We are kind of late on this one. But it is important that all Muslims, esp. in America, are aware about this excellent event ongoing in...
The Islamosphere is filled with excellent (and not so excellent) blogs by, and about, Muslims living in the West, trying to practice their Deen. Yet in...
This article in the latest issue of Maclean’s magazine highlights the alarmingly growing trend of racism, bigotry, and prejudice in Canada… or, if you’re to look...
As MuslimMatters grows, we always look for opportunities to add new blood to both our staff and specialists in order to sustain the variety of opinions...
*If you and your blog (if you have one) supports this call, then we’ll add you to the list of supporters at the bottom of this...
(Written in response to – can you guess? – an almost disastrous ‘Eid party) Yes, it’s that time of the year again… ‘Eid time! And for...
Whether you are celebrating Eid today, tomorrow or on Saturday, the staff and specialists of MuslimMatters wishes all our readers and friends a blessed Eid. Eid...
To become a member, go to www.cair.com and click on “Donate.” We urge all brothers and sisters to join and support CAIR. We believe that CAIR...
As many MuslimMatters readers know, I am in the midst of planning Light of Islam, a nonprofit bookstore set to open in April 2008 in Houston....
Keith Olbermann delivers a crushing blow to Horowitz. Apparently the ad used on a poster that is promoting this event of bigotry and religious intolerance displays...