on MM. We have been quietly adding several new exciting writers and associates. In case you missed it, we have...
Welcome to the another edition of’s regular Islamic Art feature. If you want to see your work on MM, then either email us your images...
Khutbah delivered at Clear Lake Islamic Center by Dr. Waleed Basyouni delivered on Friday 1/1/10. [audio:]
by J.Hashmi As Martin Luther King Day rolls by, the question is invariably asked: Martin or Malcolm? Sadly, for many Muslims, the answer is too easy:...
Death by Diagnosis For years, I’ve participated in discussions and read countless articles on the state of the Muslim Ummah. I’ve sat through khutbah after khutbah...
Please read yesterday’s post: Bringing the Sunnah Back: The Proper Steps to Seeking Knowledge Sometimes you can’t fulfill your dreams, but you find yourself fulfilling another...
Bismillah It’s the year 1244; a group of children go to see their friend to ask him to join them in playing games. This young boy,...
Khutbah delivered on Janury 15th by Shaykh AbdulNasir Jangda This khutbah discusses crisis in Haiti and why it is an essential part of our religion for...