Captain Yasin Rahman is hauled in front of a panel of officers for a debriefing, and is given a shocking...
Switzerland. The very name evokes images of almost heavenly beauty – idyllic enclaves of pristinely pure lakes surrounded by magnificent lush snow-peaked mountains, dotted with honeymoon-enticing...
Bismillah-irRahman-irRaheem. As salamu alaykum wa Rahmat Allahi wa Barakatuhu. posted by abu abdAllah Tariq Ahmed Eid Mubarak! Whether or not you went for Hajj (and if...
Welcome to the another edition of’s regular Islamic Art feature. Here are some Eid-ul-Adha related images to celebrate the season of Hajj and self-sacrifice. If...
عيدكم مبارك Grand Mosqee de France, Paris (Copyright:
Eid Mubarak dear MM-ers! Here’s another khutbah for you from brother Nouman discussing the opening surah from the Qur’an. [audio:] Download file
Muslim jurists differed on this issue and have four opinions: The first opinion Jumu’ah salat is still obligatory and has to be performed on time, whether...
With the Brass Crescent Awards coming to a close (remember to submit your votes by tomorrow!), and the launch of the new Muslims Bloggers Directory, I...
Article from the Northern Star Muslim lecturer discusses importance of Quran and unique use of language By KATIE PETERS For Shaykh Yaser Birjas, the Quran features...
by Faraz Omar (Editor Saudi Gazette) “O, Prophet of Allah! The rich among us have taken away all the rewards,” complained the poor Companions. “They pray...
The backdrop of Surah Al-Mujadilah is a very interesting one. It tells us how once a Muslim wife directly approached the Prophet Muhammad [صَلَى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ...