Many of us can attest to the fact that the spirit of celebration during ‘Eid-ul-Adha is subpar, to say the least, when compared to the Muslims’...
The Days of Hajj Series: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 Shaykh Yaser Birjas will be running a...
Bismillah Cold weather, snow, hot chocolate, thick blankets, dry skin, short days and long nights are the things that come to my mind when I think...
Part I. Afghanistan For decades, the concept of female protectionism in Islam has garnered much attention from the Western media. As a symbol of the “clash...
A video by Fadel Soliman: [youtube=] Related on MM: Yasir Qadhi | The Lure of Radicalism and Extremism Amongst Muslim Youth A Message to Muslim Youth:...
Ah the joys of high-speed rail: efficient, comfortable, good for the environment and great for business. It’s easy to understand why Israelis who sit in three...
We’ve been dealing with the same threats for decades. But we used to be a lot calmer about it, less self-defeating. Here’s a scenario: Middle Eastern...
WASHINGTON: American Muslims in the US state of Virginia who were due to leave for Haj missed their flight to Saudi Arabia because customs officials seized...
While Americans were preoccupied with midterm elections, the besieged Christians of Iraq faced yet another threat to their survival — survival of the literal sort, not...