The concept of Palestinian return encompasses not only refugees displaced by conflict but also millions in the diaspora who have...
This Ramadan, Islam By Touch is hosting a livestream of Taraweeh prayers for blind or otherwise disabled Muslims who are...
LONDON (Reuters) – Alcohol is a more dangerous drug than both crack and heroin when the combined harms to the user and to others are assessed,...
The Aqeedah syllabus in some high schools where I have taught or studied is no different from that of the primary levels. Nothing interesting, new or...
Technology is a double edged sword: it can bring you closer to Allah or take you away from Allah, it can be used for haram or...
Zain Bhikha, world famous nasheed artist, gave a special shout out to the readers of MM after his performance at the Global, Peace & Unity conference...
Guest post by by Asma bint Shameem The noble Sahabi, Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman said, “People used to ask the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa sallam) about good...
Author’s Note Updated May, 27th, 2019: The following article has been reshared on social media recently and I’d like to point out this was written in...
Every Muslim in America should have encountered the recent slew of statements that have been made about Muslims and Islam over the past several weeks and...
ANKARA — Davutogluism is a mouthful. It’s not going to make Fox News any time soon. But if I could escort Sarah Palin, Tea Partiers and...
Reclaiming the Perceptions of Muslims: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Let’s look at how media outlets function, and why the...
Dear Juan, Sorry to hear you got fired by National Public Radio for saying on Fox that you get nervous when you see Muslims on a plane...