Eid hasn’t felt like Eid of late. I’ve worn my best clothes, put on my best fragrance, recited my takbīrāt,...
What do Indonesia, Greenland, Brazil, Siberia, Turkey, Bolivia, The Canary Islands, and The Congo, have in common? They are losing their forests due to wildfires, commonly...
Reflections on Ustadh Nabeel al-Azami
In this age group, infants were thought by Jean Piaget to develop skills and experience through sensations and movements; that is why he called it the...
He squirmed in his seat as his Middle East history professor–yet again–made a subtle jab about Islam, this time about the jizyah. This professor claimed to...
I don’t really care about grit. Persevering and persisting through difficulties to achieve a higher goal is awesome. High-five. We should all develop that. No one...
Spiritual abusers are con-artists, and if they were easy to spot then they would be far less successful. That is why you must exercise vigilance and...
American Muslims must go beyond simplistic and emotionally-charged approaches to the abortion question.
Lessons I learned Studying Theology (Aqidah) with a Local Islamic Scholar in Jordan
We express our deepest condolences to the families of those who have perished in the latest instances of mass slaughter in our public square, this time...
Every Muslim knows the Kaaba, but did you know the Kaaba has been reconstructed several times? The Kaaba that we see today is not exactly the...