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Jewish Criticisms of Israeli Tactics – TalkRadio Interview


gzIn my last article, I mentioned the importance of the attribute of justice as a Muslim when it comes to not generalizing about other groups of people, particularly Jewish people. Although a number of Jews are Zionists, Zionism as a cause and ideology is distinctly different from Judaism as a religious identity and there exists a large community of Jews across the globe that openly reject the idea of Zionism. There are also those Jews who are ambivalent about Zionism, and at times very critical of Israeli tactics. Such people thus represent important partners in our efforts to command good and forbid evil particularly in the Middle East crisis, and they are also special people that should not be ignored in our dawaah efforts.  I hope that I have sufficiently presented the case for this position in my previous post and in some of the comments that followed it which you can refer to if necessary (here).

The audio clip below is from an interview done on 1/13/09 with Monterey, California’s KRXA 540 AM with the Morning Show’s host, Hal Ginsberg (KRXA’s General Manager and principal owner).  Hal is a Jewish American who attends synagogue there in the Carmel area. His guest the day before this program was a Rabbi from his congregation in Carmel. Hal disagreed with some of the positions taken by his Rabbi as expressed on the air and wanted to provide a counter-opinion. I respect Hal very much for using his position as manager of this station to air opposing view points and to give others the opportunity to make their case.  He is an excellent example to cause those who possess the “Jews own the media and we can never get our positions represented” mentality to reconsider the position.  And he is far from being the alone in this aspect alhamdulillah.

Download the mp3 podcast


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Dr. Ali Shehata is the author of Demystifying Islam: Your Guide to the Most Misunderstood Religion of the 21st Century. Dr. Ali is an Emergency and Family Medicine physician currently living in an area of central Florida. He was born in Maryland to parents who had immigrated to the US from Egypt. He has studied Islam mainly through traditional methods among various scholars, du'at and students of knowledge here in the US.



  1. Farhan

    January 14, 2009 at 12:24 PM

    Ma sha Allah
    May Allah guide the righteous amongst the Jews to Islam. I would be **HONORED** to call them my brothers in Islam.

  2. A Sister

    January 14, 2009 at 8:34 PM

    Ten Israeli soldiers choose jail over Gaza

    No’em Levna, a first lieutenant in Israel’s army, refused to serve in Gaza, saying, “We killed 900 Palestinians in 17 days, including hundreds of children.”

    “If violence must be used, it should be used minimally, and that isn’t what’s happening,” he added. “Killing innocent civilians cannot be justified. Nothing justifies this kind of killing. It’s devilish.”

    “It is Israeli arrogance based on logic. It’s saying, ‘if we hit more, everything will be okay,'” he said. “But the hatred and anger we are planting in Gaza will rebound on us.”

  3. abu Rumay-s.a.

    January 15, 2009 at 3:01 PM

    Jewish activists chain themselves to Israeli Consulate building

  4. Ali Shehata

    January 17, 2009 at 4:04 PM

    That’s what André Nouschi, 86, former combattant of the Free French Forces, historian, wrote to the Israeli Ambassador to France:

    Tuesday the 13th, January 2009

    Mr Ambassador,

    For you it’s shabat, it should be a day of peace but it’s one of war. For me, and for a few years already, colonisation and the theft of Palestinian land by Israel is exasperating. I’m therefore writing to you as a French citizen, as a Jew and as someone who worked for the agreement between the Univerity of Nice and that of Haiffa …

    It is not possible anymore to remain silent with respect to the Israeli policy of assassination and imperialist expansionism. You are behaving exactly like Hitler behaved in Europe with Austria and Czechoslovakia.

    You are in contempt of UN resolutions like he of those the SDN and you are assassinating women and children; do not invoke terrorism, the Intifada. This is a direct result of ILLEGAL and ILLEGITIMATE colonisation. IT IS THEFT. You are behaving like land thieves and you are turning your back to the rules of jewish morality.

    Shame on you! Shame on Israel! You are digging your grave without realizing it. Because you are condamned to live with Palestinians and the Arab states. If you’re lacking this political ingenuity, then you are unfit to be in politics and your leaders should retire. A country that assassinates Rabin and glorifies his assassin is a country without moral and without honor.

    May the heavens and your God kill Sharon the assassin. You were defeated in Lebanon in 2006. You will be defeated again, I hope, and you will send to their death many young Israelis because you did not have the courage for peace.

    How can jews, who have suffered so much, imitate their hitlerian tormentor? As far as I’m concerned, since 1975, colonisation brings back old memories, those of hitlerism. I cannot tell the difference between your leaders and those of Nazi Germany!

    Personally, I will fight you with all I can just like I did between 1938 and 1945, until the justice of man destroys hitlerism which is at the heart of your country. Shame on Israel. I hope your God will launch against its leaders the vengeance they deserve. I am ashamed as a jew, as a WW2 veteran, for you. May your God curse you until the end of times! I hope you will be punished.

  5. Neutral

    January 17, 2009 at 6:13 PM

    Thank you for sharing that letter with us Dr. Ali Shehata.

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