Good news alhamdulilah, as reported on the usually reliable Dawn Newspaper. The burning question now is where are the two other children?? I reiterate what the...
It was hate, not religion, that motivated the horrible acts of September 11… Nothing could be more unAmerican than to respond to mindless hatred with blind...
Greetings from Moscow… where I am enjoying a week with my class-mates on an international trip… hope to write more on that one day inshallah. Although...
This is a must read article. It’s an interview with Dr. Afia Siddiqui’s sister, that was originally in Urdu and translated here. Excerpts of the article...
In something eerily reminiscent of what happened in Muslim Spain, the Chinese government is cracking down on Muslim practices. During this blessed month, they are banning...
We previously covered the story of Imam Qatanani in New Jersey here and here. Alhamduillah they have ruled in his favor. This is another piece of...
For those in the area, please be sure to attend Dr. Aafia’s court hearing tomorrow. See this link for more details. You can also send a...
Link to Full Coverage of Dr. Aafia’s Ordeal A message from Sr. Maryam of cageprisoners: PLEASE NOTE THAT THE TIME OF THE HEARING HAS CHANGED –...
Link to Full Coverage of Dr. Aafia’s Ordeal Sr. Sahira attended the Press Conference and provided the following notes & action-items. Photos and news report of...
With this article, please welcome Iesa Galloway to MM’s Staff as Public Relations Coordinator. Iesa is the Principle of Galloway Public Relations, LLC, and has been...