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Not Just Gmail, Gmail With MM “Web Clips!”


Innalhamdolillah. Bismillah.

[written by abu abdAllah]

Here’s a neat trick for all of you who use Gmail and love reading Muslimmatters.

  1. Open Gmail in your web browser.
  2. Click on settings (located at the very top of the page, among the links at the top right).
  3. Click on web clips (if you use the link, you can skip steps 1 and 2).
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The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. Set it and collect blessings from Allah (swt) for the khayr you're supporting without thinking about it.

Web clip settings

  1. To the left, under the link for “general” settings, you should see a field with these words above it: “Search by topic or URL:
  2. Into the field, copy and paste this text:
  3. Click the “search” button located under this field.
  4. You should see the MM feed in the search result(s) with the choice to add the feed, so do add it.

And that’s it!  InshaAllah, now the web clips that appear just above your e-mails in the Gmail browser will include recent articles from MM (screenshots taken on different days).  Can I get a takbeer?

MM web clips in Gmail

Of course, you can use the same methods to add most any feed to your web clips.

Paste this text to add a Halaltube feed:

And this text for the feed from Kalamullah:

Gmail offers many web clips, too, including news feeds.  Just not a wide selection of feeds about Islam and Muslims from beneficial sources.  Is this important?  Use “muslim” in the same search field, and you’ll see Irshad Manji’s feed among the search results.  And we all know what she’s feeding the world.

So promote good web feeds of Islamic material, so that the search rank for those feeds increases, and you’ll be promoting good, inshaAllah.

Now a personal request: as you may have noticed, I enjoy using the Gmail “planets” theme.  But I would love to use a theme like “Qur’anic Calligraphy” or “Great Masajid of the World” — so will one of you creative types out there please submit such a theme to Google?  Imagine millions of Gmail users worldwide checking their e-mails and admiring the beauty of Islamic calligraphy or architecture.  It would be a low-key and beautiful form of dawah.

Keep supporting MuslimMatters for the sake of Allah

Alhamdulillah, we're at over 850 supporters. Help us get to 900 supporters this month. All it takes is a small gift from a reader like you to keep us going, for just $2 / month.

The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. Set it and collect blessings from Allah (swt) for the khayr you're supporting without thinking about it.

Bismillah walhamdolillah. May Allah accept my repentance and yours. I am an attorney, a stepfather, a husband, a son, and a Muslim. Studying Islam is a means, reflecting what I have learned is a must, and to Allah is the inevitable return. If you would like my help, know that Allah is the source of all aid. If you would like to contact me, try tariqnisarahmed at Gmail, LinkedIn, Twitter, or add me as a friend on Facebook.



  1. Saleha H.

    December 23, 2008 at 5:44 AM

    …Aaand Shaykh Google, again, never ceases to amaze. :)
    Jazakullah khair for this!

  2. Saleha H.

    December 23, 2008 at 6:00 AM

    Oh! And I agree with the suggestion of an Islamic Theme for Gmail settings,
    There has also been talk about getting one for this— you know when you go to, sometimes they have a theme or artwork that goes along with the google logo? Well, there’s some people that have been trying to get the Google logo to do a Google Eid logo for us muslims, since they seem to do it on every other random/religious holiday.

    Juuust a thought.

  3. Siraaj

    December 23, 2008 at 9:51 AM

    Awesome – what would be really cool is if someone could compile feeds for all the best islamic sites out there and post it here (or, if you could just give us the feeds to the sites you view) and we can just add them all (i don’t use feedburner or anything like that).


  4. Amatullah

    December 23, 2008 at 10:57 AM

    I had on my gmail status a few days ago, “if google execs were Muslim, they’d have so much sadaqah jaariyah.”

    My theme is ninja.

  5. Halal Tube

    December 23, 2008 at 11:08 AM

    Thanks for the shout out! Will cross-post about this!

    Halal Tube Team

    (MM Admins/Managers – Since you can match our IP address with other fellow commentators, please keep our identity secret, jazakAllah khiar! ;-) )

  6. MR

    December 23, 2008 at 11:27 AM

  7. Amad

    December 23, 2008 at 1:12 PM

    I wouldn’t necessarily recommend kalamullah because apparently there have been a lot of complaints about copyright infringements in Islamic multimedia.

    But other than that, it’s cool.

    As for list of Islamic sites, we can start with MM’s “Connections” list in our blogroll :)

  8. Amad

    December 23, 2008 at 1:13 PM

    Halaltube, you mean people don’t know who runs it?? Taking people for a ride??

  9. Osman

    December 23, 2008 at 1:52 PM

    nice, this will be perfect for when the TDC posts start coming in…cant wait!!!

  10. aarij

    December 23, 2008 at 1:55 PM

    RSS rocks :)

    I personally don’t like web clips though. I like my GMail clean and minimalistic.

  11. SaqibSaab

    December 23, 2008 at 3:19 PM

    JAK, Gmail “Web Clips” was my first use of RSS feeds. Glad you took the time to tell everyone about it.

  12. Faiez

    December 23, 2008 at 3:20 PM

    halaltube has some nice copyright infringements as well. i think someone needs to ryde on them foos ;)

  13. Sadaf Sheikh

    December 23, 2008 at 3:48 PM

    JazakAllah khayr, i immediately have added MM into my gmail webfeeds. its great alhamdulillah.

  14. Halal Tube

    December 23, 2008 at 4:16 PM

    @Amad – Yes the public does not know who is behind the scenes of Halal Tube


    Halal Tube is not responsible for any content linked to or referred to from these pages. All video/audio embedded on Halal Tube point to content hosted on third party webites. Halal Tube does not accept responsibility for content hosted on third party websites. Halal Tube is not responsible for any content uploaded to Google Video, YouTube, or any other online video hosting/streaming service.


  15. akhi

    December 23, 2008 at 5:42 PM

    @ Halal Tube, I don’t mean to be rude bro but your disclaimer is not accurate as many of the audios are hosted on your own site and not third party websites so you might want to edit that as it can be considered lying.

  16. abu abdAllah, the Houstonian

    December 23, 2008 at 8:41 PM


    @every jazak Allah khayr, wa eeyaakum! Allahumma taqabbul minkum wa minna.

    re: feed contents — if only there was an RSS feed that tapped your brain and served up articles on the topics you were thinking about… there probably is such a feed: if your ISP or browser tracked your browsing habits long enough, then it could feed you articles based on your past browsing, the way that Amazon tries to sell you stuff based on items you have browsed, and what other people who also browsed those things bought…

    interestingly, web clips should work with any RSS-type feed, but i would not load it up with too many sources — you can only view so many clips in a given amount of time (though you can skip through clips, too).

    if you’re totally addicted to MM comments, for example, you might add this feed:

    the URLs for all of the feeds i have listed were found from links on those sites, alhamdolillah. so to get the feed-URL i just offered, all i did was follow this link at the bottom of the page we’re looking at right now: Comments (RSS). see that little orange symbol next to the link (scroll down to check it out)? any page with that RSS symbol on it has a link to a feed that you could add to web clips.

    so i did not have to spend any time learning how to use the feedburner site. all that work was done by the content-providers, alhamdolillah. as far as where the content-providers get their content, that sounds like a completely different MM article… Copyrights and Software Piracy! enjoy. :P

  17. Arif

    December 24, 2008 at 8:27 AM

    But for HalalTube, isn’t that owned by Mandazi Networks (as so clearly shown on the site?) Doesn’t that make everything so obvious?

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