Shaykh Yaser Birjas delivered the first khutbah of IlmSummit 2008 to the group of students gathered in Houston from all over America, Canada, the UK, and...
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What do you make dua for the most? Do you look for the special times that dua is accepted only when in a time of difficulty?...
Khutbah by Siraj Wahaj delivered on July 18th at MCA in San Francisco.
Though it might be hard to match the success of the last caption contest (the unofficial winner chosen by me was the ‘second wife’ caption), we...
We all face the same issues in our communities with masjid administration issues. While trying to write my thoughts on the issue, I came across this...
After the Guide to Style and Rolled Up Couture, it might seem like I have an unhealthy obsession with reading about this online. This article though,...
Complete Randomness. Avoiding Unproductive Meetings Rockets Sign Brent Barry Brett Favre should stay retired (no article, just a thought) Better than Pakola (that website is overpriced...
Last Friday we posted a khutbah about the ‘Verse of Light’ – you can listen to it here. Below is an explanation of this ayah from...
‘Abdullah b. ‘Abbas reported: I and Khalid b. Walid went to the apartment of Maimuna along with Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him), and there...