Finally, finally, it’s over. Mostly. Soon it should be safe enough for me to walk out of the house without dying of mortification, although as it...
Interesting video courtesy of Huffington Post.You can digg the Huffington story by clicking here. This provides evidence of how difficult it is to make intolerant remarks...
*This story is currently undergoing investigation for possible false filing of a police claim. The post was originally written based on credible sources, which is key...
One of the greatest mistakes of the Bush Administration in its national policies to quell radicalization has been its failure to recognize and separate true militants...
*Please see this official MM statement on this incident*ย Update 10/20/08 Mystery still shrouds as to what actually happened at the Dayton Mosque, when an unknown...
It was hate, not religion, that motivated the horrible acts of September 11… Nothing could be more unAmerican than to respond to mindless hatred with blind...
When I was growing up, and when my daughter was coming up through the public school system, I don’t remember parental consent being required for school...
On Sunday June 1st, I launched an event which you may by now have heard of: International “Wear Your Kaffiyeh with Pride” Day, to take place...
All the talk about Obama’s minister Wright and his big mouth. But hardly a squeak about McCain’s extremist endorsers and guides. After the endorsement from one...
| Intro | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3a | Part 3b |Part 4 | Part 5 | Cross-posted on Dailykos & StreetProphets We...