This Ramadan, MuslimMatters is pleased to host the Institute Of Knowledge‘s daily Ramadan series: Keys to the Divine Compass. Through this...
Summer vacation is here for many of you around the world. I hope you’re enjoying these long, summer days! With the tension of final exams and...
By: Wajahat Meenai Five women from five countries, all bound to the same fate as refugees, here in Malaysia. They face life one day at a...
In any society of Muslims there is always a whole range of people present within it. Here in the West one way you can categorize Muslims...
“For some, this period [of religious development] was characterized by increased insularity, intolerance, and estrangement, sometimes from family…At the time, this felt right…But a curious thing...
Follow Shaykh Waleed on Facebook: “Son, on the Day of Judgment, Allah will not ask you about Fir’awn, whether HE was believer or not, so...
Panorama goes undercover to investigate what is really happening in Britain’s Sharia Councils – Islamic religious courts. Some women reveal they have suffered domestic violence ignored...
1. It Gets Easier The beginning is always the hardest. You’ve found the truth, fulfillment, and a sense of peace you never imagined possible. A handful...
By: Maher Budeir We often hear the phrases, “When I was your age…”, or “The youth these days are different” or, “It is all because of...
I’m an American, born and raised in the US, but I’ve had close ties to Turkey since my childhood, studied the country as an undergraduate and...
By Yavus Selim Updated “What’s going on in Turkey?” is a common question on the lips of people as varied as Joseph Gordon-Levitt and some American...