A few months ago a trailer for a “documentary” called โKarachi Kids’ surfaced on YouTube. [youtube L1V3bB_BxQ4] The documentary was single-handedly made by Imran Raza –...
Facebook, MySpace, Reddit, Digg, StumbleUpon, RSS, Podcast, YouTube, BlogLines, Tecnhorati, del.icio.us…….. You’ve heard about all of them, or heard the names, or used them without knowing....
First see Part 1, Siraaj’s post, and this comment. What was Taught? Everything being written about IlmSummit and posted has more or less focused on the...
Alternative title (as suggested by Siraaj):ย “Here’s What I think of your shari’ah compliant loan sold to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae” Many people all over...
ร Yup, that’s right – this article is about the two most popular subjects on everyone’s minds right now… Ramadhaan AND marriage! Is that a gasp...
Was IlmSummit truly one of the most historic academic events in the history of the development of Islam in North America? What was all the hype...
All aboard! You’re a happeningly hip young practicing Muslim attending the local university. After staying for an unnecessarily long MSA Exec Board meeting on campus, you...
Bismillah Finally, I have the immense honour and pleasure to announce the launch of the long-awaited (well, long-ish, kinda awaited) website, that has recently got the...
Click to play …have you? {Watch the flash version of the video on YouTube, and the high definition version on blip.tv} Three days. Three videos. And...
Click to play …have you? Come back tomorrow to find out more. {Watch the flash version of the video on YouTube, and the high definition version...