A non-profit organization geared at helping the growing Latino Muslim community is fundraising for the foundation of a mosque in...
This Ramadan, MuslimMatters is pleased to host the Institute Of Knowledge‘s daily Ramadan series: Heart To Heart. Through this series,...
(Reuters) – A firm believer in women’s rights, the only thing Afghan lawmaker Shinkai Karokhail finds as appalling as being forced to wear a burqa is...
Ross Douthat, The New York Times, today: In a way, the muzzling of “South Park” is no more disquieting than any other example of Western institutions’ cowering before...
Advancing further the agenda he announced at the Egyptian capital Cairo a year ago, President Barack Obamaannounced a series of new partnerships and initiatives Monday evening...
President Obama said tonight that the U.S. will set up exchange programs with business people throughout the Muslim world as part of the overall outreach program...
This is one of my favorite videos, I played it once at a course I taught about Paradise and when it was over, many people in...
Note on Moderation: Strict moderation will be in place for this post, I will mod your comment if: 1) You defend or promote violence against civilians...
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Restrictions on women wearing the veil in public life are as much a violation of their rights as is forcing them to...
It’s Sunday already and what a week it has been for media-houses, rights activists and parties on both sides of the Burqa/face veil ban divide! Let’s...
This CNN report on the veiled threat made by an obscure, fringe American Muslim website against the creators of the “South Park” cartoon shows an extremist...
If anyone is planning to attend the trial and can provide us with updates, please contact us at info at muslimmatters dot org or leave a...