“There are seven whom Allah will shade with His shade on the day when there will be no shade except...
Some people want to move past the indiscretions of community leaders quickly as though they never occurred while others wish to permanently blacklist them. This article...
Verse 50-53
A short story
Alhamdulillah last session, we were able to explore and discuss the meanings of verses 32-44. InshAllah, tonight we will be covering the meanings and lessons of...
Why Eliminating Hate Begins with Us
Alhamdulillah last session, we were able to discuss the meanings of verses 27-31. InshAllah tonight we’ll be exploring the meanings of verses 32-44. Just as a...
Alhamdulillah, last session, we were able to complete the story of the people of the cave as it’s mentioned in the Qur’ān. InshAllah, today we’ll discuss...