Civil Rights
The Grey Lady of Bagram: Dr. Aafia Siddiqui
Sr. Aafia’s bail hearing has been postponed to September 3. Please make dua’ that she be released, and please keep her and her three children in mind and your dua’s as you read this story.
A new chapter in the long and painful saga of the “War on Terror” has been revealed to the public. The facts are murky, the details impossible to confirm.
While there are several possibilities, there is one that most will find almost impossible to believe. We are not ready to believe that Dr. Aafia is a star terrorist– a claim that is ironically being pushed by the US Government and not denied by Al-Qaeda. Why? The answer lies in each group’s malicious agenda.
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On one hand, we have the US Government: a government which has some serious face-saving to do, and a million questions to answer… starting with questions about the denial of basic fundamental due-process and equal protection rights protected by the US Constitution (5th and 14th Amendment) to Dr. Aafia:
No person shall be…be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law [5th Amendment]
No State… shall..deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws [14th Amendment]
On the other hand, we have Al-Qaeda and its sympathizers, who have their own propaganda to put forth… what better story to use to brainwash and recruit more youth than a story about a woman, who (in their concoction) is highly educated yet leaves a good life in the West to join their “jihad” against the disbelievers? In this episode, as in many others, the US government is yet again providing the terrorists with more fodder for recruitment.
And so Dr. Aafia became a pawn in this war of lies and twisted politics, and we forgot the “person” in the story– the person of Dr. Aafia– a petite, brilliant woman, a constant da’i (caller to Islam), and most tragic of all, a mother of three missing children!
There have been many other different claims surrounding Dr. Siddiqui: That she was the mysterious Grey Lady of Bagram (Prisoner 650), whose screams of pain were heard and recorded by Moazzem Baig and others; that she was a top al-Qaeda operative (does anyone else find that this label is getting a bit old?); that her life as a “normal Boston mom” was really a cover for a sensational double life that involved the diamond trade in Liberia. My cynical eyes find this more akin to the plot of the next Bourne movie than a bona fide case of terrorism.
What do we know? Or better put, what do we think we know?
–We know that she is a Pakistani-American neuroscientist, a graduate of MIT. She is NOT a neurologist or a microbiologist (!), as the lying, right-wing, Islamophobic propagandists, looking for a female “Islamic villain” (enough of male ones already available), have claimed. One such islamophobe Michelle Malkin headlined her blog post with this distortion. Just goes to show that in the rush of propaganda, truth usually becomes one of the first casualties.
–Dr. Aafia went to University of Houston for a year in 1991, before transferring to MIT. Those who knew her while she was on campus at U. Houston, talk about Dr. Afia as being always busy with some of the same things she was doing at MIT: studying hard and giving dawah to others. They also mention that she was in fact quite liberal in her views (consider this: does her graduation picture appear one of an extremist?). Her extended family is still settled in Houston, all involved in the Muslim community there. Her brother in fact was the architect for a beautiful ISGH Mosque in Houston.
–We are told that in 2001, before 9/11, Dr. Aafia was alleged to be involved in an illegal diamond trading scheme, in Africa, and in support of Al-Qaeda. What is amazing and quite eye-opening (with regards to the weakness of the prosecution’s case) is that Dr. Aafia’s location during this summer time-frame can easily be proven! And it happens to be in the United States!
But how can our law enforcement miss this?? Let’s see… didn’t the Feds arrest a Muslim convert for a terror operation in Spain because of an apparent finger-print match? The only problem was that Br. Brandon Mayfield never traveled to Spain from the US! As everyone knows, he was released and compensated. So, yes, there is something to be said for incompetence in the ranks of our federal law enforcement agencies. Or is it the desire to keep finding pawns in the “war against terrorism”? And consequently to keep alive the funding for the witch-hunt against Muslims in America? As long as you can make some headlines (the Brandon case made many), later losses in the judicial system become acceptable, as long as they remain relegated to page 14 of the papers.
Also consider who broke the diamond trade story in WSJ. None other than Douglas Farah, who of course has no conflict of interest other than a book he is trying to sell on this very subject (“Blood from Stones“). Douglas Farah (no relation to the notorious islamophobe Joseph Farah), seems to be a “jihadi-hunter” like his friend Steve Emerson. Interestingly, they plan, but Allah is the best planner. As it turns out, this story may actually help Dr. Aafia in her case:
One month after the FBI press conference, a bombshell from the Wall Street Journal hit Sharp’s [Dr. Aafia’s attorney] desk, and she knew it was just the thing she needed. The newspaper broke the story linking the woman involved in the 2001 diamond trade in Liberia (a story detailed by Douglas Farah, a senior fellow at the National Strategy Information Center, in his book Blood from Stones: The Secret Financial Network of Terror) to Aafia Siddiqui.
Sharp says the allegation was a blessing in disguise because it places Siddiqui somewhere at a specific time. She says she can prove Siddiqui was in Boston that week. “If we can show that Aafia was here and not in Liberia, then that’s the stone that slays Goliath,” Sharp says.
–She disappeared sometime in spring 2003, about a month after the arrest of terrorism suspect, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed:
About a month after his [Khalid S. Mohammed] capture in the spring of 2003, however, she disappeared. The last her mother remembers, Siddiqui was piling herself and her kids, then seven, five, and six months old, into a taxi headed to the train station, the first step of what she said was her planned trip to visit an uncle in Islamabad. Her mother said goodbye to her daughter and grandchildren — and hasn’t seen them since.
–She is the mother of three children, who also mysteriously disappeared with her in 2003, and still no one knows where they are for the last 5 years. What section of the US laws allow the government to engage in such extraordinary, unjust action? There is no graver injustice that the US government has engaged in than to rip a mother of her children. Every fair-minded human should demand that the government provide information on the whereabouts of the children, to make sure they are safe, and being raised as Muslims. Are the children being held as pawns in this game? Will the government use the children as bargaining chips in order to blackmail Dr. Aafia into self-incriminating testimony? I am not a conspiracy-theorist, never was. But until her children are produced, safe and sound, these questions are indeed completely fair and applicable.
–Who arrested her? No one knows for sure. However, there is little doubt that the FBI was involved, one way or the other, since the FBI had issued a “seeking information” on her. Since Pakistan is still a relatively sovereign nation (though this can be fairly debated), FBI probably worked with Pakistan’s security agencies to nab her. Like many cases of extraordinary renditions (illegal by all international laws) and “torture-for-hire” that the US government has engaged in, it is also likely that Dr. Aafia was kept in Pakistan and/or Afghanistan in order to allow a free-hand for all sorts of torture techniques that would make look water-boarding look meek!
–On July 17 of this year, she was allegedly “discovered” and detained by Afghan police in an encounter that involved a gunfight with American soldiers (oddly, despite the accusation that she was wielding a high-tech weapon, she was the only one who ended up severely wounded!). Her attorney ridicules this assertion in this press conference.
You saw this woman, she is less than 100 lbs…
The emperor (USA) doesn’t have any clothes…
Picture this woman who is very tiny, and ask yourself how she engaged in armed conflict…with six military men, how did that happen? And how did she get shot? I think you can answer that, can’t you?
–Dr. Aafia’s medical condition is woeful. Who will answer for the wounds that she received, and even if somehow the wounds are justified as part of some imaginary “firefight”, then who will answer for her bungled medical treatment? Is this the America that we want to project? A nation that treats its prisoners like animals or worse? Here is a list of her miserable medical condition that has been reported on various channels (such as this one article), though this information still needs further medical confirmation (only Allah knows what else she suffered, physically and psychologically):
- one of her kidneys had been removed while in captivity;
- her teeth had been removed;
- her nose had been broken, and improperly reset;
that her recent gun-shot wound had been incompetently dressed, was oozing blood, leaving her clothes soaked with blood
And shame on the government prosecution for trying to prevent her from seen by a doctor. Christopher LaVigne, one of the Prosecutors, justified withholding medical care because she was a “high-security risk”. High-risk?? What was the prosecution so afraid of? That a frail, wheel-chair ridden, small woman would get away from their agents? Are these agents men or little children that Dr. Aafia will be able to overpower? Fortunately, the prosecution was ordered to make sure she was seen by a doctor within 24 hours by Judge Robert Pitman.
–There have been claims of rape by Dr. Siddiqui’s family. Some of it seems to be corroborated by other prisoners at Gauntanomo, such as Moazzam Baig.
Moazzam Begg, ex-Guantanamo detainee, who was also held at Bagram airbase for approximately a year and then transferred to Guantanamo, wrote in his book “Enemy Combatant: A British Muslim’s Journey To Guantanamo and Back” about woman screams and how he first imagined they could be from his wife. It was later confirmed that the screams were of a woman who was held at Bagram base for some years. More precisely referred to as prisoner number 650 or the “Grey Lady of Bagram
What’s true? What’s not? What really happened to Dr. Aafia Siddiqui? Only Allah knows, though based on the history of our government’s prosecution against Muslims, I am much more inclined to believe Dr. Siddiqui’s side.
People have been asking us to comment on the case, on the outrage of it all. The oppression, the injustice, the lies and the torture… and yet, at this point, I wonder – what CAN we say, besides the obvious? That we know already what kind of people are involved in the governments and intelligence agencies? That the Muslim Ummah is being oppressed every day, that our people are being tortured, that things are happening which we have no control over? That we cannot trust what we see or hear or read, because most of it is being spoon-fed to us while we are oblivious to our own blindness?
But at the same time, we cannot give up hope. We cannot remain quiet. Silence is the first step towards comprehensive defeat. We must speak for the weak. We must stand up for the truth. We must not, and cannot forget the innocent Muslim victims of the worldwide misconduct in the bogus “war against terror.”
For sure, there is blame to go around. For sure, we cannot remove responsibility from the terrorists among us, who have hijacked Islam in the name of their perverted ideology (such as Al-Qaeda and all other terrorist cells that target innocent civilians). But two wrongs never make a right. If our government speaks of justice and human rights, then it needs to SHOW us that those rights apply to everyone, INCLUDING Muslims. If this is not a war against Islam, as our government repeatedly reminds us, then we need to stop taking Muslim civilians as combatants.
So, can we do anything? Yes. Each one of us can do our little part. We can write or cross-post stories/posts about Dr. Aafia on our individual blogs (so that the search engines pick up “our” side of the story, and not Michelle Malkin’s lies!). We can e-mail others about it.
Another effective means is with a letter to the editor. There is little chance of success with major nationwide newspapers, but local papers always provide a golden opportunity for publishing your viewpoint. Remember these tips when writing a letter to the editor:
- Make it relevant, and mention why it is important for the paper to publish your letter.
- Make it timely. This story is not dated yet. But it may in a month or so. So write today!
- Address the editors. Write as if you’re talking to the editor of the newspaper.
- Stay on point. One topic per letter is best. And do not feel that you have to cover all aspects of that in a few short sentences. Rather, concentrate on a few powerful points.
- Keep it short. There is a rough limit of 250 words for letters. Letters that can make their point in 100 words or less have a better- than-average chance of getting printed. Longer letters are less likely to be published and, if selected, will almost definitely be edited. Don’t let the letters editor remove or dilute your most important points.
- Use factual information and refer to source.
- Of course, don’t forget to put your name, telephone and whatever other requirements for the specific newspaper.
Finally, you can always make dua’ (but don’t stop at it). If indeed, as we believe, that Dr. Aafia is an innocent victim in a much bigger game, then may Allah release her and reunite her with her family soon inshallah. And help all other innocent Muslim prisoners.
- Join “Dr. Afia Siddiqui – Prisoner 650” & “Release Dr. Aafia” on Facebook
- Sign petition online “Appeal for the Release of Dr. Afia Siddiqui & Her 3 Children”
- Various resources at
See Also:
- The Aafia Siddiqui I saw by Abu Sabaya (on MM) [MM will be publishing this tomorrow]
- Hoover, the FBI, and Aafia Siddiqui (Yvonne Ridley)
- Who’s Afraid of Aafia Siddiqui? (Boston Magazine)
- Attorney Press-Conference on YouTube
- On Christian Science Monitor
- Cage Prisoners Alert
- BBC News Report
- Dr. Aafia Siddiqui: A ‘Missing Person’ With A Name (On “Pakistaniat” Blog)
- On NPR
- On
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Abu Reem is one of the founders of MuslimMatters, Inc. His identity is shaped by his religion (Islam), place of birth (Pakistan), and nationality (American). By education, he is a ChemE, topped off with an MBA from Wharton. He has been involved with Texas Dawah, Clear Lake Islamic Center and MSA. His interests include politics, cricket, and media interactions. Career-wise, Abu Reem is in management in the oil & gas industry (but one who still appreciates the "green revolution").
August 18, 2008 at 8:51 AM
I didn’t mention that there were also several allegations that Musharraf’s son pocketed bounty for Dr. Aafia from the US Govt.
The timing on this article matched Musharraf’s resignation today. Good riddance! If the bounty-hunting was true, then that is just another shameful episode in the many shameful acts that Musharraf was responsible for during his dictatorship.
I have said in previous posts, along with many others, that the Lal Masjid (red mosque) massacre was the beginning of the end for Musharraf. And alhamdulilah that end has come. I hope that the political government will not let him go this easy, and that he is tried for all the injustices that he has committed, as well as all the political institutions he has destroyed.
Abรป Mรปsรข Al-แธคabashรฎ
August 18, 2008 at 8:57 AM
I don’t think, wAllรขh A’lam, that she would appreciate you guys posting a picture of her where she’s exposing her ‘awrah.
August 18, 2008 at 9:03 AM
Is that all you found worth commenting on Br. Abu Musa? :)
So, I did think about it and did consultation before putting it up. The picture is already available all over the net. It is a picture that gives a dimension of her that radiates confidence… that she is a human. It is the portrait that needs to be pushed.
Anyway, I have asked a student of knowledge about this, and will change it if he suggests otherwise.
Abรป Mรปsรข Al-แธคabashรฎ
August 18, 2008 at 9:28 AM
Well I read what Abu Sabayaah wrote yesterday and the following sentence gave me the impression that, even with her very difficult conditions, she was a woman who was concerned with covering her ‘awrah:
Based on that, I had the impression that perhaps she would not appreciate other Muslims spreading these pictures of her where she had her ‘awrah exposed (perhaps taken in days when she was not as practicing). This is just a question, but doesn’t she get a portion of the sin for every person that looks at this picture in an inappropriate way anyway?
The issue of the Islรขmicness of posting pictures of women is another issue (which, btw, I personally disagree with you guys in).
August 18, 2008 at 10:22 AM
This is very sad.
Alhamdulillah Musharraf is gone. May Allah give him same treatment that he gave muslims in his country.
August 18, 2008 at 10:23 AM
Amad it was also alleged that you were a ‘genious'(and maybe still are).
Spare us common folks with your half baked erratic analysis and conspiracy theory allegations. Next thing you will be saying is that Musharaf’s son once beat you up for money.
August 18, 2008 at 10:25 AM
Another thing, I feel now is she in American court system, so we have some hope for justice and her being released. Before she was in no-mans land. I think her captors realized she is not terrorist and nor of any value so she handed her over to US. Ofcourse it wont give her back her time and what she been through, but it would be still better if she returns to her family safely and re-unite with her children insha’Allah
Asad S.
August 18, 2008 at 10:31 AM
I know above all else, Sister Afia will appreciate how you put your time and effort into writing this article. You have done a good job writing about what we know and after reading this we can be one step closer to the truth.
I feel very bad for sister Afia, and I will pray inshaAllah that Allah SWT will give her and her family peace! Ameen!
Umm Reem
August 18, 2008 at 10:40 AM
Br. Hassan: I don’t know if her captors realized that she was of no value or it was (after Allah’s Mercy) Sr. Yvonne Ridley’s press conference in Pakistan, with the help of Imran Khan, demanding her release just two weeks before her ‘reappearance’ had something to do with it…(I think we should thank both of them for their hard work too)
In any case, it is sad that only 3 thousand people signed her petition…i was really hoping to see a significant no!
August 18, 2008 at 10:56 AM
Yes Imran Khan is alhamdulillah doing excellent job. He is not submitting himself to servitude of west.
Although US government hands are very dirty, but the real culprit is Pakistan, its government and its people. No other nation lets its citizen be treated like this, or sold for money. If she was involved in any wrong doing, the least Pakistani govt could have done (if not demand for proof before being handed over), was to demand that she goes to US and have her case heard in US courts. But reality is there are segments in our society (in Pakistan) the elitist, the liberal fascists, who hate their fellow citizens, just because they love religion and try to practice it. They use condescending tone when talking about them. They justify any actions against them. Their level of hatred is amazing. May Allah protect us from them.
August 18, 2008 at 10:59 AM
And your point is that Afia Siddiqui is guilty till proven innocent?
August 18, 2008 at 11:07 AM
With regards to the photo, I didn’t hear back from a Shaykh on it, but it was becoming too distracting. So, even though I disagree on principle, I changed it to preserve the momentum of the post.
With regards to the comment by “Zulfiqar”, he is the same clown under the name “Pakistani” who served a lengthy comments’ ban due to his disruptive behavior in this and this post. Looks like things haven’t changed much.
Sorry, Zulfiqar, it is a sad day for you, with his beloved Mushi out of a job. I am sure that Fox Noise will offer Mushi a job, if he wants it. At Fox, he could continue his anti-Islamic crusade.
Umm Reem
August 18, 2008 at 11:29 AM
This video, in the end, has a brief interview of Yvonne Ridley and how she discovered sr. Afia…it is sad how she says that his will never happen to a western woman…maybe because in sr. Afia’s capture our own people aided!
Abu 'Umar
August 18, 2008 at 11:49 AM
Compare the treatment of ‘Aafia Siddiqui by the Americans to the treatment of Yvonne Ridley by the Taliban in 2001. This is the “justice” of America.
August 18, 2008 at 11:56 AM
@Zulfiqar – Change your name to Pervaz Musharraf. It suits you best.
Abu 'Umar
August 18, 2008 at 11:57 AM
Amad, how has al-Qaeda tried to use ‘Aafia Siddiqui for their own recruitment\propaganda efforts?
I don’t think we need to muddy the water or try to be politically correct here. All the injustice committed against our sister ‘Aafia Siddiqui comes from the American government. That is who is the bad guy in this story, not the bogyman “al-Qaeda.”
Ibn Masood
August 18, 2008 at 12:00 PM
This post makes me SO angry and SO sad at the same time.
Where are the days where the khalifa would pack up his ships and armies to rescue 1 WOMAN from the non-muslim lands!?! Oh wait… we don’t have khalifas, we have rulers in our lands who are too busy imposing some form of secular rule and oppressing the righteous and the common folk.
La Hawla wa La Quwatta Illah billah.
May Allah swt grant sister Aafia Jannah-ul-Firdaus, keep her firm on the straight path and make her amongst the most beloved of the believers amongst the women.
August 18, 2008 at 12:07 PM
May Allah reward you for putting this up, may Allah free our sister
August 18, 2008 at 12:12 PM
Abu Umar, al-Qaeda is not a bogeyman. They are for real. And you will find many extremist-jihadi sites using this information, if you do some searches.
However, I never blamed al-Qaeda for this. I only said they would use this as propaganda, and the irony of having a position consistent with the US govt. We have to address the question that will invariable come up “If the extremists are laying claim to her, and making her a heroin, then she must be part of their clique”. Just because someone claims something doesn’t mean that claim is true… what are the underlying interests of both parties?
The bulk of my post was on US’s treatment. So, please focus on that, instead of zeroing on a small sub-section.
Good point on the Taliban treatment of Yvonne Ridley and American treatment of Aafia Siddiqui. Which party engaged in animal-like behavior? Who took care of “female-rights”? Which begs another question: where are the “feminists” protesting this inhumane treatment of a female prisoner? Where are other promoters of female-rights? Where are the “progressive” voices for “female-freedom”?
August 18, 2008 at 12:18 PM
Amad if I was ever banned, then sorry, I didnt get the notice, could you post a link on some previous post where it was mentioned. (aheem amad again high aheem) I do encourage people to see the comments on previous posts, and decide for yourselves. Wow, I am surprised you still remember us conversations, maybe you are improving… Here are some other links;โฆ/
People dont realize what they have, until they lose it. Best President Pakistan ever had….
As for Dr. Afia, may Allah have mercy on her and all other innocent people still locked up and being tortured.
MR., I wish I could, but I dont consider myself worthy enough to have that alias, you should try adding 10% to MR yourself, it suits you.
August 18, 2008 at 12:30 PM
Please do forgive me for going off topic but
I was just checking out our previous conversations and Amad said onโฆ/
>> Please refrain from personal attacks and comments. Calling someone idiot or ignorant or other kindergarten-style name-calling doesnโt add any weight to your arguments and makes you look childish.
and now he is saying;
>>he is the same clown under the name โPakistaniโ who served a lengthy commentsโ
I take that back Amad, you are not improving. Amad call people whatever you like, but practice what you preach, it makes one a hippocrate, i.e. if you are not one already ;)
August 18, 2008 at 12:38 PM
There are only two kind of people supported Musharraf, extreme liberals and racist terrorist MQM supporters because of Musharraf’s ethnicity. Which one is you, so I can better understand where you are coming from? And kindly highlight what makes Musharraf best president. Thanks.
August 18, 2008 at 12:46 PM
Hassan, I am the kind which lives in Pakistan and fear the reign of Mr. 10% , the old bald brothers and other looters and plunderers.
This post is about that poor woman and I dont want to go off topic again. Inshallah on next relevent post I’ll try to further elaborate the issue(mqm, supporters etc), if it comes up.
Ibn Masood
August 18, 2008 at 12:52 PM
Nationalists make me VERY angry.
Another point, an M4 carbine (the gun she allegedly zapped up in lightning speed to fire two shots) weights 6.9 lbs. Considering that the standard M4 carbine usually has some attachements such as a scope, strap etc, its likely the weapon weighed almost 8 lbs.
How FAST can a 90-100lb woman snatch up an 8lb bulky rifle, stabilise it with both hands, find the trigger and pull it, and manage to pull off two shots before trained, experienced and strong military soldiers can quickly grab it off of her or prevent her from pulling it close to herself to adjust it for firing?
PURE BS. May Allah swt reveal the ludicrousness of there allegations and the falsehood upon which they lie and oppress the Muslims.
August 18, 2008 at 12:57 PM
Right, Zulfiqar two negatives do not make positives. I dislike the old looters as well, and if “correct principles” are applied, then Musharraf should fall in same category. So I would like to know what principles you are applying that leaves Musharraf out? (for example a mohajir looting is better than Punjabi or Sindhi looting, as an example, because I have friends that have clearly stated this principle, they acknowledge all the wrong doings, but say they support him because he is their looter)
August 18, 2008 at 1:00 PM
Sorry, I just could resist
Ibn Masood, please dont confuse anger with jealousy;)
ok ,no more comments on this post from my side.
August 18, 2008 at 1:19 PM
Zulfiqar, I can sense which category you belong to now, but I would sure like to see if not in this posts, but some other post, the list of things/principles you judge political leaders in detail. And then apply them to president Musharraf and see how successful he is. Then we can debate whether those principles are valid and if they are, did Musharraf really was successful in those. Thanks.
Maryam Hassan
August 18, 2008 at 1:37 PM
Assalaamu ‘alaykum
JazaakAllahu khaira for writing this.
Please see the video we have obtained of the initial questioning of sr Aafia and her son in Afghanistan.
There are a few factual errors that I hope you will not mind me correcting (insha’Allah this will help if people are writing letters about the case):
– her nose has not been broken, nor her teeth pulled out; her kidney also has not been removed. There have been reports however that she may suffer from brain damage, and that part of her intestine was removed in US custody.
– Both of her lawyers say that she has been tortured and treated ‘horrendously’ – they are not able to give further details about that at the present time. They say, based on her testimony, she has been held in US custody for years – not that she was arrested in Afghanistan in July 2008 as the US claim. They claim the ‘evidence’ had been planted on her.
– Her ordeal is far from over: before and after every legal visit or trip to the court, Aafia is stripped naked and has to endure a cavity search. She has informed her legal team that she will not accept visits anymore due to the degradation and humiliation of the procedure.
– The prisoner whose screams were heard by Moazzam Begg cannot have been Aafia Siddiqui. Br Moazzam was in Bagram in 2002-2003. He heard the screams in May 2002. Aafia disappeared on March 30 2003, when Moazzam was transferred. However other prisoners who were held in Bagram up til 2005 have described a Prisoner 650 – female Pakistani prisoner, by all appearances in her 40’s, and have talked about how she was abused. Details of this are in our report, which Yvonne RIdley and Saghir Hussain launched at the press conference in Pakistan, July 2008 The ICRC also confirmed to Moazzam Begg that there was a female prisoner whom they met with in Bagram in 2003. Aafia may be Prisoner 650 (it is certainly not confirmed as much of the media have made out). If that is the case then br Moazzam did not hear Prisoner 650 but another female detainee.
– After our press conference in Pakistan, the US initially denied that there has ever been any female detainee in Bagram and denies that prisoner 650 was held there or has been in their custody. However in more recent reports they have admitted to the presence of a female detainee in Bagram between 2003-2005 but they say that her description does not match that of Aafia. Allah knows best.
– Aafia’s twelve year old son, Ahmad, was arrested with her in Afghanistan (see video link). He remains in Afghan custody. Amazingly, he is a US national but was not extradited along with her. We know that the children of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad were also taken into custody in Pakistan and mistreated.
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
August 18, 2008 at 1:43 PM
Jazakillahkhair Sr. Maryam.
Is there one point on your website, which is kind of a “Dr. Aafia-central”, so that I can add that to the resources in the post?
Also jak for the corrections on the sister’s medical condition. However, this is in direct contradiction to this report in The News:
HRCP appalled over Siddiqui treatment
Maryam Hassan
August 18, 2008 at 1:50 PM
Insha’Allah I will try to send you a comprehensive link on her case later today.
Yes – there are a lot of claims made particularly in the Pakistani media that are not correct (for example the claim that Aafia is definately 650 was made immediately after our press conference or that Moazzam Begg mentions Aafia in his book). I think the comments about the teeth and nose are just their analysis of the photo. also said that her sixth month old baby was murdered in US custody (Allah forbid) – I do not know what the source of this is but I pray it’s not true.
Aafia’s lawyer informed us that the part about her nose, teeth and kidney are not correct. However whilst she’s never stated this explicitly, she has never denied that Aafia has been raped – and I think that is quite possible given how many of our sisters are treated in US custody (Iraq, for example) – but I think they don’t want to release any details of how she has been treated yet.
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
Maryam Hassan
August 18, 2008 at 1:51 PM
I just posted a reply – has my comment been held?
(Yes we confirmed it with the lawyers)
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
Many times, “normal” comments get stuck in spam, no idea why. Just FYI to everyone else too… sometimes it isn’t us. Though sometimes it is :) -amad
Pingback: Of Dr. Aafia » Islam on My Side
Maryam Hassan
August 18, 2008 at 2:44 PM
Assalaamu ‘alaykum
You can find all the info on Aafia’s case here insha’Allah:
(Under ‘Click here for related articles’ you’ll find all the news items and comment pieces on our site related to Aafia; Under the campaign link you will get updates for action alerts, protests, petitions etc –
My earlier message did not appear for some reason but yes, often the reports in the media (esp Pakistani papers) have been incorrect – e.g. the definite link they make between Aafia and Prisoner 650, claims that Yvonne Ridley and Moazzam Begg identified 650 as Aafia (false), the info about the kidney, etc. I think the comments about her nose/teeth were just their analysis of the photograph released by the US. Her lawyer has said that none of this has been confirmed. She did not deny that Aafia may suffer from brain damage or may have been repeatedly raped. for example have stated that Aafia’s 6 month old baby was murdered in US custody – Allah forbid and we pray that this is not true (I have no idea what their source is).
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
August 18, 2008 at 3:36 PM
Also see Al Jazeera’s look at the case:
August 18, 2008 at 5:32 PM
jazakallah khair Amad for posting this.
Zulfiqar wrote:
โHassan, I am the kind which lives in Pakistan and fear the reign of Mr. 10% , the old bald brothers and other looters and plunderers.โ
I would prefer those looters than this munaafiq mushy who is sole responsible for creating this whole anti-islamic atmosphere in Pakistanโฆ..and how easy can you forget the recent Lal-mosque saga? I canโt wait to see his hands tide up in chains being dragged down to the court. May Allah give him a humiliated exit so other muslim leaders of the world could learn from.
Dr Aafiaโs case is indeed very heartbreaking. The only thing that calms the hearts is the feeling that this is just a temporarily world and that it wonโt be a long life until these criminals will be brought in front of Allah subhaana wataala and get their equal share in the hell-fire.
August 18, 2008 at 6:47 PM
Folks, one way you can help spread this far and wide is by using using “Stumble it” and Digg. You’ll be surprised how far Stumble reaches… so please help the cause by stumbling away inshallah!
Also, we have been in touch with Br. Abu Sabaya, and his article will be posted tomorrow, and he has agreed to comment as needed. Inshallah, he will also provide future updates.
We want to maximize and build upon the campaign that Sr. Maryam and cageprisoners has already begun mashalah… may Allah reward her and all others associated with it immensely.
August 18, 2008 at 7:01 PM
Another note… some people may be still wondering why it took us so long to jump on this story, esp. those not following our Open Sunday Thread where we have been discussing this. “Better late than never” is a good excuse, but not good enough. Because this is indeed one of the most important topics of the year, esp. since it involves a seemingly helpless sister and her missing children.
So, basically, a few of our key staffers were at IlmSummit, thus out of action. For others, this was not their “cup of tea”, since I usually write on such stories. As for me, I had final exams until Saturday, so I just couldn’t take out the amount of time that this story deserved. We also openly requested brothers/sisters to give us a guest submission, but nothing came out of that.
So, there, our bag of excuses, for the record.
Slave of Allah
August 18, 2008 at 8:39 PM
Why do I feel that this article was written due to pressure…I dont feel that love which the Prophet peace be upon him or the sahaba had for the muslim sisters who were prisoned by the non believers in this article nor in the comments posted by people…..Just comments about why the article was written late or disputes and arguments…anyways may Allah guide all muslims and release our muslim sister…this is not an attack towards anyone nor the author of this article…jazakallah for writing about this issue…but as you said i just felt it is late..even BBC and CNN wrote about this few weeks back…salam alaikum
Maryam Hassan
August 18, 2008 at 8:50 PM
Slave of Allah – in all fairness, I think every soul (including myself) needs to ask itself what it has done for Aafia Siddiqui, instead of pointing the finger at others.
Aafia disappeared in March 2003. Cageprisoners took up the case in 2004. Why did we delay?
Why did Cageprisoners and Yvonne Ridley delay going to Pakistan til July 2008 and raising the case there, resulting in the subsequent media storm? Why did we not do this in 2007 or 2006 or 2005?
None of this information is new – our sister and her children were missing for five years; articles and reports about Aafia were in the media, on Cageprisoners since then; Moazzam Begg’s book was published in early 2006; the brothers who escaped from Bagram spoke of Prisoner 650 since 2005. Why is it only now the internet forums are full of discussion about Aafia; why only now are there three Facebook groups, petitions, action alerts, articles written, messages of support collected and mass uproar? Why have we ALL been silent for so long?
Her children are still missing – what are we going to do about it?
I think all of us will find that we have fallen short and acted too late. Insha’Allah we have time to repent for that and make amends and do what we can for the sister.
Can I humbly suggest that those of you in the US organise a protest outside the court for Aafia – and pack that court – on September 3rd?
Insha’Allah MM should do all they can to promote it.
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
Maryam Hassan
August 18, 2008 at 9:01 PM
August 18, 2008 at 9:09 PM
salam… while we are doing our bit to help the sister, please be careful of engaging or helping in an effort that could be in fact counter-productive. So, don’t join the efforts of Qaeda-supporters, and those that refer to OBL as “Shaykh” (and you know who I am referring to), because the last thing we want is an Osama supporter delivering “letters of support” to the sister. Think about the message it sends?? So, please, it is better to do nothing than joining lunatics, regardless of their intention. Because guilt by association in such cases is tough to shake off.
Abu Sabaya
August 18, 2008 at 9:58 PM
“We are not ready to believe that Dr. Aafia is a star terroristโ a claim that is ironically being jointly pushed by both the US Government and Al-Qaeda.”
Sorry, I missed that…where did al-Qa’idah claim anything about Aafia?
Also, I encourage and request that the scholars, du’at, imams, etc. in America start openly defending their sister, as the Muslims need to become emboldened by words of support from those who have influence and following! If they will not personally speak out about a Muslim woman in captivity, then what is worthy of speaking out about?
Aafia has more of a right upon the people of knowledge in America than she does upon the non-Muslim lawyers who have been openly defending her day and night, ู ุงููู ุงูู ุณุชุนุงู
Slave of Allah
August 18, 2008 at 9:59 PM
yes wahn has come in our hearts…may Allah save her and prove her innocent …Ameen
Maryam Hassan
August 18, 2008 at 10:04 PM
Aafia is just one of many…
Irfan Abu Yusuf
August 19, 2008 at 12:26 AM
Salam Amad,
I appreciate and thank you for highlighting Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s case. The fact that our society is so uninterested in her case reflects the state of our ummah.
August 19, 2008 at 12:59 AM
i wish someone would make michelle malkins read this.
August 19, 2008 at 1:25 AM
“Can I humbly suggest that those of you in the US organise a protest outside the court for Aafia – and pack that court – on September 3rd?”
Sister Maryam, where is the case taking place on September 3rd?
Also, this link is excellent
Pingback: The Aafia Siddiqui That I Knew |
August 19, 2008 at 2:22 PM
Asalamu Alaikum
to the author:
Why is that we have to bash Muslims (albeit we may not support them or agree with them) when highlighting the injustice done to our sister by the Americans? When an American gets killed somewhere in the world by a Muslim, all of the media goes on and on about how evil these muslims are and there is absolutely no condemnation of their own injustice- let’s say a revision of Abu Ghraib scandal.
The point of this article should be about bringing awareness of what has happened to our sister by the Americans, Al Qaeda has nothing to do it. Is it because we are scared to speak up about the injustice done to our sister and so when we are ‘pressured’ to speak up, we want to make sure we are pleasing to the Americans, so we have to bring our bashing of the extremist into the article, when clearly Al Qaeda has nothing to do with this sister and her ordeal!
Bringing up Al Qaeda and making up some twisted conclusion on how they are involved, diverts the attention from the main point- our sister’s suffering.
Maryam Hassan
August 19, 2008 at 2:49 PM
>>Obviously the defense claim is that Aafia was in US captivity in Afghanistan and thatโs why she was there – I there is no way to prove that >>thoughโฆ.. and I also am confused about whether there is any truth to the claim that Aafia grabbed a gun and shot the marineโฆ
Aafia disappeared in March 2003 – the FBI and Pakistani officials initially admitted she was in custody. A few weeks later they retracted this. There was no news of her whereabouts until August 2008. Her family were meanwhile threatened and told to keep quiet and not pursue the case – why do this if the intelligence agencies had nothing to hide; if Aafia was, as they now claim, lying low and hiding in Pakistan for five years?
In that time period we have reports from several detainees held in Bagram of a woman prisoner held there between 2002-2005. We have been told she is Pakistani, appearing to be in her 40’s, that she was abused. The screams of this woman were heard by other prisoners. Her prisoner no. was 650. The Red Cross privately confirmed to Moazzam Begg, ex Gtmo detainee, that a woman had been held in Bagram in 2003 and they had met her. The US denied that there was any prisoner 650 or any woman in Bagram but in recent weeks they have backtracked and said there was a woman held there but she does not match the description of Aafia Siddiqui.
Does it really sound plausible that after there is international uproar following the press conference with Yvonne Ridley and Saghir Hussain in Pakistan, when the Pakistani courts file a habeas petition, ordering that Aafia be brought before the court, that suddenly, after five years when the pressure mounts, she conveniently turns up in Afghanistan, outside the house of the Governor of Ghazni, with dangerous chemical substances in her purse, anarchist manuals on explosives, plots about attacking landmarks in New York? That some woman rang the Afghan police and said that there is this woman about to perform a suicide bombing outside the governor’s house? If this is a woman the FBI have been lookign for, for five years, it doesn’t make a great deal of sense to be in such a place (and to bring your son along too)?
Does it sound plausible that they would present a detainee in Afghan custody to the media in a press conference the day they are arrested (unprecedented)?
Does it sound plausible that within days they would extradiate a foreign national from Afghan custody to the US and charge them in a civilian court (unprecedented)?
Is it not strange that in the media we had reports that the Afghan did not wnat to give her to the US and an argument ensued; in some cases they said this was the cause of her being shot (caught in the crossfire). That later the governor of Ghazni backtracked and said there was no argument?
Is it credible that the US and Afghans would keep a woman with all these explosives and bomb plots on her “unsecured” – not shackled, not handcuffed, not treated like all t he other detainees in US and Afghan custody? That she would be conveniently hiding behind a curtain when FBI officials came into the room – not knowing she was there?
Is it plausible they’d put the weapon down right next to the curtain and she’d be able to pick it up and shoot at them?
Aafia is 35-40kg, extremely frail – is it feasible she’d be able to shoot and struggle with six male US soldiers as they claim?
They say Aafia is so devout and yet they claim she shouted at the US soldiers “get the f*** out of here”?
We then on the other hand have the word of our sister Aafia that she has been held in custody “for years” by the US; that she has been held in Bagram; that she has been, in the words of her lawyer after meeting with her, “horrendously abused… physically and psychologically”. We have the court appointed lawyer saying she has all the signs of PTSD. We have her shaking her head in court, denying the allegations against her. We know she is very disturbed and distraught, not knowing the welfare and whereabouts of her children.
And if Aafia had been in hiding for years, and had not been in US custody, then where are her children?
Can anyone really give credence to the US’ version of events?
August 19, 2008 at 2:55 PM
My article was not just intended for the Muslim audience, but also for the non-Muslim audience. It was intended to preempt certain doubts that people may raise about her. Furthermore, it is important to sound balanced… only then will your article reach the minds, and more importantly the hearts of people who are far removed from her (in all sorts of ways such as religion).
As far as what happens when Americans get killed, that has nothing to do with what I write neither does it set a precedent for me in how to write. We have to be realistic about our situation, and recognize how far we behind we are in terms of PR and image. The little jab of “we are scared” doesn’t scare me into writing any differently… I find that frankly offensive, and I would urge you to please keep these silly assertions to yourself.
August 19, 2008 at 2:59 PM
Sr. Maryam, the official government story is as credible as Bush W. becoming a member of Mensa, i.e. nearly impossible.
Maryam Hassan
August 19, 2008 at 3:19 PM
Br Amad – I understand that you wrote for a mixed audience and the need to sound balanced – but that doesn’t I think justify making an unwarranted accusation since you said:
“hat Dr. Aafia is a star terroristโ a claim that is ironically being jointly pushed by both the US Government and Al-Qaeda. Why are these opposing sides pushing forth this nearly consistent portrait? The answer lies in each groupโs malicious agenda.”
The US has certainly done this but when has Al Qaeda ever claimed anything about Aafia Siddiqui? To my knowledge they’ve never said she was an operative, terrorist, or anything about her. In fact when the self-proclaimed members of Al Qaida who escaped from Bagram in 2005 spoke about Prisoner 650 (like Abu Yahya Al Libi) they never said prisoner 650 was a member of Al Qaida or a terrorist, or guilty of any crime either – they just said this was a female prisoner and this is how she was treated…
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
August 19, 2008 at 4:11 PM
Where are all the Shuyookh?….how can they go around teaching all these classes about so much knowledge, yet not one single shuyookh in America that i know of has publicly said anything in support of our dear sister?? It honestly makes one wonder exactly where the priorities are of all these scholars? is it in who can have the largest class? or is it when the ummah reaaly needs a voice of knowledge to speak up they will speak up?
August 19, 2008 at 4:51 PM
Sr. Maryam, it is the claim by an al-Qaeda big-wig of her being operative that apparently triggered the situation. Al-Qaeda hasn’t denied it, and its supporters are carrying the story. Anyway, I adjusted my paragraph to better represent this reading.
I am still waiting for evidence on the medical issues so I can update the post. If its not public info, you can email it to us at info at muslimmatters dot//org
Maryam Hassan
August 19, 2008 at 5:00 PM
Where is the claim – can you provide a supporting statement, quote etc?
Also what evidence do you require for medical issues? I’ve already mentioned that her lawyer denied this. I don’t believe a full medical report has been conducted yet.
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
Ahmad AlFarsi
August 19, 2008 at 5:14 PM
I guess Amad is talking about what it says in the media, that KSM named her during interrogation?
Maryam Hassan
August 19, 2008 at 5:41 PM
Well, we have an allegation, mentioned by Aafia’s lawyer (I don’t know the source), that “apparently” KSM mentioned Aafia’s name during interrogation – we have no statement from KSM or any other self proclaimed member of Al Qaidah. We have no proof that he actually said anything about her – and even non-Muslim journalists can see that (see for example- )
We know that he was tortured, and waterboarded. We also know that he resisted the waterboarding for a longer period than others and was much harder to break – yet her disappearance was less than a month after his own arrest. We also know that the FBI’s interest in Aafia and her husband long preceded her disappearance (see the article above for more info).
Even if he did mention her name – I have not seen or heard anyone else “pushing” this forward or saying she is a “star terrorist”, or using it for their “malicious agenda” – as far as we can see they have remained silent. So the way the author presented this is inaccurate, wa Allahu alam.
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
August 19, 2008 at 5:59 PM
The point of all this is that we don’t believe she is an operative of Al-Qaeda or any other terrorist group, regardless of any claims. Why the beef with such a claim? If the claim is accurate, I have provided reasons why such a claim would be made based on malicious interests. If the claim is eventually proved forced/never-happened, great, we don’t have a problem. Personally, I don’t put it past Al-Qaeda to use her for their propaganda— any organization that can target innocent civilians can easily engage in a lot less worse. We’ll see. By the way, if there was no Al-Qaeda, there wouldn’t be “Al-Qaeda operatives” to worry about, real or fake, qadr Allah wa ma sha’a fa’
Please lets move on, and stay on the real topic. I have already made some changes, so I am done with arguing about this.
Pingback: Free Aafia Siddiqui! « MT. Akbar
August 19, 2008 at 9:15 PM
Sr. Maryam, please see this in Abu Sabaya’s post on what Dr. Aafia’s lawyer said in the courtroom:
Maryam Hassan
August 19, 2008 at 9:18 PM
I don’t know br Abu Sabaya’s source for this but Aafia’s lawyer, Elaine Sharp, denied that her kidney has been removed (and that her teeth had been removed and her nose broken which were in the Pakistani news report).
I don’t have any reason to dispute the other points (although I didn’t think the brain damage was confirmed – but the lawyers said she may have brain damage and a CT scan was ordered)
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
Abu Sabaya
August 19, 2008 at 10:26 PM
Maryam, everything I listed (including her kidney being removed) was what I heard from the lawyers during the hearing. I was sitting only a few feet away from them when this was said.
Did Elaine tell you this before or after the Monday, 8/11 hearing?
Maryam Hassan
August 19, 2008 at 10:41 PM
Elaine wrote this in an email on 18/08 (08/18)
Associated Press on 11/08 (08/11) mentions the court appointed lawyer – “Defense lawyer Elizabeth Fink said Siddiqui may have lost a kidney and suffered brain damage.”
However in other reports (e.g. BBC, Aljazeera etc) on the 11th when Elaine and Elizabeth Fink were quoted they did not mention the kidney or brain damage, they mentioned t he stitches, abdominal pain, bleeidng and that she has lost part of her intestine.
Wassalamu ‘alaykum
August 20, 2008 at 2:02 AM
Copy of email sent to CAIR Houston:
Assalamu alaikum,
I will not be attending the upcoming CAIR banquet, or contributing to CAIR again. I have taken this decision in view of CAIR’s silence and apathy to Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s situation.
Slowly but surely, CAIR is becoming a boys armchair club and getting out of touch with real issues facing Muslims.
August 20, 2008 at 3:35 AM
asalamualaikum …
if we send afia messages would she be able to read them? i mean because of her condition would she have the ability to read the messages?
also, i just read this … i wish it could be passed on to afia so Allaah may make her strong through it. but all of us should read it too. we shouldn’t feel hopeless hearing about all the prisoners rather we should continue on practicing Islam, obeying Allaah and His Messenger and spreading this deen. people before us suffered for the sake of Allaah too until even the prophets cried out “when will the help of Allaah come?” but help from Allaah is near we just need to be patient and do our duty. we will have to die one day anyway. and the punishment of Allaah is severe… no one can punish like Allaah can so lets avoid that even if it means some trouble here in this life. besides this no one can harm us or benefit us anymore then Allaah has already willed for us. whoever goes through pain and suffering then he or she couldn’t have avoided it anyway. i’m just mentioning all of this so that none of us feel hopeless and lost. Allaah is with us if we do our part and our part is easy alhumdulillah. i don’t know if i’ve done a good job at it though.
โDo people think that they will be left alone because they say: โWe believe,โ and will not be tested.
And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allaah will certainly make (it) known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allaah knows all that before putting them to test)โ
[al-โAnkaboot 29:2-3]
โAllaah will not leave the believers in the state in which you are now, until He distinguishes the wicked from the good. Nor will Allaah disclose to you the secrets of the Ghayb (Unseen)โ
[Aal โImraan 3:179]
โDo you think that you will enter Paradise before Allaah tests those of you who fought (in His Cause) and (also) tests those who are As-Saabiroon (the patient)?โ
[Aal โImraan 3:142]
โand We shall make a trial of you with evil and with good. And to Us you will be returnedโ
[al-Anbiyaโ 21:35 โ interpretation of the meaning]
August 20, 2008 at 4:12 AM
Assalaamu Alaikum all,
It might well be that Aafia’s lawyer was more cautious outside the courtroom when mentioning information pertaining to her medical condition. Seeing as Elaine herself mentioned the kidney removal etc at the hearing, she must have checked her facts before submitting them in court as evidence for why Aafia needs urgent medical attention. Thus I would take what she said in court as being more authentic than whatever her official line was in subsequent emails to groups or press briefings.
Maryam Hassan
August 20, 2008 at 7:04 AM
Assalaamu ‘alaykum
Al-Istiqamah – Allahu alam if that is the case, since Elaine specifically mentioned this (the kidney and others) with regards to articles on the internet (which were on our site) and she asked us to correct and amend the information therein, on the 18th.
Also it was not Elaine (accoding to AP) who mentioned the kidney but Elizabeth Fink, the court appointed lawyer.
Insha’Allah I will email her anyway to clarify this…
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
Maryam Hassan
August 20, 2008 at 8:51 AM
Faiez: The hearing is on 3rd September is at the United States District Court (U.S.D.C.) for the Southern District of New York (S.D.N.Y), located at 500 Pearl Street, Manhattan. Aafia’s lawyer thinks that it is at 2:30pm.
Abu Sabaya/Amad/Al Istiqamah – Elaine has clarified the medical issues but does not want me to post her response online as she said she will get inundated with calls and others will want clarifications etc. She asked me to summarise it – once she has checked the summary I will post it here insha’Allah.
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
Maryam Hassan
August 20, 2008 at 9:48 AM
This is the summary corrected/confirmed by Elaine:
Aafia’s lawyer, Elaine Sharp, said in response that Aafia has definately suffered multiple bullet wounds, and extensive surgical incisions resulting in multiple layers of external and internal stitching. Aafia had also been told that she lost part of her intestine during the surgery to remove the bullets. This was mentioned in court and requires examination. Aafia’s medical condition needs to be fully investigated by several different specialists. As a priority, Aafia needs a CT scan to rule out an infection and internal bleeding.
Other medical issues need to be investigated by a variety of medical specialists.
Physical injuries aside, Aafia’s psychological injuries obviously leave deeper scars.
August 20, 2008 at 2:38 PM
Maryam Hassan,
Is there a way I can contact you personally? We’re working on a small project here for Dr. Aafia, and your assistance would be appreciated. Barak Allahu feeki.
Maryam Hassan
August 20, 2008 at 3:23 PM
Yes my e mail is contact at cageprisoners dot com (or use the contact us link on our website
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
August 20, 2008 at 3:53 PM
Jazakillaahu Khayran. Please check your email.
Umm Chick
August 21, 2008 at 12:07 AM
“The point of all this is that we donโt believe she is an operative of Al-Qaeda or any other terrorist group, regardless of any claims. Why the beef with such a claim? If the claim is accurate, I have provided reasons why such a claim would be made based on malicious interests. If the claim is eventually proved forced/never-happened, great, we donโt have a problem. Personally, I donโt put it past Al-Qaeda to use her for their propagandaโ any organization that can target innocent civilians can easily engage in a lot less worse. Weโll see. By the way, if there was no Al-Qaeda, there wouldnโt be โAl-Qaeda operativesโ to worry about, real or fake, qadr Allah wa ma shaโa faโ
Please lets move on, and stay on the real topic. I have already made some changes, so I am done with arguing about this.”
I understand your guilt by association issue – that’s why I have noooo idea why you would be the first one outside of the US government to mention her in connection with how Allqaedah can use her.
Fine you won’t put it past Alqaedah to use her, but at least let them be the first ones to actually do it rather than you suggesting it for them.
Just friendly advice, if we make a mistake, we say sorry that was incorrect. It was my inference and i should have made it clear (ie. there have been NO claims by alqaedah), rather than, “Please lets move on, and stay on the real topic”. Otherwise, present your source. Makes for more professional journalism.
Abu Ikrimah
August 21, 2008 at 1:59 AM
I really am appalled by what Amad has said here: “The point of all this is that we don’t believe she is an operative of Al-Qaeda or any other terrorist group, regardless of any claims. Why the beef with such a claim?”
The ‘beef’ is that it is a malicious lie that even many non-Muslim sources are up in arms about.
I don’t know whether to be relieved that MM actually bothered to write something about the subject or appalled that the ‘uncle Thomas’ factor has once again spoiled the article.
-Edited. Abu Ikrimah = Umm Chick. First of all, there is no point of writing under multiple names to give an impression that many people think like you. Secondly, if you don’t like what I write, then I am sure you can continue to slander us on the awakening forum as you are so used to doing, and unfortunately unchecked by the editors over there. Amazing that you are so worried about slander of Al-Qaeda, yet you have no qualms doing that about us. I stand by what I wrote. -Amad
August 21, 2008 at 2:15 AM
Good points Umm Chick.
Brother Amad, in Islam, you cannot accuse a group of Muslims (or even non-Muslims) of claiming something they haven’t, with the justification that “they might not have said such and such…but I wouldn’t put it past them to do so”. What is the source for claiming that AlQaida named Aafia as a top-op? CNN?
If the Quran tells us to question the word of a fasiq, what about those who are not Muslim and are proud of their animosity towards islam?
Brother Amad, you can’t say “If the claim is eventually proved forced/never-happened, great, we donโt have a problem.” because if the claim is eventually proved forced/never happened, then you do have a problem: you’ve fallen into slander.
Ahmad AlFarsi
August 21, 2008 at 8:40 AM
Ya akhi, Abu Ikrimah, it isn’t really fair to judge us by that article on Afghanistan. That article was posted without proper review by our staff, and upon realizing the flaws of the article, MM removed the article and issued an apology. Check the link for the article, and you can see that for yourself inshaAllah.
Maryam Hassan
August 21, 2008 at 8:53 AM
Just a side point br Amad – how can you be so sure Abu Ikrimah = Umm Chick – because they have the same IP? Have you not thought it could be two people from the same household/computer/IP address, rather than what you have accused the brother of. I think you have wronged him, wa Allahu alam.
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
August 21, 2008 at 9:41 AM
Sr. Maryam, so yes, I am sorry if the two are not the same. And perhaps this sarcastic comment is also not by the same author. All coincidental.
I don’t want to belabor this anymore, but there is a lot of history with this brother, which you probably don’t know. Also, perhaps you should also stop by the awakening forums to defend against those who are regularly slandered there.
Maryam Hassan
August 21, 2008 at 9:48 AM
Assalaamu ‘alaykum
To be honest – I don’t have time (even for MuslimMatters) – it’s just that these notifications come into my inbox now I have posted on the thread.
I am more concerned with defending the rights of the prisoners.
And on that note, those of you on Facebook can you please help me to circulate this:
Protest for Aafia Siddiqui outside the court.
Please invite all of your friends, whether they are in the US or not. We need Muslims in the US to take this up – most of my Facebook friends are outside the US. Please send a message notification to the members of the MuslimMatters Facebook group. Please post this on the Facebook pages of other US Muslim (and non-Muslim) organisations and US networks.
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
August 21, 2008 at 9:52 AM
Brothers and sisters Salaam Alikum,
Indeed this is one of the worst casualties of this “War on Terror”. Since I have read this website, I have been in constant state of depression. Having said that, lets not be the source of any propaganda and try to avoid from becoming one of those who we are criticizing. According to my information, the collaboration between FBI and Pakistani law enforcement agencies have been on since post 9/11. Thos of you who have been to Pakistan since 9/11 have seen the camera at the immigration booth where they stamp your passport. Well that camera takes your picture and adds it to the database which is linked with the FBI database. This gives FBI the opportunity to monitor who is entering and leaving Pakistan at any given point.
The rendition process in Pakistan has been the most extensive than any other country. Most likely she was picked up by the Pakistani Intelligence and handed over to the FBI who in turn flew her to Afghanistan since they donโt have any influence in Pakistani judiciary system. They couldnโt bring her back to US because of lack of any filed case against her and couldnโt interrogate her on the US soil.
Once this case got public scrutiny and inquiries were made, FBI had to bring her to US for a trial, being fully aware that they have no case against her, they are flapping their wings everywhere to stand their ground. This is basically a face saving effort to show we were not wrong in arresting her.
I agree that Pakistani law enforcement agencies cooperated fully in this and might have gotten some bounty money as well, but to accuse someone for taking bounty money without any sound proof is very un-Islamic to say the least.
August 21, 2008 at 10:06 AM
jazakillahkhair Sr. Maryam. Back to the issue at hand.
In discussions with sources close to the case, I got the impression that they are looking at several ways to increase the publicity, and to allow people to get involved inshallah.
I mentioned cageprisoner’s work, and they seemed appreciative that there are efforts like theirs happening organically. I also believe a central website dedicated to this issue, much like or will be developed soon.
The sources expressed their confidence that there was no “cleaner” case than this, because Sr. Aafia is/was clean as a whistle, despite anyone’s claims. They explained the difference between 100% innocence, i.e. not just not proven guilty and their belief that Sr. Aafia is the latter.
Furthermore, they expressed their belief that the reason that the government has made the accusations so “grand”, is because they are struggling mightily in this case (as I mentioned also in terms of how many answers they have to give). It is a strategy to scare people away from touching the case. They also expressed their feelings that CAIR/MAS should get involved, because this is one, that they don’t want to “miss out” on.
Inshallah, we have asked a brother who specializes in PR (will be joining MM soon), who was involved in the call with the person, to write something to the effectโฆ on involvement in such cases, etc. We are also waiting for some information as to court specifics and anything else that we can pass on, if not already covered by Sr. Maryam.
Umm Reem
August 21, 2008 at 10:32 AM
So sr. Maryam the hearing is open to public on sep. 3rd?
also i emailed you on your cage prisoner account about sr. afia’s case…i hope you got my message.
Maryam Hassan
August 21, 2008 at 10:35 AM
Umm Reem – yes, got your msg – jzk. Have been thinking about the issue before I reply – insha’Allah will get back to you soon.
I believe it is open to the public – Abu Sabaya, can you confirm – as you were able to attend the last hearing I assume others will be able to do so?
Br Amad – could you ask this person to contact me? I have more to say on your last post but insha’Allah perhaps later.
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
Maryam Hassan
August 21, 2008 at 12:16 PM
Facebook will disable my account if I send any more messages. Can people therefore post the information about Aafia’s hearing (or the Facebook groups about Aafia) on the following group pages: (if you do 2-3 each then your account won’t be affected – they will warn you if you are spamming):
JazaakumAllahu khaira
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
Abu Sabaya
August 21, 2008 at 12:40 PM
I believe it is open to the public – Abu Sabaya, can you confirm – as you were able to attend the last hearing I assume others will be able to do so?
It is open to the public, yes. Just get there early, because the seats in the courtroom get filled up rapidly (mostly by the press), in which case you won’t be let in.
August 21, 2008 at 12:41 PM
For those of us who can’t access facebook at work, can you please post time and place for the protest. Also, we need to find out if there is a limit on the number of people who can be in the court-room, etc.
Umm Chick
August 21, 2008 at 2:51 PM
Alright, so Alqaedah will use Afia Siddiqui, Abu Ikrimah will use Umm Chick, whatโs next?
In all honesty, I did not mean to attack you, but had to point out,Br. Amad, that what you were saying sounded contradictory, even if you didnโt mean it (in which case you can issue a clarification or revise your words). Of course it was my opinion, and you have the right to reject it (and you have chosen to exercise that right).
Just wanted to make two points.
Why the heck do I have to be Abu Ikrimah?
And I donโt have any plans on slandering you anywhere; may Allah reward you for bringing up this sisterโs plight on your website that gets a lot of hits and will make more Muslims aware of it.
August 21, 2008 at 2:59 PM
“Umm Chick”, your previous comment shared the same IP AND the same email as Abu Ikrimah. So it seemed quite strange that it would be different persons. Your current IP/email are both different, so perhaps yours and Abu Ikrimah’s comments were submitted at the same time, and some bug transpired.
Anyways, my comment was aimed at Abu Ikrimah, not you, as we have some “history”. Your point was duly noted, though we never profess to be professional journalists here, or even journalists at all.
I will not be responding to this issue anymore, to avoid further distractions. I am sorry for any harshness.
August 21, 2008 at 5:37 PM
Here are some links to download posters and postcards for Dr. Aafia’s cause:
Poster 1
Poster 2
Postcard 1 (front and back):
Postcard 2 (front and back):
August 21, 2008 at 9:37 PM
Posted by Curious
“Where are all the Shuyookh?โฆ.how can they go around teaching all these classes about so much knowledge, yet not one single shuyookh in America that i know of has publicly said anything in support of our dear sister?? It honestly makes one wonder exactly where the priorities are of all these scholars? is it in who can have the largest class? or is it when the ummah reaaly needs a voice of knowledge to speak up they will speak up?”
Hey Salaam bro; What our Shuyookh are doing is excellent(for ex. all the al Maghrib teachers); they are raising our Imaans for the sake of Allah(SWT) and may Allah(SWT) them for teaching us and us for seeking knowledge.
Mabye some of them don’t know much about this issue(even I came to know about it only just a month ago)..butt inshAllah all the shuyookh will get to know about it and help in anyway they can. And also; im sure they all (and us) make dua sincerly for the Ummah; since Dua is the best wepaon for the believer.
I really hope inshAllah our Sis. Dr. Siddiqui gets realased and thinking about the torutre that she has gone through and the rest of our brothers and sisters makes me REALLY angry at the people torturing them…I really want to know what we can else we to do stop this besides signing petitions n stuff
Maryam Hassan
August 21, 2008 at 10:55 PM
Dr Fowzia Siddiqui’s Address to the Pakistani Senate (Aafia’s sister):
August 22, 2008 at 3:21 AM
What surprises me is while Sr. Aafiya’s family is vociferously expressing their concern about her well being, there is not a peep from her ex-husband’s side.
She is no longer his wife, but he has 3 very young missing children. Normally, a father would be going berserk.
Also, the question, that part of her history sheet cites purchases of bomb proof jackets and other combat equipment by her husband. Allegedly, he purchased those for Al-Quaida’s benefit. Yet it is she who is incarcerated and the man is living a normal life in Karachi.
I smell a big old fat smelly rat.
August 22, 2008 at 9:51 AM
In response, Shaykh Yaser Birjas responded:
Do you really think if we talk someone will listen in the media or the government?
We are doing our job, teaching those like yourself, to do the job that we cannot do. We can solicit the Muslims to help, but we directly would not be able to do that much. If we were in a Muslim country where the words of people of knowledge is highly respected by the people, it would be different.
Unfortunately, people have distanced themselves from the shuyookh and therefore many got busy doing what they think they can do better. We cannot be political and civil right activists and scholars at the same time, but we can definitely benefit each other in the best way.
No excuse for me though, I admit to be falling behind on this issue.
August 22, 2008 at 10:20 AM
Salaam alaikum,
Linking and excerpting this at Also posting the cageprisoners press conference video and the text of one of Maryann Hassan’s responses in the comments thread that succinctly points out all the problems with the case against Siddiqui (beyond the torture and illegal detention).
August 22, 2008 at 4:10 PM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
500 Pearl Street
Manhattan, NY
The hearing is on 3rd September is at the United States District Court (U.S.D.C.) for the Southern District of New York (S.D.N.Y), located at 500 Pearl Street, Manhattan.
The hearing will start at 2:30pm
August 22, 2008 at 7:56 PM
Assalamu alaikum, Brothers and Sisters in Islam.
This is an appeal from the bottom of my heart, and I pray to Allah that it may be felt at the bottom of your heart too!
Al Hamdolillah
Our sister in Islam, Aafiya Siddiqui is following the in the foot steps of Aasiyah, the wife of Firoun, and Summayah, the first woman hero of Islam.
She is bearing the burden of the Ummah alone on her frail shoulders. Apart from our heart felt dua, she also has the right of material support.
In less than 15 days time, Muslims in Houston will be consuming $700 to $1000 every evening in thousands of masajid in this country. That would be $20000 a night if only 20 masajid participate.
How about giving 1.00% of that and setting up a legal defense fund for our sister, to help with her legal fees.
You can contribute cash and money orders if you don’t want your checks to go into it.
Please let me know if anyone is interested.
Jazakallaha Khair,
Shahla Wahid
August 22, 2008 at 9:48 PM
@ Shahgul,
Please could you provide your contact details.
Abu Sabaya
August 23, 2008 at 1:17 AM
In response, Shaykh Yaser Birjas responded:
Do you really think if we talk someone will listen in the media or the government?
I love Yasir Birjas immensely, but I think there is a misunderstanding as to what we are requesting of our teachers. We are not expecting that they will appear on CNN and address the government on its treatment of our women or anything of the sort. This is something for the political activists.
Rather, the hope is that they will use their platform with the Muslim youth in the West, as well as their influence in helping to shape the identity and direction of this generation of Western Muslims, to embolden and morally strengthen the Muslims here by openly coming out and speaking in support of our prisoners rather than remain silent, especially when the case involves a sister. We need to start breaking out of our shell in this country. The Ummah needs both its scholars and the lay people in situations like this…silence is not an option for either side, especially the side that was tasked by Allah with openly proclaiming the truth and serving as examples and leaders for the masses.
If there happens to be a fear that we will all be sent to Guantanamo for speaking in support of Aafia, etc., at least put out a joint statement from the scholars here with a disclaimer that you disassociate yourselves from terrorism and are simply condemning the injustice meted out to the woman (which nobody can deny)!
It is amazing how much power and effect a few simple words of support and solidarity can have, especially with the thousands and thousands who respect the speakers’ teachings to the point that they pay good money and travel hundreds of miles to learn from them.
August 23, 2008 at 6:42 AM
apparently they found her son.
Maryam Hassan
August 23, 2008 at 8:10 AM
They didnt’ find her son as such – he was with her when she was arrested and has been known to be in Afghan custody since she was extradited. Where precisely he is held is not known. He doesnt have access to any lawyer. He is a US national yet was not extradited with her.
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
August 23, 2008 at 10:16 AM
Assalamu alaikum, Umaffnan,
I have contacted some activists in Houston. As soon as we put together something, I will inshallah contact you.
August 23, 2008 at 10:24 AM
Posted by Curious
โWhere are all the Shuyookh?
The shuyookh are themselves defacto suspects. They are carrying out a very risky job of teaching Islam in a time when even saying:”La ilaha illallah” makes you a usual suspect. Let us not burden them with activism too!
Akber Illah abadi said about a 100 years ago:
Raqeebon nay rapat likhwai hai ja ja ke thane me
Ke Akber naam leta hay khuda ka is zamane me
Translated: My rivals have repeatedly visited the police to report
That Akber in this time and day, takes the name of the Lord.
August 23, 2008 at 10:43 AM
I hope that my sister Aafia will soon in Pakistan, I pray for her and her innocent sons. The people who handover her to USA authorities, will be destroyed inshallah.I wish for her freedom and want to work for her in any where any time. All the people of this country are paying dua for her release.
August 23, 2008 at 6:49 PM
Assalamu alaikum,
If Umafnan or anyone wants to communicate about setting up of the defense fund, they can do so at:
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zershi ovais
August 27, 2008 at 9:14 AM
I must say you will get alot of duas for writing this aricle, this is total unjustice and totally directed towards Islam, and sadly our own political leaders easily bought. I pray that Dr. Afia gets released and than light is drawn upon what really is happening under the name of ‘War agaisnt Terror’.
August 27, 2008 at 7:01 PM
I found out today that one person, supported by others, is shamelessly spreading messages about me that I was referring to Imam Anwar Awlaki in my comment above to not support counter-productive moves. Let me be very explicit then that this is referring to the lunatics and terrorist-supporters at the revolution website. I have no idea how it could have been concluded that I was referring to Imam Anwar because the Imam never called for letters of support on his website. While the revolution wacko clearly did. Finally, as proof of this willful slander, this person never even bothered to seek clarification on this post, and cut and paste my comment to disseminate her lie on the awakening forum, whose member seem to revel in anti-MM slander and rhetoric.
IMHO, some of the MM attacks continue to be just sour grapes from the pledge post, and 2-3 other posts among the 500-odd posts on this website… some people have no regard for justice and regard for the big picture, while spending all their energies nit-picking bits and pieces… may Allah help us from the evils of gheebah, slander, jealousy and enmity.
Maryam Hassan
August 27, 2008 at 7:08 PM
Just a point – Imam Anwar wrote a post about Prisoner 650 and when Aafia was extradited people used the comments section of his blog to post about Aafia – I think I saw a post about revolutionmuslim website who were forwarding Abu Sabaya’s request for message of support for Aafia. To be completely honest with you when you said “and you know who I am referring to” – I really didn’t know who you were referring to and was wondering whether this was intended to mean Imam Anwar, Abu Sabaya, RevolutionMuslim, Al Qaeda in general or someone else.
Take action for Aafia
Protest for Aafia – London, UK
Wassalamu ‘alaykum
August 27, 2008 at 7:19 PM
Next time, please feel free to ask inshallah.
P.S. Just to be clear, I am not referring to Sr. Maryam as the person who posted misstatements about me… I have all the respect in the world for her and her efforts and others’ efforts at
Maryam Hassan
August 27, 2008 at 7:23 PM
Insha’Allah – but my point was that it perhaps was not so obvious to readers as it seemed to you; maybe that is why the misunderstanding occurred. I agree people should not make assumptions (not that I did, I was simply confused) but that is often human nature.
Wassalaamu ‘alaykum
August 27, 2008 at 7:57 PM
True sister… one of the many drawbacks of electronic communications… so easy to misunderstand. I just wish people would not go and spread an unverified version of events/discussion to ten other people… its one thing to take criticism on a POV, but another to take it on unfounded attributed-POV.
Anyway, let’s move on inshallah. May Allah forgive us all.
August 27, 2008 at 8:50 PM
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,
Amad said:
I was the ‘liar’ as you choose to put it who said on the IA forums that you were referring to Imam Anwar al Awlaki. I also retracted my statement a few posts later when Ahmad clarified that you were talking about Samir Khan. I have acknowledged that I misread your statement and I seek your forgiveness for jumping to conclusions. I had not seen any reference to Samir Khan before you made your comment. I only saw Sister Maryam’s posting of the link and THEN came your comment. Suffice to say I was not the only one to jump to that conclusion. But you are right on this issue. I should have asked for clarification.
With all that said Amad, the reaction of the members on IA and their ‘slander’ again as you choose to put it is a two way street. You have on numerous occassions mad blanket statements and called the members of IA ‘dogs of Jahannam’ and label members there as ‘terrorist lovers’ when it is clear times without number how many times terrorism and killing of innocents is condemned on the forum. That is also malicious slander on your part. You always insinuate that somehow muslim’s sincerely criticising the MM staff are somehow being malicious and have ‘anti MM’ sentiments. If you are going to dish something out, then by all means be prepared to recieve it as well.
August 27, 2008 at 9:12 PM
You know Umm Afnaan, you don’t speak for IA. And you certainly don’t speak for me. You have no right to twist my statements (as you have done on many occasions on the IA forum) on this blog, and to put words in my mouth. I *only* called the people who referred to us as munafiq as having kharijite tendencies, and there is no doubt that one of the characteristics of khawarij is their easy takfir… I never used “dogs of jahannam” anywhere and that is yet another of your exaggerations in order to gain sympathy for your twisting of the truth. Now I know you will say that khawarij are considered “dogs of jahannam”, but I did not use that language, and that is exactly what constitutes inflammatory language techniques.
As for your claims of retracting your words, you did not retract any statement outright… you insisted on your reading, and only gave a slight out IF you misunderstood. I read all your comments, AFTER Ahmed clarified my position to you. And remember I did not even name you here, I just wanted you to get the message.
In any case, I do appreciate that you accepted your mistake, except that I wish that you would not continue with more twisting of my words here!
Anyway, if you dislike us so much, then you have the right to remain away from this forum. While there are certainly people that disagree with our posts, and our moderation policy, there are many people that disagree with a “open-house” policy on comments that allows slander, back-biting and hate-mongering of other Muslims. Just like we don’t appreciate anti-Islam comments by Islamophobes, we should not accept unfair and unfounded anti-Muslim comments by other Muslims. Where is the taqwa in this? So, our approach is one of over-doing it rather than under-doing it. Sometimes we get it wrong…we are humans. But other times we get it right. Alhamdulilah, based on the survey results thus far, the vast majority of our readers do not share your views, and agree with our moderation policy, our focus and our content. May Allah sustain our little effort.
This is my last reply on this issue… I have much more important things to focus on. You can continue to insist on your criticism as you wish, the fair and unfair portions. I just remind you and others who are engaged in slander and back-biting to fear Allah. And may Allah increase His fear in my soul as well.
Allah is judge over all. May Allah forgive us.
August 27, 2008 at 11:15 PM
You have no right to twist my statements (as you have done on many occasions on the IA forum) on this blog, and to put words in my mouth.
You accuse others of slander, yet you have done the exact same thing in this very statement. I challenge you to produce just ONE other negative statement I have ever made in regards to you or MM on the IA forums. Now who is twisting words just to gain sympathy. By Allah show me where apart from yesterday’s comments(which I DID aopologise for) I have EVER mentioned you or MM in a negative light on the IA forums. All my comments and criticisms I have ALWAYS posted in thoe comments section oy your site. I have NEVER discussed MM on IA except for yesterday. I have been a reader of MM for over a year and a member of IA for only about five months so tell me HOW on earth I could have possible ‘continously’ slandered you on IA. And I have ALWAYS made my opinion known there and then in the comments section of MM.
If you cannot produce the proof then what does that make you?
And FYI, I enjoy reading the articles by SOME of the writers on the MM site especially the Shuyukh here whom I respect very much. I ALSO have a lot of respect for those of your authors like Ibnabeeomar, imuslim, SaqibSaab, and a few others who do take criticisms and respond in a polite manner. Not in the rude and arrogant tone YOU Amad, always take with anyone who disagrees or criticises you. My coming to MM is DEFINATELY not because of you. One only needs to go thru the comments section of the articles on this site to view your constant rude and insulting behaviour towards those who care to comment on the MM site. And as long as there remains the likes of the above mentioned on your staff who I consider to be sincere muslims and may Allah reward them with Al jannah firdaus, I will continue to visit MM to benefit from the knowledge and wisdom that Allah has bestowed them with bi idhnillahi ta’ala, whether you like it or not!
In any case you are right we all have better things to do.
August 28, 2008 at 5:29 AM
just feeling shame on our 3rd class government…………..musharraf sahib apnay har address may piblic ko boltay hain k mare just 1 call say he may m.r BUSH SAY BAT KASR SAKTE HU TO MARA YAH UN SAY SAWAL HAY K YKAYH AB AP AFIA KAY LEYAH JO KAY HAMARAY COUNTRY KE 1 BATE HAY JO KAY MUSHARRAF Kke bate kay equal hay to kayh ab HITLAO M.R BUSH ko call karnay kay leayh time ni hay yah dollars ka problem hay………..dusro ke bate ko yu greedy dogs kay samnay phankanay say pahlay 1 lamhay k leyah yah socha hota k tumare b koi bate hay…………….mr MUSHARRAF bateyah bohot he nazuk or khubsurat hote hain un ko yu mat rondo
August 28, 2008 at 10:04 AM
personal attacks removed – Mod
Also, you have contradicted yourself and prove yoru own ignorance in your statement”
“That we cannot trust what we see or hear or read, because most of it is being spoon-fed to us while we are oblivious to our own blindness?”
And then say, “he terrorists among us, who have hijacked Islam in the name of their perverted ideology (such as Al-Qaeda and all other terrorist cells that target innocent civilians).”
Let me ask you one question. What have your read or seen from these “terrorists”, and what have you seen and read about them from the media! You should be ashamed. You were always a follower anyways.
August 28, 2008 at 3:40 PM
Ukthi Umm Afnaan, I am sorry but you did not say the truth. Here is one of your statements on the other forum about MM in very negative fashion. I don’t put links, people can find it and you know what you said.
I think alhamdulilah people are doing good service here raising issue of Dr Afia. We should encorage them, and not become picky about every small thing. jzakallah kheir br. Amad
August 28, 2008 at 7:15 PM
ABrother said:
I said I had not made any negative statements in regard to MM prior to the aforementioned exchange with the MM staff which ALL happened two days ago. This was my statement to Amad:
Notice my usgae of the word COMMENTS!
And what exactly was my statement in reply to? It was in reply to one of the staff of MM who is ALSO a member at IA challenging me to air my criticisms about MM’s articles on the Aafia Siddiqui case and I did. So what is wrong with that? Since when did criticism on one issue mean that you automatically do not encourage a person or praise them on other issues?
There is no need to hide ANY links. IA is a PUBLIC forum for anyone and everyone to view, members and non-members alike. We muslims should learn to be humble enough to take criticisms without taking it personal and always feeling that when someone calls you out on an issue then it is an all out attack with some sort of hidden or vindictive motive. I stand by every single word I said during THAT exchange with the MM staff. In the case where I misquouted Amad, I apologised. But in every other aspect, I voiced my opinion and By Allah I am entitled to it as you are ALSO entitled to yours.
August 29, 2008 at 12:06 AM
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
I cannot recall the exact wording of the Hadith I have in mind, however it is the Hadith about our deeds being raised to Allah azza wa jal every Monday and Thursday and Allah azza wa jal forgiving every servant of his except two muslims who are quarelling with one another. Allah says to the angels ‘withhold my forgiveness from these two until they reconcile’. As a result of this and as the Blessed month of Ramadhan is upon us, I would not like to start my Ramadhan with grudges against fellow muslims or with having offended fellow muslims by my words. So I sincerely apologise to all the authors here at MM especially Amad, Anonymousey, and Ahmad for my harsh words. Even though I disagreed with you on certain issues, I should have been a bit more Islamic and less harsh with my words when trying to advice you. Since Allah says one of the quality of the believers is that they are merciful to fellow muslims.
And truly no bearer of burdens shall bear another mans burden so why should I take my difference in opinion with MM so seriously anyway. Once again I am sorry and truly pray Allah forgives us all and guides us to doing what pleases Him azza wa jal. And may Allah reward every single person who has in any minute way aided towards the fight for the release of oue sister Aafia. I am very ashamed for getting into petty arguments when there are muslims like sister Aafia going through far greater trials than I can ever Imagine.
Once again Amad, Anonymousey, Ahmad I really am sorry. I pray you have a rewarding, fulfilling and blessed Ramadhan.
Wassalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
August 29, 2008 at 12:18 AM
w/s wr wb sister UmmAfnaan, that was very nice of you mashallah. I accept the apology and extend my own to you and anyone else for anything that I said that felt hurtful, the intentional and unintentional. May Allah forgive us all.
I hope the Ramadan on MM can be a happy, non-argumentative place for spirituality and learning.
August 29, 2008 at 1:06 AM
Wa ‘alaikumus-salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,
No harsh feelings from my end, and I hope that you will accept the same apology from me.
Ameen to the ad’iyah, and may Allah strengthen the bonds of brother/sisterhood between us for His Sake, and guide us all to that which is most pleasing to Him, ameen! :)
August 29, 2008 at 2:37 AM
Ameen. And Jazaakallahu khairan for accepting my apology.
Ahmad AlFarsi
August 29, 2008 at 8:38 AM
Alhamdulillah, no offense was taken here so no need to apologize to me, but in any case, I accept, and pray you accept my apologies for anything I did to offend you or any of my brothers and sisters in Islam. May Allah accept our fasting in this coming month. aameen.
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October 28, 2008 at 3:12 PM
Salaams to all!
It appears that many of you have been decieved.
Yvonne Ridley who came up with the 650 story has changed it.
“British journalist Yvonne Ridley who embraced Islam in Taliban captivity told that prisoners No. 650 was not Dr. Aafia Siddiqui rather another Pakistani woman who had been held in solitary confinement for years at the Bagram US base near Kabul”
The story was based on a presumption she made after readin Moazzam Begg’s book. Her irresponsible punlic statements have caused a lot of undo stress. From now on I suggest people look for real evidence instead of embracing such charlatans.
thank you,
October 28, 2008 at 3:57 PM
Shes a “charlatan”? For bringing up the issue of detention of a Pakistani woman by the US/Afghan puppets and being tortured in their custody?So what if prisoner 650 was not Dr. Aafia??? Is it OK that ANOTHER woman is suffering the same fate??And isnt the point of Yvonnes work to highlight the plight of such people?
If u did any research on the subject u might have gathered that , regardless of whether Dr. Aafia was prisoner 650, she was more than likley in custody of “coalition” forces throughout the time she had “dissappeared”. From the state she was recovered in doesnt look like they treated her well…to say the least.
And looking at the article u posted , bad grammar and all, unless Yvonne Ridley makes the announcement that she was wrong on her blog or another more reputable source I should be inclined to disregard it. Given that the article claims that she embraced Islam in Taliban captivity , which is not true, its attribution to her of the statement you speak of might as well be untrue.
October 28, 2008 at 4:05 PM
Does that change the fact that Sister Aafia is still in jail and have been tortured, shot, her children taken away from her. BOB think before you post.
Maryam Hassan
October 28, 2008 at 4:28 PM
Assalaamu ‘alaykum
With the greatest respect, Bob, I don’t think anyone has been “deceived” nor has sr Yvonne “changed her story.”
Sr Yvonne has never claimed that Aafia Siddiqui was prisoner 650. Nor were her statements the result of merely reading Moazzam Begg’s book. He was not the only prisoner to have witnessed a female detainee in Bagram. Other former detainees have testified to this; amongst them the four who escaped from Bagram in 2005 and were the first to identify her prison no. as 650. If you do not trust the word of the former detainees then perhaps you would take the word of the ICRC who independently confirmed that a woman was held in 2003 in Bagram but were not in a position to say more.
It was the Pakistani media and masses there who immediately linked the case of 650 with that of Aafia Siddiqui, claiming with certainty that they were one and the same. So if anyone is at fault then it is those who made this link and propagated this misconception. We have always been against statements that “Aafia Siddiqui, Prisoner 650” as we have seen circulating on the internet, in Pakistan, in the media and amongst concerned Muslims.
Far from being “irresponsible” or “causing undue stress”, whether or not she claimed 650 was Aafia, her work led to the media storm that resulted in sr Aafia being transferred to the US after five years of her whereabouts being unknown. That surely has brought some relief to Aafia’s family and all those who were concerned for her and insha’Allah I hope that we will also get to the bottom of Prisoner 650’s case and other female prisoners in the War on Terror as a result of her efforts. After repeated denials the US have finally admitted that there was indeed a female prisoner in Bagram and that her prison no. is 650 – although they say that she is not Aafia and that she was released in 2005; all of this a result of sr Yvonne’s efforts, and achieving far more than other NGOs working in this area had hitherto.
>>From now on I suggest people look for real evidence instead of embracing such charlatans.
Rather I would suggest that you examine the ‘real evidence’ instead of jumping to erroneous conclusions and apologise to those whom you label “charlatans”.
Rifa’i – the news article is true; Yvonne has never claimed that 650 was Aafia. She has made many public statements that 650 is not Aafia, once the US had confirmed finally that they are two separate detainees, prior to this.
Here is the text of her recent address in Lahore:
Some background info on this issue:
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January 17, 2010 at 11:04 AM
I am concerned as to where there is no update on this issue. For those interested the trial is beginning on January 19 2010.
I wonder if just american muslims can organize a big protest.
I am also appalled to learn that none other than a couple of Pakistani medias are covering the story. Al Jazeera, or general arab news.
Who cares? Or are protests just reserved for “really important” issues like cartoons?
This is a female, Muslim and judging from the reputation of Bagram prison and US policy on detainees (Abu Ghraib anyone?) we should be worried.
Yet nothing.
January 21, 2010 at 12:44 PM
We have had several more posts on Dr. Aafia after this one, pls see this link:
In addition, pls see this official family-sponsored site:
February 8, 2010 at 5:36 PM
Way ahead of you. I know MM covered the matter well.
My point was simply that this case of a human rights disaster is actually worthy of mass protests and anger rather than cartoons and the like. I was following her case and I am just shocked. And many medias never even covered it. Some did, but superficially and one single mention.
The story of the egyptian woman who was shot in a German court went around the world, yet many people I speak to have never heard of Aafia Siddiqui. That says a lot. I also miss a more outright and direct protest chain from muslims.
Anyways the case is finished now. Unless she appeals, she will be sentenced and the truth will die with her.
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