Eid Mubarak to all the kids out there! We hope everyone had a great Eid. All the kids who participated in the Ramadan competition did a...
Dear Readers, Eid Mubarak!!! Last year we announced a contest “The Best ‘Īd Instagram Photo 2012″ contest and due to some technical issues could not host...
Assalama alaykum Readers, Eid Mubarak! The deadline for voting for the 10th Brasscrescent awards is August 8th, tomorrow. Please do submit your nominations here. Polls open...
A few months ago, an Islamophobic website posted an audio-clip in my voice, in which, so they claimed, I justify attacking all Christians. Based on this,...
Summer vacation is here for many of you around the world. I hope you’re enjoying these long, summer days! With the tension of final exams and...
Recently, the Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament (MIST) held regional competitions throughout North America. MIST is “a fun, educational, interactive program of competitions and workshops geared towards bringing high...
Action Alert March 30, 2013 will mark 10 years that Dr. Aafia Siddiqui has been engulfed in an unending regime of brutal political imprisonment. As part...
By: Omar Hafeez-Bore So here we are, at the start of the article and the starting line of Charity Week 2012. Yes the Olympics may be...
Pamella Geller and her fellow Islamophobes made headlines a few weeks ago with their vitriolic anti-Muslim advertisements in NYC subway stations and else where. Their message...
Update 10/12/2012: Jazakumullahu khayran to everyone who had questions. Responses have been added to the end of this article! * * * When over 500,000 Iraqi...