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Is Facebook hurting my Faith?


I am going to talk about something that’s probably highly relevant to every single person reading this. That’s right… I’m talking about Facebook. The chances of you having an internet connection and not having a Facebook profile, are quite low, so I’ll make the assumption that you are a member of that site and move on from here. I’m sure there are lots of opinions on Facebook itself, whether it is or is not okay to be a member. However, again, the issue is not one of permissibility at the moment, but about what happens when you area member.


Of the many new things out there, Facebook is one that is affecting our lives in many different ways, both positive and negative. The great thing would be if we somehow prune the negatives and develop on the positives.

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Is there a need to develop the positives and prune the negatives?

Yes, definitely. But, why?

I admit Facebook has its plus-points, such as sending people quick messages, exchanging photos, interacting with distant relatives, reaching out to a wide audience, etc. However, I’ve noticed I often end up spending more time on the website than is necessary or advisable. Wastage of time (Farmville, anyone?) is such a serious issue that I should be talking solely about this. Yet, there is another thing we do not realize, which is equally (if not more) important, and that is the issue of the content we are exposed to and what effect it has one our Iman.

Every day, our Facebook news feeds bring us information from our contacts. Status updates of all kinds, photos, shared movie clips, cartoons, music videos, news articles, game scores, applications, birthdays, anniversaries, likes and dislikes. Consciously or unconsciously, we’re taking in information from multiple sources, unedited and uncensored. Sometimes, we do not even realize what we’re seeing or reading, such is the level of exposure to it.

Depending on the kind of contacts one has, the newsfeed can be full of predominantly good and useful content or otherwise have more of the indecent, obscene, harmful or useless content. Even when the content is midway between those two types, what suffers most is the Iman. Yes, that precious treasure that we have, that makes all the difference in life. The difference between success and failure. Joy and sorrow. It’s Iman in the heart that guides the actions of our limbs and the words that issue from our tongues. And one of the ways in which Iman wanes is being exposed to ugly and indecent content, no matter how strong we may assume ourselves to be.

Recently, I began to notice just how, over time, my newsfeed was becoming increasingly polluted with obscenity and other content that I disliked. I’d tell myself that it’s okay if I just skim over it and seek out the useful news but I actually ended up knowing more about who my cousin’s cousin’s favorite “pop idol” was than what Sheikh Yaser Birjas or Sheikh Muhammad Al Shareef had to convey that day. Then, there were long, pointless conversations with people that had no direction, no purpose and only lead to increasing sins of the tongue! In the case of indecent content, I’d try to quickly block it out before catching a glimpse but by the time it was gone from the page, too much had been seen already. The next natural step? Desensitization to filth and sinful content, such that it didn’t repulse me any longer like it used to or should have!

It got to a point where the very idea of turning on Facebook was bothering me within, and yet, I did not want to leave the website because of the beneficial ways in which it could be used. One day, therefore, I decided to give my newsfeed the haircut it badly needed! Trim this, block that, unlike this, delete that… every time I came across things that I knew were harming my Imaan inside, I removed them. I’d always been concerned about missing out on vital news from some of my contacts, what my old friends were talking about, funny video clips a certain cousin shared… but the flip-side was more damaging so the decision was made.

The effect was almost instantaneous. It felt like having de-cluttered several old storage rooms and thrown out stuff I’d never used or got any benefit from. I felt light inside and my attitude towards Facebook also changed. No longer did I have to skim over content, or grimace upon having just discovered a new swear word. Instead, I eagerly and happily read what new there was. Alhumdulillah. And best of all, I didn’t miss out on anything because it made me realize what interaction really means and not just superficial exchanges and random, pointless conversations with people. Now that all the meaningless chatter (read: noise) was swept away, there was room for meaningful discourse.

Our Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said, ‘The example of a good pious companion and an evil one is that of a person carrying musk and another blowing a pair of bellows. The one who is carrying musk will either give you some perfume as a present, or you will buy some from him, or you will get a good smell from him, but the one who is blowing a pair of bellows will either burn your clothes or you will get a bad smell from him’. (Bukhari)

Several weeks on, I am now absolutely certain about the changes I’ve made. What we learn in Islam about the importance of keeping good, righteous company, is so true. Our surroundings influence our thoughts, moods and thus our actions. By trying to make sure that influence is pure and good, as much as possible, we can be happier and more optimistic people. The world in which we are living today sees no shortage of trials and things which seriously damage the strongest of Imaan. Can we afford to go on with unhealthy habits then, exposing our fledgling Imaan to such harm?

What do you think? Have you been making efforts to make your internet browsing experience better? Share away, so that we may all learn ways of improving ourselves, for the Pleasure of Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He).

“O People who Believe! Fear Allah, and speak rightly.He will rectify your deeds for you and forgive you your sins; and whoever obeys Allah and His Noble Messenger, has indeed achieved a great success.” (33:70-71)

Suggested reading: Sadaf Farooqi’s personal views on Facebook

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The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. Set it and collect blessings from Allah (swt) for the khayr you're supporting without thinking about it.

Ameera is a final-year medical student and blogger based in Karachi, Pakistan. Having been born and raised in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, her approach towards her Deen has always been rooted in a basic understanding from authentic sources, which was further polished during a three-year weekend course at Al Huda Institute. Her interests, though, seem to know no bounds and range from a passion for the culinary arts and travelling, as well as following current affairs and global happenings. She feels being able to be part of MuslimMatters is one of the major blessings of Allah(swt) upon her, for it has given her a chance to learn and grow. She also maintains her personal blog at



  1. sisterfiddeen

    December 5, 2010 at 1:17 AM

    Loved this, Ameera! I can definitely relate Alhamdulillah.

  2. Usman

    December 5, 2010 at 1:29 AM

    Alhumdulilah is a better alternative to Facebook, with most of the same features and even some extra (Blogs, wall posts, events, groups, etc.) is a networking site for Muslims to come together, talk about Islamic topics and focus on striving to do more good deeds. Alhumdulilah the site is less than a month old and there are over 130 members who have contributed valuable content and initiated good discussions.

    As Ameera said, it is important in Islam to keep good company. Inshallah at youcan interact with good company, without having to worry about blocking out un-Islamic content.

    • Linda (II)

      December 5, 2010 at 2:53 AM

      ^^ Free Advertisement? lol

    • Ameera Khan

      December 5, 2010 at 4:01 AM

      JazaakAllah khayr brother, for sharing the website. Many people have been coming up with alternatives to Facebook that they say are better in several ways. I think, at at the end of the day, it’s still about regulating what content comes my way. For example, someone may post up a decent video or an Islamic lecture, which is good. Or, someone may put up a link to something censurable. If I can filter out, as much as I can, on any social networking site, that’s the best thing to do.

      Sadly, many times, we just let it be, trying to dodge what isn’t good but it still hurts the Imaan, and that’s what we must try to fix, Insha’Allah.

  3. Amad

    December 5, 2010 at 2:57 AM

    This was worth a post, not an open thread… :)

    • Ameera

      December 5, 2010 at 3:54 AM

      Somehow, I knew you would tell me that, Br Amad and I agree. It’s a topic that everyone can relate to and there’s much more to it, that I’ll cover in a follow up post (not an OT :)) Insha’Allah. For now, the OT is getting some attention too, Alhumdulillah. :)

  4. Ali

    December 5, 2010 at 4:25 AM


    Very well written :)

  5. *Umar*

    December 5, 2010 at 5:31 AM

    I have 80% non Muslims on my fb. You are right – On a daily basis haram after haram is pumped through the site; an endless merciless chain of obscenity.

    I’ve convinced myself the only reason I’m on the site is so people can contact me.

    You mentioned in the post that you can block certain content. True this may be but what do you do when haram adverts pop up on the right side bar?

    • Riyad

      December 5, 2010 at 7:54 AM

      click on the ‘x’ on the top right corner of the ad. mark it as offensive.

    • Ameera Khan

      December 5, 2010 at 8:22 AM

      Exactly, like Br Riyad mentions, that’s what I try to do when the advertisement is very offensive. Over time, Facebook does modify the ads shown based on choices you make and even the content you have on the website… another reason to keep it clean. :)

      • iMuslim

        December 5, 2010 at 10:07 AM

        You can install the Ad Blocker plug-in for Firefox. I love it. Have been using it for quite a while now.

        • JannahHaller

          December 13, 2010 at 10:40 PM

          I agree, I’ve been using ad block for so long that I actually forgot there were even ads on sites! Imagine that!

  6. tabman

    December 5, 2010 at 5:36 AM

    I deleted all my data on facebook and quit it almost an year back and life has been much more peaceful and content since then. I had realized it is a waste of time, even if I spend at least half an hour all together on facebook everyday I could replace that with reading quran. I always encourage people around me to let it go, its not an evil thing but its an addiction or at least it started to be for me.

    • Mustafa

      December 5, 2010 at 9:38 AM

      Thats great you could do that. Do you use YouTube?

  7. Mustafa

    December 5, 2010 at 5:57 AM

    Asalaam Alaikum

    JazakAllahu khair for speaking on this important topic that is affecting our lives. I have also trimmed down my facebook account not very long ago. It’s down from a full facebook user to a “bare necessety” account. I’ve also deleted all females from my account, even cousins since many of them were uploading their pictures and many were inappropriate. Instead of deleting some females, I deleted all to be fair.

    So other then content, there is the issue of freemixing where males and females (non-mahram) socialize on a friendly level. Is this good for imam and the muslim community?

    Other than facebook, there are many other staple sites which are troubling for our iman. YouTube will have tons of indecent material which will appear in the related videos tab. There is google images and many others.

    I think there is a need for “ethical” alternatives. Anyone agree? Is there any good alternatives already?

    For example. Say your local masjid has a website. Would the be willing to connect to a facebook and YouTube page from their official site? I haven’t seen any that does. There is a reason why they have chosen not to.


    • Ameera Khan

      December 5, 2010 at 8:46 AM

      . I’ve also deleted all females from my account, even cousins since many of them were uploading their pictures and many were inappropriate. Instead of deleting some females, I deleted all to be fair.

      So other then content, there is the issue of freemixing where males and females (non-mahram) socialize on a friendly level. Is this good for imam and the muslim community?

      JazaakAllah khayr for sharing your story, Brother. Some people do go all the way and take these measures and may Allah guide them and us in it and help us. Ameen. Also refer to my separate comment below for more on this.

  8. Faatimah

    December 5, 2010 at 6:27 AM

    Assalamu’alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahee Wa Barakaatuhu

    Masha Allaah TabaarakAllaah. That was indeed a very objective analysis Sister Ameerah.

    May Allaah Help us to use Facebook for constructive purposes rather than making it a FitnahBook/ FaahishaBook/ FasadBook. We should use it for appropriate purposes and having the right people on our contact list Insha Allaah.

    Jazaakillaah Khayran for the reminder.


  9. Sabour Al-Kandari

    December 5, 2010 at 7:08 AM

    Ah, this is a tough one.

    I tried the complete facebook deletion method for about all of last year. My mind was clearer and my time was spent so much better – but I was isolated more from the Muslims at school.

    With facebook I find I actually know the names of all the brothers I say salaam to on a regular basis, stuff going on on campus, and more access to interesting posts/articles – but the downfalls are the ones you’ve listed (exposure to garbage and time-wasting).

    I honestly don’t know what the best solution is, but if someone is on facebook, the best advice I can give is to be very very trigger-happy in banning people from the news feed. Go nuts, really. If you see the slightest slip give ‘em the axe and list every advertisement with the slightest bit of inappropriate content as offensive.

    Don’t worry, it’s not like moderating a MM thread. Nobody’s going to spam you with “why was my 10,000th comment about the same thing deleted!?!? – fear Allah MM with the zulm you are committing [insert long fatwa]”

    • Ameera Khan

      December 5, 2010 at 8:51 AM

      JazaakAllah for your comment and I like it especially because you’re describing the real issues that you come across when contemplating turning off Facebook. This just shows how tricky it is to try and tread upon the right way… it takes time and tweaking to get things right and may Allah help us all in it! Ameen. That’s why I agree there’s no “one size fits all” solution. There’s tremendous positive potential in Facebook and other such sites like Twitter, etc.

      As to the advice to be “trigger happy” – yes, that’s one option and what I did too… and yes, no one comes after you demanding an explanation either. Ahumdulillah! :) It may seem odd at first but the end-result is worth it.

  10. Slave of the Most Loving One

    December 5, 2010 at 7:24 AM

    Salamulaikum Wr Wb

    JazakAllah Khair Sister Ameera! :)

  11. Riyad

    December 5, 2010 at 7:29 AM

    Gr8 article.
    I am surprised it didn’t explicitly mention the intergendered mixing that goes on in Facebook.
    While I don’t actively ‘befriend’ a female on facebook, if they extend a ‘friend’ request (say from work) I accept them but block them from my newsfeeds. Further still, I hide my facebook status updates from all females bar relatives. Hence there is no unnecessary gender interactions.
    To do this: click on the padlock below the status update field, select custom and hide each female ‘friend’

    • Ameera Khan

      December 5, 2010 at 8:55 AM

      JazaakAllah khayr for sharing your advice. :) These suggestions will provide options to other people who’re trying to make positive changes, Insha’Allah. Perhaps after this post has generated a lot of discussion, a follow up post will summarize the various options available, Insha’Allah. :)

  12. Shoaib Adam

    December 5, 2010 at 7:51 AM

    To be honest facebook is another medium and if you use it right it can be very beneficial for u. I use to get in contact with friends and families. I also use it for dawah purposes and exposing hidden agenda on so called war against terrorism more like Islam in my opinion. It helps me educate Muslims and non Muslims alike.

    However if I was chatting a female or maybe showing off my new item then yeah it can be used as wrong.

    You can also use it to advertise your business and network your clients.

    • Ameera Khan

      December 5, 2010 at 8:57 AM

      JazaakAllah khayr for highlighting the positives in Facebook. :) Tweaking and pruning will help us make the best use of it, Insha’Allah.

  13. broahmed

    December 5, 2010 at 7:59 AM

    You can solve the indecent ads altogether (on facebook and other sites) by using a browser plugin like AdBlock. Another plus is if you come across pictures that are less than savory, you can block those individually too. Using facebook on a computer without ad-blocking is a cringe-worthy experience.

    I’d have to agree with brother Sabour’s analysis. Yes, facebook can be a time-waster, but it shines in keeping people connected, especially amongst the youth. Without a profile, I too found myself feeling disconnected from my Muslim friends. Event invitations, religious questions (“Are we fasting tomorrow?”), rallies for Muslim causes, etc., the youth post them all to facebook. Like most tools, facebook can be used for good and for bad. There’s plenty of indecency in even the news websites these days, but that doesn’t mean I give up reading them altogether. So correct what you can, ignore what you can’t, and use it with good intentions.

    A couple of practical tips to improve your facebook experience:
    1) Place a limit on when and how many times a day you check your facebook. Personally, I relegate facebook towards the evening when I’ve finished studying. If you have facebook for mobile and find this to be distracting, turn off push so you no longer receive instant updates and check your profile on your own time.
    2) If you’ve got people of the opposite gender in your friends list (I think this applies to most people) then charge yourself to be the best in conduct. Bros, quit browsing through her pictures unnecessarily, even if she does have them up for everyone to see. Limit your communication to what’s needed and/or for a good purpose (e.g. answering that “When are we fasting?” question). I know a sister who has a pretty sweet setup going on: she blocks all men from posting to her wall while the females are free to do as they please, and I imagine it isn’t too much more work to regulate who can browse your photos and who can’t.

    By the way, you should censor the names or at least the last names in the “news feed” picture in the article. It’s generally good practice so that strangers don’t find and harass them via facebook.

    • Ameera Khan

      December 5, 2010 at 9:46 AM

      Bros, quit browsing through her pictures unnecessarily, even if she does have them up for everyone to see. Limit your communication to what’s needed and/or for a good purpose (e.g. answering that “When are we fasting?” question). I know a sister who has a pretty sweet setup going on: she blocks all men from posting to her wall while the females are free to do as they please, and I imagine it isn’t too much more work to regulate who can browse your photos and who can’t.

      Very useful comment, JazaakAllah khayr Br Ahmed. Highlighting the good that can come from a limited, Deen-oriented gender interaction (on a public forum, not in private), is also important.

      I also agree with you on limiting the number of times you log in… that helps avoid unnecessary and purposeless usage of the website.

  14. Ahmed

    December 5, 2010 at 8:12 AM

    Excellent article Sr. Ameera and yes, very relevant of course. Personally, I quit Facebook about 4 years ago, even though my cousins joined after me, but I still didn’t find it that helpful at the time and yes, many distractions and I was addicted. We have enough challenges with the internet and unhealthy material, that I don’t need another source, but that is just me. I recently joined Twitter (yup, I follow you of course; @americanbrother) and it’s been great so far, all good content from Imam’s that I’m following, or news sources that I am interested in. Yes, I lose tough with many friends, etc, but they never wrote on my wall anyways and the people who did, are willing to keep in touch with me via e-mail and other media, so it’s all good in that regard.

    Br. Ahmed

    • Ameera Khan

      December 5, 2010 at 9:50 AM

      JazaakAllah khayr! Good point! Twitter really is a workable alternative because there are fewer visuals and it’s pretty straightforward. It’s a really good option *if used wisely* and steering clear of contacts/people who post unhealthy information or engage in meaningless conversations.

  15. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

    December 5, 2010 at 8:32 AM

    What i have a problem with is that second of obscenety you catch before hitting the delete button.
    Wallahi i get so frustrated with the amout of obsenety around.I used to have bing or yahoo as my homepage but i just didnt like the undergarment or weight loss adverts with awrah showing,and i am female. What would brothers feel?
    You cant watch a nice show without an adult scene(why are they called adult, they arent suitable for anyone!
    I wish i could give up tv and the web but it has become so interwoven into our lives.
    The world is just messed up, may Allah forgive us and guide us.

    • Ameera Khan

      December 5, 2010 at 9:54 AM

      Exactly, sister! I think the safest things to watch these days, are certain animated movies. :S It’s very hard… but then, the way the trials are increasing, it does seem like staying on the Right Path is a challenge – just the way the Prophet(sal-Allahu alayhi wasallam) forewarned us about!

  16. Husna

    December 5, 2010 at 8:33 AM

    Assalamualaikum sister,

    Answering to your question above and based on my experience, yes, it is hurting my Imaan. I had just permanently deleted my Facebook account, no more stalking, no more gossiping, no more proposely looking on bad pictures of others and the list goes on. I feel more calm as I don’t have to open my FB and wasting my 2-3 hours just to see other people’s update. In my opinion, it gives more bad than good. But, doesn’t mean FB have no good at all. It can be the other way round if people can use the FB in a proper way and wisely.

    Just my 2 cents.

    • Ameera Khan

      December 5, 2010 at 9:57 AM

      Very valid “2 cents”! :) Jazaakillah khayr.

      You’ve deleted your account and you feel calm – Masha’Allah… that’s the kind of feeling I had when I made major changes. :) Experience teaches us the best ways of moving forward. And we ask Allah for guidance in this, Ameen.

  17. Ameera Khan

    December 5, 2010 at 8:42 AM

    You’ve all raised several points and, to be honest, these are all perfectly valid points. We may have the solutions to some (such as limiting freemixing by removing some contacts) but for others (using Youtube), options are still limited. One of the brothers here mentions ad-blocking, which is a good idea… although I’m not well-versed in how to do that. Suggestions are welcome! :)

    I limited the discussion to Facebook because it’s one website where we already feel we’re in control of the kind of content we receive: that is, we’ve added “friends” or “relatives”. But, as is obvious in the many comments here, there is still a problem.

    Free-mixing between the genders

    How you see this issue can vary from person to person and we can have a whole separate post on that so I didn’t specifically mention it here. One of the brothers mentions the benefits of interaction (answering questions like, “Who’s fasting tomorrow?”) etc. and a strong case can be made highlighting the positive sides. Then, again, none of us is free of human weaknesses and the wrong kind of interaction (too casual, joking, flirting) can and does happen.

    Very briefly here, I can suggest, like other people here suggest, to limit contacts if possible. If you want to keep them on, do so but with the “limited” profile, lots of privacy settings, etc. If you’re willing to and okay with keeping your contacts limited to your own gender, Alhumdulillah and all the best with it! You’re also welcome to share your experience with that here, so some others amongst us who’re contemplating that, may be inspired, Insha’Allah.

  18. Faizan Saleem

    December 5, 2010 at 8:58 AM

    Nice Topic!!

    I will revised all my settings today InshaALLAH!! It is indeed true that i waste my time on face book by reading useless news feed which are not required and i end up wasting hours on face book.

    But on the positive side i really thankful to the Islamic Pages on face book for changing my life 360 degree.

    Thanks Author for Sharing!!!

    • Mustafa

      December 5, 2010 at 9:42 AM

      Which Islamic pages have benefited you? I would also like to benefit from them.

    • Kalb

      December 5, 2010 at 9:35 PM

      you mean 360 degrees as in full circle? or 180?

  19. Hyatt

    December 5, 2010 at 9:07 AM

    Great article. I just wanted to point out that Muslim kids as young as 8 are on Facebook and they see these obscenities. I agree it is a big time waster and there are a lot more negatives to Facebook then positives. May Allah (SWT) guide us.

    • Mustafa

      December 5, 2010 at 9:32 AM

      So does the positives out way the negatives?

      Isn’t there a verse in the Quran about positives in wine?

    • Ayesha

      December 5, 2010 at 11:23 AM wanna know something more disturbing…I know of a couple who created a Facebook a/c for their new born!!!…pathetic!!

  20. Alterego

    December 5, 2010 at 9:51 AM

    Good points.

    A question: We mention the influence non-Muslims have on us through their feeds on Facebook. How can we in turn influence them through our conduct, and through our feeds on their Facebook? When they subscribe to our pages, and when they add us as friends and when they read about Islam, we are engaging a very captive audience in dawah – whether it’s a positive result or not. As mentioned in the very-well written article: it’s important to use any channel of communication effectively, in a halal manner. Personally see and use Facebook as an effective channel of education for Muslims, and of awareness and consideration for non-Muslims.

    Facebook profile: Alterego Mssg

    Assalaamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu

    • Ameera Khan

      December 5, 2010 at 10:02 AM

      Walaikumussalam wa rehmatullahi wa barakatohu.

      Yes, you’ve pointed out something that was on my mind too. One of the reasons I do accept certain friend requests from Non-Muslims I remotely know or men, etc. is that it’ll be a means of Da’wah. By blocking their content on the newsfeed, I do not have to engage in discussions with them on statuses, clips, etc. but they can still see my content (Insha’Allah) and I try to make sure whatever I am posting, is worth reading and not just mundane updates about my day (usually).

      • Alterego

        December 5, 2010 at 2:20 PM

        :) well said sis – keep up the good work, for it is worth more – beyond the realm of what we judge/assess it to be.

  21. Sadaf Farooqi

    December 5, 2010 at 9:52 AM

    Excellent post!
    Facebook should be used with discretion.
    If you are careful about who you add, or do NOT add, to your Friends list, you can control the kind of content and updates you see on your homepage when you sign in.
    Privacy settings can also be effectively used by sorting friends into separate lists. You can choose what to share on which list. That way, it becomes a great da’wah tool.
    As far as non-mahrums are concerned, I follow the nip-in-the-bud strategy and do not add any people of the opposite gender on my list. That way, I can have more frank discussions on Facebook with my contacts.
    Allah knows best. May He guide us to what pleases Him. Ameen.

    • Ameera Khan

      December 5, 2010 at 10:08 AM

      Jazaakillah Sadaf baji! You have an excellent post on this topic and I should have linked to it in the article too. I’ll do that now, Insha’Allah.

      I’ve often contemplated clean-sweeping all males from my contacts but still haven’t got round to doing it for several reasons. I still hope and pray that I do the best thing that can be done, Insha’Allah. But before I can do that, I took this step of clearing out the newsfeed as much as I could and Alhumdulillah, it’s pretty much working for me so far. :) I’ve also made a conscious effort to keep out of conversations, eg. with male cousins, where casual talk can happen.

      For the record, your girls-only profile is really a very wonderful thing and that’s how I end up participating in discussions on your posts so easily. :) Jazaakillah for inspiring us all!

  22. Hamdard

    December 5, 2010 at 1:40 PM

    Assalam alaikum

    Subhan Allah, not to boast about myself, Istighfirullah..I’ve been on the internet since 1998 since my first yahoo mail account was created and it is still active Alhamdulillah. Since its (Facebook’s) inception, i’ve felt something uncomfortable when i saw Facebook, and hence i have never created and used my account AT ALL.

    And when they posted that page about my Nabi SAWS, i decided for good that insha Allah, i will never go on their site and create and use an account..

    Believe me, my personal opinion is that it is not a safe site to be on. Believe me. Watch this video too for more info.

    For our brothers and sisters who feel safe on facebook, I just want to copy paste what the other brother said on that post i.e.
    “Even when doing Da’wa on Facebook and spreading the Deen, I found myself spending too much time on it, even if I was doing good. Muslims: We have priorities! Allah, family, school, work, etc. We need powerful, strong Muslims with strong families if we want success now for the Ummah and success later in the Hereafter. Da’wa is wonderful, but only when it’s controlled and when you’ve finished all of your priorities. May Allah bless this wonderful Ummah.”

    Jazak Allah Khair.

    And Allah Knows Best.

    • Ayesha

      December 5, 2010 at 3:31 PM

      Totally agree.Very true

      FaceBook reminds me of what Allah (azzawajal) said of “Alcohol”…. فِيهِمَا إِثْمٌ كَبِيرٌ وَمَنَافِعُ لِلنَّاسِ وَإِثْمُهُمَا أَكْبَرُ مِنْ نَفْعِهِمَا
      “In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit.”

      How much time people(especially the youth) are wasting in facebook, getting too involved in it, spending hours in the name of daawah or maybe seeking knowledge….and if you were to ask them what productive work they did??…they’d probably quote an ayah or hadith that someone posted in their wall..!!

      The amount of hours one wastes in facebook, can easily help him memorize Quraan, ahaadith and gain useful knowledge..if Allah wills.

      What will we tell Allah (azzawajal) in the day of judgment, when he asks us of our youth and our time, and how we spent it??…

      Apart from the major time factor, how many of us have non-mahram free accounts???…yes there maybe…but, 1 in 100..

      I believe, to have an account in FB , one needs to have a super high degree of taqwa…and so I prefer taking the safer side of not having one….facebook is not my ONLY resort to get in touch with people,do daawah or boost up my Iman…

      I pray that Allah protects all the muslimeen from the fitnah of facebook!!

      Allahumma inna naaodhubika min mudhillatil fitan
      ma zahara minha wa ba batan

      Oh Allah protect us from the ftnah, that which is apparent and hidden

    • Ameera Khan

      December 8, 2010 at 1:07 AM

      JazaakAllah khayr for sharing your point of view! I appreciate it. Yes, indeed, we have priorities and if Facebook is bringing in more harm than good, there’s a real need to re-evaluate or leave it, depending on the person involved. For those with high levels of Taqwa who’re doing good work on there for short periods of time, that’s good for them, Insha’Allah. May Allah guide us all, Ameen!

  23. Tahmid

    December 5, 2010 at 2:56 PM

    Facebook can be good and bad but for the vast majority of users including me the bad far outweigh the good, that’s why I try to not use it much

  24. Maria

    December 5, 2010 at 3:51 PM

    Alhumdulillah most of the things in my news feed are Qur’an and Hadith from various pages, except for some status messages from my friends. Only about 3 of my friends are non-muslims but they respect Islam and don’t post bad things. If, at odd occasions there is something I immediately remove it.

    • Ameera Khan

      December 6, 2010 at 4:30 AM

      That’s an example of Facebook being used in the right way and Masha’Allah, it gives you the confidence to openly support your stance on keeping an account. :) Kudos to you. :)

  25. Sakeena

    December 5, 2010 at 5:46 PM

    Facebook can have great benefits related to networking and sharing information for good ends. I closed my account, however, because it was hurting my intentions and taqwa. I found it was not healthy to know so much about what was going on in other people’s lives and I became more concerned with it than I should have been. It also made my social ‘status’ more apparent, providing more opportunity to care about what others think instead of focusing on what Allah thinks.

    • Ameera Khan

      December 8, 2010 at 1:03 AM

      SubhanAllah… you’ve provided much food for thought. You’ve discovered Fb is more damaging to your Iman and you get involved in peoples’ lives unnecessarily. Jazaakillah for enlightening us!

  26. Safia Farole

    December 5, 2010 at 7:01 PM

    Great post Ameera. I came late on the facebook scene, so I’ve only had a fb page for about a year now. The one thing I notice helps is being selective about who you choose to “friend”. I usually don’t befriend anyone I don’t know personally (or who is not a a public figure – such as shuyook) – this helps to avoid those who use nasty language (thus most of my fb friends don’t use this language).

    Social media is so powerful, and it can bring us close together, but the pitfalls you’ve mentioned are ones that Muslims need to keep in mind.

    • Ameera Khan

      December 8, 2010 at 1:05 AM

      Jazaakillah khayr, Sr Safia! :) Being selective in befriending people is the first step in keeping the Facebook experience healthy for the Imaan… you’re very right. A timely reminder, Jazaakillah khayr!

  27. africana

    December 5, 2010 at 8:08 PM

    Assalamu Alaikum,

    I feel that social media has the potential to destroy friendships. For example, let’s suppose you decide to add as a friend one of your neighbours (or anyone you maintain a distant, though cordial, relationship with).

    By adding them as a friend you might start to see a side to their character which is unpleasant and which causes you to either detest them or delete them. Either scenario makes the maintenance of even a distant relationship with them, in real life, extrememly difficult and arkward.

  28. Uthman

    December 5, 2010 at 8:23 PM

    Assalam o alaykum, I quit facebook a few months ago. And I can honestly say I am very happy and contented that I did that.

    The reason I quit,
    1. It was not beneficial to me.
    2. I was exposed to things that I would rather not expose myself to
    3. The harms outweigh the benefits

    So Alhamdulillah Allah guided me to leave it.

  29. ummMaryam

    December 5, 2010 at 8:30 PM

    salamu ‘alaikum,

    i don’t use facebook. no time in life. have 3 kids and busy teaching them quran and islamic manners etc. that’s my da’wa for now…da’wa to myself and my family inshallah.

    even cartoons supposedly for kids are full of junk and violence…like Garfield and Odie and their rude bullying ways.

    i suggest Kai-lan…for kids AND adults :) if anyone knows of any cartoons in the Arabic language or Kailan style teaching manners please post…you tube or website or tvchannels.

    jazakum Allah khair

  30. Kalb

    December 5, 2010 at 9:37 PM

    I like the name to be changed to the Fitnabook!

  31. Bint A

    December 5, 2010 at 10:05 PM

    Another awesome personal account regarding Facebook:

  32. abu abdAllah Tariq Ahmed

    December 6, 2010 at 12:18 AM

    “is Facebook hurting my Imaan?”
    No, the person hurts his own Imaan by how he spends his time,
    by where he brings his eyes that his gaze may be used by shaytan to pierce his heart,
    by where he brings his ears that his ears may hear what he knows displeases Allah,
    by all the multitude of things that he may do when he could be earning good deeds through simple acts of kindness or ambitious projects of sadaqah and ilm…

    …by every word he posts that may not be written as a good deed for him…

    No wonder my wife advises me to spend less time here at MM. ;) She is a good woman, alhamdolillah.

    May Allah put barakat in what you and I do, and may He grant us good deeds in excess of what our niyaat seek.

    • Mustafa Stefan Dill

      December 6, 2010 at 10:24 AM

      Ameen! brothers and sisters, you can be stronger than any temptation thats on FB.

      I side with alterego’s point as well, and think if we overlimit our FB reach, pruen it down too much, we are feeding our tendency of seclusion and isolation that prevents non-Muslims from getting to know some other kind of Muslim other than what makes the news. We need to be communicating and connecting more with non-Muslims, not walling ourselves off .

      I’m not saying you have to friend everybody out there, but don’t be afraid to connect, expand your circle a bit. Part of how we will change how we’re perceived is through one heart a time, one connection at a time.

      just my 2 cents, and Allah knows best.

      • Sammy

        December 9, 2010 at 9:23 AM

        I like your viewpoint but the fact of the matter is that in these times you CANNOT seclude yourself in this age of technology and over-connected lives (meaning there are so many other ways to connect and make impact lives). FB, I feel, has given birth to more hypocrisy and verbosity than ever! Not to mention the intensity with which most of us are found “stalking” around.

        I have yet to find the guts to remove my account from it but really, I have little use there now. :(

  33. Zuleyka

    December 6, 2010 at 1:56 AM

    Facebook.. hmm.. for me it depends on individual. yeah.. me myself have got one.. and it is fairly active. At least it help me keep in touch with my old friends and relatives. I even got to know this group (MuslimMatters) from facebook :D

  34. Outstanding Muslimah

    December 6, 2010 at 2:53 AM

    Facebook is a double edged sword, its up to you how you use it. We can’t just give one verdict on Facebook.

    Just imagine if everyone especially those capable of doing dawah were to leave Facebook because it was time wasting , what would happen to those people left on Facebook? Wouldn’t it be better for their news feeds to be filled with beneficial content rather than nothing?

    I am on Facebook and these are some of the things I do to minimize as much as fitnah as I can:

    – Put the opposite gender on a limited setting. End of story, no buts, no whys, if we must add them then this is where they belong. This helps prevent intermingling.

    – If we are going to write up certain statuses that provoke (useless) conversations then do yourself a favour and block the opposite gender from seeing that specific status lest it causes them to participate in that discussion and require you to reply back as well. Do the same for any personal pics.

    – Clean up your newsfeed so that when you visit Facebook, you only benefit from it. If you do not have any friends who actively do dawah on their Facebook then sign up to some good fan pages.

    – If you must keep up to date with what some of your friends are up to then sign up to something like . This allows you to get a weekly summary of your friends news – this helps when you want to know when someone gets engaged, married, gives birth etc. So you really don’t miss out on anything.

    – Do you find yourself wasting a lot of time on Facebook? I install a few applications on my internet browser to help me out, in fact I have wrote an article about this on my blog. This method has helped me most of the time, alhamdulilah. ( see -> )

    I hope that helps!

    • Ameera Khan

      December 8, 2010 at 1:00 AM

      Jazaakillah khayr! Your comment was very, very helpful. That is what I am currently trying to do as well, Insha’Allah. Keeping the opposite gender on Limited Profile is a really good step, if you can’t remove them altogether. It’s all about shielding yourself from the wrong, while continuing to be involved in good. It’s just like what we do in real life when we ladies try to restrict ourselves to ladies-only circles and maintain bare-minimum contact with the opposite gender or on a as-needed basis, without going all casual with them.. :) May Allah guide us all! Ameen.

  35. naeem

    December 6, 2010 at 5:02 AM


    Sorry to bust up the FB party here, but I was hoping to throw in a question on an unrelated topic. I noticed that comments have been closed on Dr. Ali’s latest post, so I can only post my query here. I hope Dr. Ali (or anyone else for that matter) can enlighten me.

    Preface to my question: Not being facetious or argumentative here – just sincerely inquisitive and confused.

    If the issue of waging war on allies is in contradiction to the covenant we have with the US government (and thus it becomes Islamically prohibited), then can the same legal judgment be extended to any form of civil disobedience, since it too is in contradiction to our covenant?

    Would American Muslims who participated in breaking the US sanctions against Iraq (by taking medicine there) have been considered sinful?

    How about taking part in sit-ins or draft-dodging?

    Would this judgment be applicable to say working for Wikileaks?

    Where does this ruling start/stop? Seems like quite a slippery slope (as I currently understand it)…

  36. Sister Nur

    December 6, 2010 at 5:59 AM

    Subhan’Allah, it is so interesting to see how a simple website has changed the way humans communicate!

    Some further advice: Besides not adding Facebook members of the opposite gender, if I go on Facebook, I allow myself only one sign-in a day for a maximum of 15 minutes; if you time yourself you will be quick to go through the “more important” things, like upcoming lectures, events etc.

    Hope that helps anyone (like myself) with a Facebook addiction!

    JazakAllah khair for the article :)

    • Ameera Khan

      December 8, 2010 at 12:55 AM

      Great advice… I need to try and stick to the 15 minute rule! It’s the ultimate beneficial advice for those who do not have more “professional” roles on Facebook such as managing Islamic pages, groups, etc. :)

  37. Zari

    December 6, 2010 at 7:01 AM

    Assalamualaikum Ameera, jazakallahu khayran for this article. I think I really need to cut down on my facebook usage, this is a timely reminder :)

  38. Ramy

    December 6, 2010 at 9:43 AM

    As muslim, I feel ashamed of observing the same patter again and again: the west keep inventing and discovering new things and we keep arguing how does it affect our religion.

    • Ameera Khan

      December 8, 2010 at 12:53 AM

      I’m not sure that can be put down to a Unholy West vs Holy East debate at all. We have helpful inventions coming from both sides. A tool is a tool, which can be used or misused. We’re talking about how it can be used in a beneficial way, without letting it cause any harmful effects. You should know that even something as simple as food can cause harmful effects to your religion… you grow too fat, there’s a risk of diabetes and heart attacks… difficult to worship, etc. If that sounds like a ridiculous connection, know that many such Unholy West vs Holy East discussions are, similarly, very exaggerated and often present a very different picture from what is the ground reality.

  39. Mutumainah

    December 6, 2010 at 1:24 PM

    interesting article :) You are so right about not realized the effect of these things can have on our iman and how much more the nafs strengthens when looking at or reading unnecessary things!

  40. Asmaa

    December 6, 2010 at 1:44 PM


    I have de-cluttered my FB profile too.. From 900+ contacts, I am down to 225 or within that range.

    I don’t usually check the front page, I just go directly to the pages that I regularly visit.

    I want to use my time in the best possible manner. So far, I have been succesful in doing so.

    If this doesn’t help me save some time, I will have to bid FB farewell for some time.. but some people are just too precious to be out of touch with :(

    So I stay.

    • africana

      December 6, 2010 at 2:06 PM

      Yes, but there’s always email and telephone, not to mention Skype. I think facebook reduces telephone contact with friends, which is sad,in my opinion.

      • Asmaa

        December 7, 2010 at 3:54 AM

        Not a lot of my friends use skype, I’d have to have a new bunch of friends for that.. So I don’t have that application.

        • africana

          December 7, 2010 at 3:24 PM

          Thanks for responding.

    • Ameera Khan

      December 8, 2010 at 12:48 AM

      You’re right… it’s good for keeping a very basic kind of contact, such as checking up once in a while with a message, etc. If it gets down to talking unnecessarily through statuses, etc. about worthless topics while you wouldn’t be talking to that person in normal life so much, that becomes abnormal and we need to reanalyze those so-called “friendships” then!

  41. BM

    December 6, 2010 at 6:28 PM

    Mashallah, very good article.

    Usually I do not face much fitnah in Facebook because:

    01. I do not have many friends (about 130). Also strictly control what appears in my main page.

    02. I either post random quotes from Quran-Hadith or lessons that I learn from my day to day experience as my status.

    03. I also do not get much reply from my friends. Since my ineraction with my friends are minimal, facebook has sort of become like a diary for me. Sometimes I read my own statuses.

    That being said, I also tried to quit facebook many times but failed. Mainly because I am the administrator of the Sheikh Shuraim fan page (there are several, and mine has the biggest number of fans). Through that page, I can easily reach about 8K people.

    • Ameera Khan

      December 8, 2010 at 12:45 AM

      If you’re on Fb for a reason as good as administrating a good Islamic page like the one you mentioned above, then Alhumdulillah. Imagine if all the people doing such good work were to leave, who’d provide good content to people on Facebook who are in need and looking for such?

  42. africana

    December 6, 2010 at 6:35 PM

    “I do not have many friends (about 130).”

    How do you keep track of so many people?

    • BM

      December 6, 2010 at 6:41 PM

      I ususally befriend people whom I have at least met in real life. Still out of 130, only about 15 are very close to me. With the rest, I have “Hi-hello” relationship.

      Out of 130, only 3 are females.

      • africana

        December 7, 2010 at 3:25 PM

        Thanks for the explanation. “Friend” is a bit of an inaccurate term, really.

  43. Jason

    December 7, 2010 at 2:38 PM

    Masha Allah! very nice article! loved it! Jazzaki Allah Khayran sister Ameera for wonderful description about facebook! I shared it with my brothers and sisters on my profile (via facebook note)

    May Allah bless you tremendously, ameen.

  44. Abdul-Razak

    December 8, 2010 at 4:37 AM


    I quit FB when they hosted that “draw Muhammad” (may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) day. I understand that they later pulled down the page, but i found it reprehensible why any true muslim would (and still do) give their time and generate income for such a site. I contacted all my “friends” to join me in deleting our accounts and alhamdulillah quite a few did.

    Now i can understand that there is some good to be achieved but the amount of haram and temptions you have to circumnavigate, delete, adjust your settings etc i think makes this quite a minor in comparison.

    What about good old fashined email? Surely most of the dawah activites can be adequately promoted through this? Or what about the other alternatives such as those suggested above?

    The main comment from those who no longer use FB is that they feel better as a result of it.

    I suggest all those who feel that FB is still worthy of their time is to disconnect from it, and use alternatives for a month, and see how you feel.

  45. Bushra

    December 8, 2010 at 8:18 AM

    Ameera, I find that I spend more time looking at MM than Facebook :P

    Honestly though, I managed to filter out a LOT from my profile. Advice to sisters: remove ALL men, except mahrams. Yes, this includes cousins. Not only does this prevent you from spending even MORE time filtering them out all the time, but it stops them from saying silly things on your wall posts, photos, statuses, etc and thus embarrassing you in the process. With Facebook evolving, it’s becoming harder and harder to keep up with what needs to be filtered out from the opposite sex.

    Be careful with who you add, whether it’s a female you don’t know or an organisation. I can say this much – many husbands have access to their wives’ FB accounts and vice versa. The latter is not as damaging as the former as a lot of women let their husbands roam around their profiles freely and see what THEIR friends are upto. So be careful who you add as a friend, because you don’t know which male has access to this ‘friend’s’ account.

    • africana

      December 8, 2010 at 8:41 AM

      Yes, very true.

    • muslimah

      December 9, 2010 at 5:11 AM

      well, i have guy cousins on my list but im not the kind to post silly status and pics. i dont even have any pics of myself online. im hardly addicted to facebook…most of my statuses are verses from the Quran, hadith, or something inspirational. i have non muslim friends on my list. who knows they might read and come to Islam? you never know..

      facebook for me personally is kinda an eman booster. i have *liked* Islamic stuff and they keep posting hadith, verses from the Quran. also shaykh muhammad al shareef and yasir Qadhi rock! i love reading their status.

      facebook is just many of the other things in life that can be used for the good or the bad..just like the internet. i have absolutely no interest in *friending* people i dont know or posting silly statuses or going into discussions about Justin Bieber, lol.

  46. muslimah

    December 8, 2010 at 9:20 AM

    people who want to be involved in fitnah will find another means..facebook or no facebook..

  47. Mahvash

    December 8, 2010 at 9:58 AM

    Its been a year now and I have heavily curtailed my FB usage. I keep my profile deactivated but log in from time to time – once a month to catch up. The deal breaker for me was when I read about the mom who killed her infant when she was interrupted by the baby during her game of farmville.

    The decision was clear for me about what I needed to do at that point. FB and other similar social networking sites are a means to an end (staying in touch with family and friends to a reasonable extent) not the end in itself.

    There are other ways in which technology is taking a toll on us, on our kids, on our future:

    We have to think about where to draw the line.

  48. Muhammad Ali

    December 8, 2010 at 2:58 PM

    I use to waste alot of time on facebook, but then i deleted all the non-muslim and members of the opposite gender. Now all i do on facebook is run this page dedicated to sharing Islam.

    Can i ask all the brother and sister to join and share with all of your friends, Insha’Allah.!/pages/All-Things-Islam/165544216814910

    JazakAllah Khair

  49. zuleyka

    December 8, 2010 at 7:52 PM

    As salam alaikum..

    Hey.. has anyone heard about “Millat Facebook”?? My friend suggest me to quit facebook and join this one. I was told that the function is just similar to facebook.. just that it is purposely created for muslim’s facebooker. I never visit/register to the site. I just feel that if it is typically the same, than why should I move?

    Any say?

  50. Zuleyka

    December 8, 2010 at 9:50 PM

    I didn’t see my last comment. Was it been deleted? :-(

  51. Mustafa Stefan Dill

    December 9, 2010 at 1:49 AM

    I respectfully disagree with a lot of what’s being said here.

    We can’t complain that we’re negatively portrayed in the media, that non-Muslims don’t understand us or know the real Islam, when the community takes such an active role in choosing to consciously segregate itself off with such actions like deleting all your non-Muslim friends ffrom FB. This kind of refusal to engage, this active resistance to building bridges and reaching out, hurts us immeasurably in the long run.

    I’ve said this before: we need to understand the Muslim ummah isn’ t the only kind of ummah we live in and are responsible to.

    The nonspoken but underlying attitude I’m sensing from many of the posts here is that any , and therefore , every non-Muslim you may connect with is by default an intrinsic source of fitna or temptation. That’s no better and no different than non-Muslims labeling us all terrorists.

    This is discouraging , because MM and a lot of other Muslim sites, and many individual brothers and sisters work so hard to have non-Muslims understand us better, to build dialogues and reach across, and yet actions such as expressed here undermine and do not support those efforts.

    Such actions are keeping non-Muslims from getting to know some other kind of Muslim other than what makes the news. How will people know a different Muslim unless you let them?

    We each must do our part, and that includes connecting with non-Muslims to dispel the fear and mystery. Verily, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. 13:11

    And as Muslimah said, “people who want to be involved in fitnah will find another means..facebook or no facebook..”

    As for temptation, Allah will make you stronger than any FB game or lingerie ad you see. Skip the silly stuff on fB. Everyone’s iman and taqwa is stronger than they realize, when they know its source is from Allah alone.

    Unto every one of you We have appointed a (different) law and way of life. And if God had so willed, He could surely have made you all one single community: but (He willed it otherwise) in order to test you by means of what He has vouchsafed unto you. Vie, then, with one another in doing good works. Unto God you all must return; and then He will make you truly understand all that on which you were wont to differ. 5:48

    Engage responsibly, judiciously, of course; choose friends wisely, as you would with Muslim friends. But don’t be afraid to connect.

  52. muslimah

    December 9, 2010 at 5:13 AM

    by the way i hope im unblocked from the mm’s list. i missed this website to be honest. it keeps me from going to other distracting, good for nothing websites.

    • Ify Okoye

      December 9, 2010 at 10:58 AM

      As long as commenters remain in the realm of acceptable discourse, then insha’Allah they will be allowed to participate in the discussion.

  53. Salam

    December 9, 2010 at 4:38 PM

    Speaking as a parent, I do not allow my children to use Facebook. My daughter (who is 13) tells me that many of her friends (all Muslims going to an Islamic school) spend hours each night on this website. In my opinion, this is because no one has bothered to teach these kids how to use the Internet in a beneficial way. They want to use the Internet, they want to connect with others, they want to do what others are doing…and sadly no one has provided them with guidance on how to do all this in a way that is pleasing to Allah SWT.

    Some people here might be parents and do not fully realize the impact your own use of FB might have on your children/teens. I have spent some time showing my kids this site and pointing out all the haram that goes on there. In fact, we visited the pages of some of my sons’ friends (ages 16-20) to see what kinds of “friends” and conversations they have when parents are not around. Visiting the pages together made my kids realize the enormous waste of time and potential for falling into sin.

    I am sure that some people are able to use FB in a beneficial way. I think it is mostly useful for companies or business owners who want to create a buzz about their products or services, allowing people to “follow” them and stay connected to the latest happenings. I really disagree, however, with posting personal information, photos and thoughts on FB. If you have ever read FB’s terms of service you would know that the company owns all the photos you post and can use them any way they please. Additionally, I wonder how many young people are doing things to damage their reputations on FB, which may become a factor when they want to get married later on.

  54. Amatullah

    December 9, 2010 at 9:17 PM

    I find that Facebook is a good way to find out about a potential spouse. You can find you who their friends are and what they are interested in. You can check their pictures to see how they present themselves and interact with the opposite gender.

    EMANcipate yourself

  55. Amr Ali

    December 10, 2010 at 6:14 AM

    AsSalam ‘Alaykum dear brothers and sisters;

    Al hamduleAllah I have long experience with Facebook Islamic dawah. We have pages with over 6 million fans and many groups. So for me to manage my dawah work, I have to use Facebook daily.

    Al hamduleAllah I am also a partner in the project, please kindly take a look at it.

    In my opinion, Facebook shouldn’t be used by serious Muslims except for dawah, no personal usage. If you’re using it to make dawah to your own friends and family, then that is not personal usage. What I mean by personal usage is using it “just for fun”.

    Also what if we can use Facebook from outside Facebook? Also Twitter, YouTube…etc. AOL has a great life stream project: . We have a life-stream service on and we are working in perfecting it as AOL’s.

    What if we can get Ad Block extension for Google Chrome? We’re working on an Islam-Friendly browser based on Chrome and have Ad Block extension by default plus some Islamic extensions.

    Glad to get your feedback about my thoughts,
    AsSalam ‘Alaykum :)

  56. africana

    December 10, 2010 at 1:21 PM

    Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakhatahu,

    I agree with you, Amr Ali.

    I think the answer is for Muslims to maintain a presence on facebook, without allowing it to control them, by, for example, getting drawn into frivolous, time wasting discussions with others.

    If people are generally spending a part of their time on facebook, everyday, it makes more sense to use facebook as a medium for dawah, rather than to concentrate our internet based efforts on Google, for example (which, like facebook, could also be objected to on moral grounds). And Allah knows best.

    I don’t agree with practising Muslims prioritising the learning of Quran over that of reading Islamic updates on facebook, however, we have to remember that there are people out there who might use our own Islam inspired posts to become more acquainted with Islam and/or spend more time in the company of the Quran..and less time on facebook. It takes little time to post something inspiring and, as long as we log out soon after having posted the necessary, maybe Allah will reward our efforts.

    Only the other day, I was reading of how, through reading one Islamic page on facebook that posts hadith,verses from the Qur’an and supplications; someone had become Muslim, Alhamdulillah.

    Having said that, if the temptation to look at unwholesome material is too great, then we really shouldn’t be on the site at all, medium for dawah or not, as self-preservation is of the utmost importance.

  57. blue.butterfly

    December 13, 2010 at 8:36 AM

    Assalamu Alaikum

    This is a very important topic you discussed. You really did a nice jobb and analysed it really well.

    Speaking of myself, I have never been a user of facebook (i know ur probably staring at this). I haven’t used it but I guess I know quite alot about it as my siblings, cousins and friends all use them and that’s the most repeated word in their conversations. Eventhough I do feel sometimes that by not using facebook people think of me as a “weirdo”and when i have no clue as to what my friends are talking about when they are continuing their discussion from a facebook group, it does make you feel a bit left out. And yeah not to mention those cold stares/blank looks i get when i reply that “I don’t have a facebook” *roll eyes* Yet I still standby my decision of not using it and I think its the best for me so im satisfied with my decision.

    I don’t use it due to all the reasons you stated. Seriously, your iman is definitely worth more protection than anything else. And I feel by not being a social networking freak I make more efforts to be a social person in real life.

    I agree its a tool and can be used in many good ways as well…but for me I know that once I engulf in facebook I’ll just have to accept my friend’s invitations (esp those who I meet on a daily basis) even if I don’t want to …..i know that when i’ll join facebook i’ll end up wasting aloot of time…..I know i’ll look a strange user with no personal pics or any personal info…..and the list goes on and on. So for me, I figured that it is best to refrain from it.

    I feel your iman is definitely worth more protection than anything else. And time is a very precious blessing of Allah which is to be used in the best possible way. Besides that, I feel by not being a social networking freak I make more efforts to be a social person in real life which is definitely much moe important than updating your status…..

    • Maria

      November 3, 2015 at 4:35 PM

      You’re an intelligent woman, not a weirdo lol. I wish I was so reflective as a teenager then I would never have Facebook lol. But I’ve learned many lessons through this mistake so Alhamdulillah for it :)

      I can feel your feeling left out when it comes to texting and taking selfiess. I’m very detached from these forms of technical communication and everyone calls me a weirdo for that haha

  58. Pingback: Why I’m Giving up Facebook for Qur’an — Dream in Arabic

  59. Aaishah

    January 9, 2011 at 8:48 AM

    assalamualaikum..nice article sis ;)

    i hve never ever used FB alhmd :D

  60. Pingback: Fitna-free Facebook for Sisters – From my perspective « Fastabiqul Khairat

  61. Mouzma

    February 9, 2012 at 9:44 PM

    it’s a great read, ameera! :) Jazakallah! 

  62. Sfk-786

    February 9, 2012 at 10:35 PM

    That’s exactly what I did! I felt like I needed to keep my facebook for the benificial ways it could be used but I hated the expicit and unnecessary content I was getting. So I edited my profile and friends and liked many Islamic pages. So now my newsfeed shows many Hadith and Quran qoutes, and Islamic content, which helps me a lot.

  63. Hanoonamuslimah

    February 9, 2012 at 11:53 PM

    Thanks for this article! I totally agree. I make it a point to only accept friends on Facebook who are good company. I also never accept men outside of my family and likewise my husband doesn’t accept any women outside of his family. It has really helped my iman :) 

  64. Farhan

    February 10, 2012 at 10:12 AM

    I’m currently in the process of phasing out my FB usage. Its been 2 days, no new status update, and I made my wall only 

  65. Farhan

    February 10, 2012 at 10:13 AM

    editable by me.
    Wouldn’t it have been funny if I posted using my FB account? haha

  66. Sakina

    February 10, 2012 at 2:17 PM

    Oh, how I have felt the exact same way.  You’ve inspired me to “clean up” my Facebook as well.  JazakAllah sister.

  67. Miriam

    February 11, 2012 at 12:59 AM

    Hello I am Miriam 
    I became a muslima 2 years ago .
    I also moved from the West to the East (from the Netherlands to Kuwait)..

    My fb has 2 worlds ..the East and the West..

    My friends are all kinds of religions and I respect them all.

    I See good and bad things on fb..and I only learn from that.,,also I find pages like this..Hamdillulah…



  68. Nazreen

    February 11, 2012 at 3:55 AM

    Just a thought..Do you think FB may also lead to hypocrisy? I am talking from personal experience…I share a LOT of islamic videos, talks and reminders on a daily basis. I have caught myself sharing stuff which I myself do not practise well. I know that you are supposed to advise your brothers and sisters in Islam to do good, but what if you yourself are struggling? I am scared sometimes that at the back of my head or deep inside my heart the reason I share Islamic stuff is to sound pious. Is it shaytan or is it me? :S

    • Maria

      November 3, 2015 at 4:38 PM

      I think it does, I’ve felt this hypocrisy as well. So now, I save stuff that I don’t practice and only share that I Alhamdulillah do practice.

      Or you can share and write a caption saying that this is something you wish to practice so your being real and nobody assumes you practice it. It can encourage people too :)

  69. dhita

    February 11, 2012 at 8:49 AM

    Luuuv it thx sister Ameera :) btw FB brought me here :D

  70. iT

    February 11, 2012 at 11:57 PM

    JazakALLA khairan, having turned off my fb acct. in jan i can totaly relate.
    i turned off for study reasons, but i think ill leave it off :)

  71. Abu Sumaiyah

    February 16, 2012 at 11:56 AM

    The great thing about Facebook is that you have the option of customizing different settings. For example, we can customize the news feed. All of my non-Muslim friends and relatives that post things that I find offensive or that go against islam are blocked from my news feed. That means all I see on my news feed are things from Muslims or people who dont post offfensive things. Try it instead of blaming the site for our lack of connection with Allah azza wa jall. 

  72. muhammad saleh

    February 18, 2012 at 6:26 PM

    in my case I deactivated my account for almost one month, and I feel so good. I doesn’t read negative status of all my friends and I am on my own. 

  73. Guest

    February 20, 2012 at 1:28 AM

    I use websites like YouTube, Tumblr, and Twitter a lot, and I’ve done the same uncluttering (a few times) with the accounts I’m subscribed to. It completely changes the way you use and view it. You feel fresh. Acturally, Tumblr I’ve completely stopped using because after decluttering, I realized that the good was VERY minor compared to all the terribly bad/ useless things on my newsfeed.

  74. Quran

    February 20, 2012 at 6:30 AM

    Well if you ask me than as a highly social user like i  will also say that Yes. There is the impact of badness in these social sites. You know devil is active every time and trying for humans to committed sins. Whenever we use these social sites like Facebook, Youtube and Google+ devil boost us to use it in a bad way. Like watching porn pictures and videos, telling aliening with people.

  75. Aly Balagamwala | DiscoMaulvi

    February 20, 2012 at 6:41 AM

    Facebook is a waste of time! This coming from me may cause people to be shocked. I mean after all I am a self-professed “Social Media Enthusiast” right?

    Fact of the matter is, FB is a waste of time for all those who want it to be. I am logged into FB all day but I use it to post stuff to the DiscoMaulvi page or interact with people. I rarely go to my main feed. Instead I have divided people into lists and so I have a list titled Shayookh where I subscribed to the feeds and pages of many Shayookh. I also frequent MuslimMatter’s FB Page and also am active in maintaining the pages of LiveDeen and Active Saturdays.

    In addition, you can now switch off the Subscription to updates for people you don’t want to have in your feed. Or you can subscribe to people who are not your friends but could be say an author or a journalist you want to follow.

    So really if you play around with your settings you can do a whole lot. And in the end if you get some content in your feed that is still troublesome then lower your digital gaze. :)

  76. elfathia

    February 26, 2012 at 10:34 PM

    I enjoy to read this post. Hope I can goodly positioning my act to use facebook. Sukron for remind me about the negative effect of fb.

  77. Jawad Mehmood

    March 6, 2012 at 4:54 AM

    From my experience, you always need something to attached too. So, its better to play football than chat with female.Its better to watch sports than female pics on facebook…you hav to get yourself busied. That’s the best solution. Because, as our fitrat, we need something to do. good or bad, that’s come at our own decision. 
    Also, i advise to get an expert to discuss this all. Someone you are comfortable to meet and discuss quite often. Also, you need to plan it rather than an instant action. 
    JazakAllah al kahyr for the article!

  78. Asgar Sayed

    July 24, 2014 at 5:02 PM

    Good going on internet…with good knowledge and full of positiveness :)

  79. Maria

    November 3, 2015 at 4:29 PM

    Very nice article! I am actually a Facebook addict myself lol and through all the years I’ve had it, I did make a lot of changes, similar to those you have mentioned.

    It’s good to see someone who actually is reflective over how one’s Imaan is affected rather than blaming such precautions to be acts of “extremism” which is a very easy excuse to fulfill ones desires today LOL. Stay as you are sister! We need more members in our Ummah like you, Ma Sha Allah :)

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