One thing I love about writing on outlets like MuslimMatters is the amount of legit criticism one can get. Since I put the post up I’ve...
Toronto Star: Order to take off niqaab pits law against religion A judge has ordered a Toronto woman to testify without her niqab at a sexual...
A gem from the archives of George Galloway’s radio show. It neatly sums up the injustices related to birth of the Israeli state. It also gives...
DIGG | REDDIT Interesting escalation in Islamophobia. A “biblical” group stood outside the Islamic Society of Tampa Bay to “denounce Islam”. More than 20 people used...
DIGG | REDDIT Turkey’s prime minister walked off the stage at the World Economic Forum red-faced Thursday after reproaching Israel’s president over the Gaza offensive by...
This is an amazing must-watch segment on 60-minutes. It is UNBELIEVABLE that it was shown on 60-minutes. After viewing it, PLEASE thank CBS and add a...
Despite the prevalence of anti-war rhetoric during his campaign, Obama apparently couldn’t wait a whole week before launching a missile attack in Pakistan. The Guardian UK...
Yes, we have to still maintain caution in our optimism, but it is also a good idea to sometimes put aside negativity and cynicism, and appreciate...
Students at Oxford University, one of the highest ranking, and most prestigious educational establishments in the world, have begun a sit-in protest, to highlight the brutality...
What if it was Mexicans in Tijuana lobbing rockets into San Diego? This is a must read op-ed from the Washington Times.