Shaykh Yasir Qadhi’s recent lecture Rethinking Salafism: Shifting Trends and Changing Typologies Post Arab Spring at Georgetown University. The lecture starts at 3:40. This post will...
Lecture by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi |  Transcript by Hayley B. The following is the video and transcript of Shaykh Yasir Qadhi’s lecture “Salvific Exclusivity.” The transcript includes slight modifications...
Today’s scholars, are faced with a task, that scholars of previous times, did not have to reckon with; before the age of globalization, scholars would render...
A young brother sent me the following question a few days ago: A shia brother posted this status: Â Â Â Â The Holy Prophet said: Surely,...
by Shaykh Abu Laith Luqman Ahmad Cross-posted from The Lotus Tree Blog Islamic scholars occupy a special place in Muslim society. They are often considered to...
Translated by Ammar Alshukry From the Seerah The seerah of the Prophet gives us consolation in these turbulent times. The Prophet was an orphan, and so...
Question: Is marking out the 15th night of Sha‘ban (laylat al-nisf min sha‘ban) with extra prayers and devotion sanctioned by Islam, or is doing so judged to...
For the past four days I had been working on the following article, which I intended to post yesterday evening. However, I then heard about the...
Lecture by Ismail Kamdar | Transcribed by Zara T. [The following is the video and transcript of Ismail Kamdar’s lecture “Tolerance in Fiqh Issues” The transcript includes slight modifications for...