Bismillah While taking AlMaghrib Institute’s Uloomul Qur’an class (Sciences of the Qur’an) this past January, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi went on one of his famous tangents and...
I feel a great big, cynically smug “I knew it all along” coming on. Honeymoon’s over, people – Barack Obama is proving himself to be just...
Bismillah I have always known Swat to beย popular and much-visited for its picturesque valleys and beautiful landscape.ย Many a Pakistani tourist has enjoyed frolicking on its...
Written by Nihal Khan Workshops, Basketball, Nasheeds, Skits, Lectures, Bazaar, and much more! This year’s ICNA-MAS Convention was great! The speakers were of course very motivational...
5/24/2009: Obama on Guantanamo Three Year Degrees? Ghazzah Getting Worse Don’t miss the CAIR Banquet if you are in the Bay Area (CA) with Professor Richard...
I’ve been invited to be a panelist at a Radical Middle Way event tonight. The subject up for discussion is Islam and the Internet… so at...
<img class="alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-1410" title="Open Thread" src="" viagra online alt=”Open Thread” width=”128″ height=”77″ />New Muslim Cool: A documentary about Muslim rappers has been released in San... may have the opportunity to interview the legendary George Galloway in short order: Respect MP for Bethnal Green & Bow, anti-war activist, and founder of...
It was my pleasure to write this article at the request of Shaykh Waleed Basyouni for distribution to students in his upcoming course, Fiqh of Love,...
Polygamy Just the Ticket for Speeding: As though brothers don’t need another excuse for why they should get a second wife, it seems that in England...