I used to exhibit a certain reactionary pattern that seemed to ariseย whenever I entered a Masjid or Muslim gathering.ย It was this pesky little habit of...
CANDID but demure, an online sex shop for Muslims has been launched in the Netherlands to tap into a demand for erotica that does not offend...
Recently, I started writing a blog post that I really felt strongly about. I just had to write down all the thoughts and feelings going haywire...
By Hina Khan-Mukhtar I still vividly remember the first night I spent by myself in the hospital after delivering my eldest son Shaan.ย The guests were...
It was my pleasure to write this article at the request of Shaykh Waleed Basyouni for distribution to students in his upcoming course, Fiqh of Love,...
The following article was written by Abu Shoaib Ashmead Choat, a very dear family friend of ours. He visited Houston a few years ago and gave...