We received the following photos on the Press Conference. There was a story on the Associated Press of Pakistan, the full text being posted below the...
Please announce and cross-post this announcement (full text below the sleeve): There will be a press conference today, Monday 25th at 6:30PM, under the Grand Army...
The following a guest-entry by Br. Abu Sabaya, who attended Aafia Siddiqui’s hearing. Inshallah, he will provide more updates as the issues progress. Br. Abu Sabaya...
Sr. Aafia’s bail hearing has been postponed to September 3. Please make dua’ that she be released, and please keep her and her three children in...
A letter to Senator Obama from a guest writer, Muniba Hassan, a student of NYU. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can...
If [(Arab+Muslim+Trip to Pakistan+ …) / (age+ #of prayers/day+ …)] > X, THEN suspect ELSE patriot Ok, not exactly. But Mukasey, a strong supporter of the...
Christopher Hitchens, pseudointellectual atheist extraordinaire, as part of an article for this August’s Vanity Fair magazine, submitted himself for perhaps a somewhat unique experience – waterboarding....
Last week I was up in DC for some government-relations work, and was a bit shocked to receive a request from FOX News for an interview...
Interviewer: Mr. McCain, what is the gravest long-term threat facing our economy? McCain: Its Radical Islamic Extremism, Stupid Well this wasn’t the precise quote… but it...
This is a must watch, eye-opening, video from the Huffington Post. In the spring of 2008, a conference was held on the outskirts of Washington, DC....