Job Interview Tips for Muslim Men
Interviewer: “So do you have any questions about our company or the position?”
Muslim: “I need off every Friday from 1pm to 3pm. Is there a room I can pray in a couple of times a day? Also sometimes I need to wash my feet in the sink, is that ok? Which restroom should I use? Do you have lotas? Can I borrow the watering jug?”
Interviewer: “Thanks, we’ll be in touch….”
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Let’s face it, we are special. We are the strange ones. How do we manage to land that nice job in the corporate world without assimilating and changing our names from Muhammads to Moes and Tariqs to Terrys?
So you have a spiffy new resume, you have been applying to every job you can find online, and you finally get the initial phone call. You get through the preliminaries and now you are set to go interview in person. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.
Resume Tips
Before getting to the interview, it is essential to have a good resume to help land the interview. Without going into too much details, the most important resume tips can be summarized as such,
- Aesthetically pleasing (don’t use pre-made Word templates)
- Grammatically correct.
- Put accomplishments instead of duties. “Brought GUI application for high dollar accounts to satisfactory completion” sounds a whole lot better than “Write code in C++.” Things like “Caught accounting oversights to help recover $200,000 in lost revenue” sounds a whole lot better than “Accounting and bookeeping.”
- Don’t sell yourself short. Your experience is used to gauge your ability to adapt and learn skills, not necessarily replicate the work you do at one job in another.
- Use buzzwords as much as possible – search job openings online and see the words that are in the title headings and use them. Even though you might not officially be a “project manager”, this doesn’t mean that you haven’t ‘managed projects’ – so include the buzzword.
- Don’t lie. This should go without saying for a Muslim.
Now, getting to the interview.
Looks count. “‘Beauty is on the inside’ is just something ugly people say to feel better about themselves” – that is not exactly true, but don’t bank on your internal beauty when interviewing for a job. It is naive to think you can live in a materialistic society and then not be judged on your looks.
Get yourself a nice suit. Wear something conservative. A black suit or dark gray suit should do fine. Don’t wear a loud colored shirt or a loud tie. Make sure your suit is tailored properly and actually fits. If you are 5’6 and 150 pounds, don’t borrow your brothers suit who is 5’9, 200. Spend the extra 20 bucks and make sure it fits right.
Make sure your beard is well groomed. I do not mean that it has to be short. A beard can be short, and still look scraggly or “jungly” for all the desis out there. It can be long, and still look well maintained (Tableeghi brothers have this down). It is important, and it’s the Sunnah, to be neat. This is a direct reflection of your personal hygiene. Anyone who has worked in an IT office knows how people respond to the pungent curry smell that is known to emanate from the break room microwaves at lunch time – when you walk in with a big beard, you have been branded with this type of stigma, so make sure hygiene/smell is not an issue.
Speaking of smell, make sure to put on a nice dab of good cologne. Do not put on your favorite attar oil, or your imitation 3 dollar vial of “CK ONE” – it doesn’t smell that nice, and it’s a bit too heavy for this type of environment.
First impressions count, so make it a good one. I didn’t want to focus too much on appearance, but Muslim men do have style issues. Please see the Muslim Man’s Guide to Style for more information.
This is the general stuff you will find everywhere online. Read up about the company. Check out their ‘about’ page and understand their business. Make sure you are familiar with the job description of the position applied for.
It’s important to be familiar with the economic sector the company is in, and who their main competitors are. Have a list of questions ready to ask about the company and the position.
Get a nice briefcase ready for your interview. Keep a couple of copies of your resume. Pack relevant print outs of salary information if needed. Also make sure to keep a personal print out with the following information:
- List of places you have worked for at least the last 10 years, including company name, address, and your supervisor’s name and number.
- List of 3 references (preferrably previous managers) along with their phone numbers.
- Your starting and ending salary for every position you have held before.
The above information is often required on almost any standard job application, so make sure you have it ready to go.
Small Talk
When you get to the interview, prepare to make small talk. Often times your interview will not start right away and you will be talking to the receptionist, or the interviewer may be waiting on another team member to come before starting the interview. I have been asked all types of questions from “How far do you live from here and how was the traffic coming in?” to “What are you favorite books?” or “What is your favorite TV show?” and other such questions. This is probably not the time to tell them that you’re currently engrossed in an advanced textbook on Usul al-Fiqh, or that TV is haram and they need to fear Allah.
I often try to mention the name of a secular book I’m currently reading, or one I finished recently. In regards to TV and other such questions, I try to bring it back to sports. Even when music is brought up, I simply mention that when I am not a big fan of the radio, and that when I do listen to it, it is usually ESPN radio. Sports is the ultimate ice breaker in small talk, especially in the workplace.
The Actual Interview
*Regarding shaking hands read this article for advice.
Being at the actual interview means they’re already somewhat confident of your abilities. The main thing that most look for at this stage is how well you fit in with the people already there. I had a job interview where they told me they had just finished a big office video game and pizza party, and asked me if I liked having fun.
Make sure you are personable. Be confident in your answers and your abilities. If they ask you how you feel about something you do not know – as we are taught Islamically – do not be afraid to say you don’t know. Just make sure to follow it up by saying that you have been in similar situations before, and you are a quick learner and can easily adapt to situations.
Don’t make jokes in your interviews. I have learned this one the hard way. I was once asked about dealing with pressure situations, and I mentioned experience in a hospital dealing with demanding nurses (except I was a bit sarcastic about it) only to have one of the interviewers cut me off with, “I’m a nurse” (ouch). Another time I was asked about how good I was in documenting something, and I mentioned dealing with outsourcing and communicating with “people who can barely speak English” only to realize that there was a semi-FOB in the interviewing team. So make sure to be tactful and polite. You can always show off your sense of humor later.
Be prepared to talk about yourself and your experience. Rehearse it if you need to. Also be prepared for the ‘canned’ questions like “where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?”, and “what is your dream job?”, etc. Have a good answer for questions like “What would your manager say is your greatest weakness?” or “What would team mates say is your greatest weakness?” and ones similar to that. The answer is not as important as how you project yourself. They are seeing how well spoken you are, how your attitude is, and checking things like making sure you are not arrogant.
Have good questions prepared when they ask you if you have any questions. Ask what the day to day environment is like, and what the challenges are. Ask them what they enjoy most about the company they work for. The best question though, is to always inquire about what educational opportunities are available, and express interest in pursuing industry standard certifications. This shows them that you are interested in growing with the company, and that you are taking initiative to find ways of improving even before starting. Make sure you are serious though, and follow through with those opportunities when they come up.
Make sure to show that you are someone that is easy to get along with, a hard worker, and a quick learner. When you walk in, especially if you ‘look’ Muslim, you need to take into account stereotypes people will have. Break them. I have found that simply acting professionally and sounding articulate (it is not hard to sound more articulate than the average Joe Schmo) can go a long way.
Some companies adopt a behavior based interview, read this article for more tips on handling those questions as they are tougher than the general interviews.
Know your worth ahead of time. Check out market (salary.com) values for your position with your level of experience and education. Don’t be timid to ask for your fair rate. Always say you are negotiable and open to market value, but also be prepared with an actual number (or range rather) as well. If the salary is not all there, negotiate other things. Everything is up for grabs. I have interviewed with companies where even the vacation time was negotiable as I was coming from a company that had a better time off program. If they can’t go up a certain amount of dollars, try asking for a signing bonus. Negotiate things like working from home for a day a week or something like that if it is feasible.
After the Interview
Make sure to send a thank you email to whomever interviewed you, or arranged the interview, and let them know you thought the interview was positive. If you felt otherwise, it is important to go ahead and let them know it is not what you are expecting, and you would like to withdraw consideration, but thank them for their time. These are basic etiquettes.
Muslim Needs
I have found that after the interview and when you are starting or being extended an offer is the best time to bring up your Muslim needs. The best way to talk about Juma is explain that you have a religious obligation every Friday from 1pm-3pm, and that you are free to work early/late or on another day to make up the time. Don’t come across with a sense of entitlement. They are working around their schedule to let you attend Juma, so make sure to return the favor and be flexible in making up the time. Another quick tip that I utilize is, block out your calendar with a recurring appointment as “Off Campus” – I have found that this has gone a long way in keeping people from scheduling meetings with me at this time.
In regards to daily prayers and things like that, the approach I found that worked best was to simply ask my team lead where there is an empty meeting room I could pray in. I don’t feel this is something you need to work out before getting the job, it can easily be done afterwards.
Also make sure to have some tact in the workplace. I have heard stories of Muslims who are surgical techs, residents, etc., doing things like foot-in-the-sink in the O.R. rooms. Come on.. :)
Final Advice
Before taking any job, make Istikharah :)
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Omar Usman is a founding member of MuslimMatters and Qalam Institute. He teaches Islamic seminars across the US including Khateeb Workshop and Fiqh of Social Media. He has served in varying administrative capacities for multiple national and local Islamic organizations. You can follow his work at ibnabeeomar.com.
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Ibn Masood
June 30, 2008 at 3:39 AM
Jazakallahu Khair bro, you really outdo yourself with these beneficial articles.
I need tips on the beard though… how can we keep the beard neat while letting it grow?? My beard just seems to go all over the place and I can’t seem to do much about it…
June 30, 2008 at 5:32 AM
What about shaking hands with a female interviewer? Politely rejecting her extended hand diminshes your chances exponentially, you miight as well end the interview, and oh, hell breaks loose if the female interviewer has an Arab/Desi background!
Any tactful way around this issue?
June 30, 2008 at 9:09 AM
@B – I haven’t been to a job interview for a long while, and when I did last get interviewed, I wasn’t even aware of the no-handshaking rule, astagfirullah. But I did recently have a thesis examination where both my examiners were male! The day before I suddenly realised that they would probably want to shake my hand before the exam started – and what a terrific impression that would make two minutes before the event that decides whether I pass or fail four years of hard study!
I knew my supervisor would be having lunch with the examiners before the viva, so I e-mailed him and asked him to inform them of the no handshaking issue in as gentle a way as possible (while still getting the message across). Alhamdulillah, he did exactly that, so when I eventually met them, no hands were extended! I could actually notice that they were working against their instincts, bless.
So, at the end of that long story, I suggest that anyone in a similar interview type situation should e-mail the PA, or whomever is arranging the meeting, prior to the big day, and ever-so-politely explain the no-handshaking rule, emphasizing that it is a religious practice, and not a personal insult! True, some employers may be put off – especially if your job involves meeting lots of new people – but that’s just a risk for us. As long as we do the right thing, Allah will see us through.
The bonus of this method is that if you do get the job, insha’Allah, they will probably remember the memo you sent them and may even warn your new colleagues in advance, which will save a lot of explaining later.
June 30, 2008 at 10:22 AM
Thanks Ibn. Great Stuff.
June 30, 2008 at 10:51 AM
Ma sha Allah. This is so beneficial.
And how timely, because I have interviews coming up this week.
Yasir Qadhi
June 30, 2008 at 10:53 AM
Ma sha Allah, great article as usual.
IbnAbeeOmar, may I suggest that your next article be on ‘tips for grooming and combing beards’. We’ll need specific details, such as: what conditioner works best for what type of hair, what is the best way to trim beards for those who believe its permissible, what should brothers do for ‘split beard hairs’, and, last but not least, how to hide those pesky ‘bald’ cheek-spots !!!
June 30, 2008 at 11:03 AM
i might actually work on one. I will give the secret out now though – get some detangling spray leave-in conditioner. it works wonders :)
-also regarding shaking hands i put a link back in the original article with good advice on the issue.
June 30, 2008 at 1:03 PM
Ok, question related to not just interview but the whole work environment. How to deal with women co-workers? Can we talk to them, and do we make eye-contact? I mean honestly, with my female co-workers I only talk when necessary and they also talk only when necessary (they do not like me alhamdulillah), but when we are in meetings or doing some discussion we are looking each other casually. I mean I can not look here and there while they are talking (not because of rudeness, I do not care being considered rude, but because I do not understand what other is saying). And also they consider it illogical that when we talk we are making all sort of eye contacts, but when it comes to shaking hands, we are like no way. Is hand shaking more or less haraam than eye-contact.
Big Mu
June 30, 2008 at 1:45 PM
Also ask to see the health insurance enrollment forms, and then angrily protest that there is only space for one spouse.
As for the question about your greatest weakness, say “I’m so pretty that even the girls get jealous.”
And don’t forget to ask about blogging during work hours.
June 30, 2008 at 2:52 PM
ibnAbeeOmar, I have a suggestion for an article idea: an article or series of articles compiling/researching all the fiqhi aspects of the workplace. For example: handshaking, insurance, praying at work, etc. What do you think?
June 30, 2008 at 3:26 PM
Great idea with the pre-interview email iMuslim! I was getting worried about what to do about graduation ceremonies, hopefully that’d work (still got another 2 years to work it out though haha). Though the guy who you shake hands with is like 400 years old anyway lol :P
Ibn Masood
June 30, 2008 at 5:25 PM
Lol I agree with Sheikh Yasir on the beard article. Those are actually some important points. I’m being serious here lol :P
June 30, 2008 at 5:31 PM
the handshake issue was in the business etiquette Q&A in the boston globe this past weekend:
(the first answer was pretty useful too)
Abu Noor Al-Irlandee
June 30, 2008 at 6:08 PM
“I have found that after the interview and when you are starting or being extended an offer is the best time to bring up your Muslim needs. The best way to talk about Juma is explain that you have a religious obligation every Friday from 1pm-3pm, and that you are free to work early/late or on another day to make up the time. Donโt come across with a sense of entitlement. They are working around their schedule to let you attend Juma, so make sure to return the favor and be flexible in making up the time.”
I agree with what you say here but feel it should be mentioned that everyone should also know that it is of course completely illegal if the employer were to make any employment decision based on religion. It is also the obligation of the employer under the law to make ‘reasonable accomodations’ for one’s religious practices. As I said, this doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t be as polite and flexible as possible in working with the employer as you suggest, but one should also be aware of his/her rights. Above all, one should be aware that provision comes from Allaah and do not fear that your employer will look down upon you if you practice your religion.
I believe and I hope inshAllaah that Muslims who have grown up in this country will be more comfortable practicing their religion openly in all types of environments but I still fear that there are many people out there who are afraid to rock the boat by even asking for things like time off for jumu’ah when the employer would be both legally required but also probably willing to work with you in any event if you came to them with the correct attitude.
As for myself, I have worked in public and not for profit sectors which are very religious and conscience friendly and could never really see myself in a corporate environment at all. But that’s another issue.
Allaah knows best.
June 30, 2008 at 6:39 PM
abc – good article
abu noor – jazakallahu khayr, those are excellent points.
June 30, 2008 at 8:03 PM
as salamualaykum,
Awesome stuff as usual, son of father of Omar :)
@those who worry about shaking hands with men/women. Don’t worry; even though there is a hadith forbidding it, that’s not an issue anymore because the “Higher Objectives” (Maqasid) of the shariah are to get a job and to earn a living. So that does not matter…we can shake hands now apparently :)
@YQ: now they have upto size 9-10 (inches) for the beard grooming machines. Philips, Norleco etc….so you can have a nice “machine trimmed” beard even though it’s of quite good full length alHamdulillah.
Someone mentioned about compiling an article on Fiqh issues at work. I think that’s an awesome idea. Some issues that I have seen people face:
* If you are responsible for people reporting to you and as part of celebration on the completion of project, we need to go for dinner etc…is it allowed to buy Meals with Pork etc in even though it’s the company’s money but the authorization is yours? How about with customers, if it’s required to take them to dinner and buy wine for them, especially if its a custom.
* how about the idea of buying “gifts” for your customers, if one is a sales engineer, especially if that is considered a norm in the industry? Would that be allowed islamically?
* How about working on projects such as security technology (IT side) that provides security to Casinos etc? and the arms industry?
* also issues of ESPP, Stock options, 401k…..so much stuff here and there, it would be good to have a single resource available for this stuff. Perhaps with various opinions.
Again it would be good if these issues were resolved in the light of evidences from Quran and Sunnah rather than using the argument of “maqasid”…
wallahu `alam
June 30, 2008 at 8:25 PM
In the Boston article it said:
If this does happen, is it Islamically permissible to do the same in return (i.e. a slight bow–or nod–of the head, as a gesture of greeting)? I know that bowing is a form of worship in Islam, and is therefore shirk if performed on anything other than Allah (something I seriously would not want to risk at any cost). But according to Shariah, would such be considered a “bow”?
June 30, 2008 at 8:28 PM
How come author didnt explain the dress code for sisters who work in Corporate world? what should we do? Wear a jalbab with a blazor? or look for a skirt suit with long blazer.
June 30, 2008 at 8:43 PM
subhanallah, this article brings up very good points…
regarding the muslim/islamic accommodations, this is something that might best be brought up AFTER the job offer is extended to you (iA)…once you’ve been made an offer, and esp after you’ve accepted, you’re basically considered to be one of the team, and discussing accommodations in this light would probably prove to be more productive (not to mention, less awkward)…
regarding relations/communication w/ the opposite gender, this is just as big a challenge, if not more so, than the islamic accommodations issue…meaning, muslims can often be tricked by shaytaan into a comfort zone when dealing w/ the opposite gender that may, in fact, be extremely dangerous…there are ways to communicate w/ the opposite gender that do not have to compromise islamic etiquette…communicating w/ them on a ‘need to’ only basis is one of them…simply put, no shooting the breeze or flirting…you’d think this would be common sense, but it’s amazing how often we let ourselves get deceived by shaytaan…it’s inevitable that there will be someone at your office that you may find to be ‘attractive’ (from a physical standpoint at least), but the important thing is to realize this impulse as it occurs, and to seek protection w/ Allah…if we remember and fear Allah at all times, esp in the workplace, things that our non-muslim co-workers often have problems w/ (ie, cheating, lying, stealing, inappropriate relations w/ co-workers) would never be an issue for us…
a final point, which, in my opinion, can never be underestimated, is how you carry yourself in terms of your akhlaq and whether or not that communicates to your non-muslim co-workers what your beliefs are and what you stand for…when i say beliefs, this can also mean values…values obviously has a non-religious aspect to it, and in fact, values such as truth, honesty, being a hard worker, sincerity, kindness, having a positive attitude, being a leader AND a team player, and not flirting w/ the opposite gender are all admirable qualities no matter what your faith is, and ANY employer would kill to have an employee like that working for them!…for example, many non-muslims are completely unaware that as muslims we can not backbite or engage in gossip…yet it’s something that is common in the workplace…once you establish that you don’t engage in those kinds of discussions (this is done simply enough by either remaining silent, saying something positive about the person or just walking away if possible), believe me, people will know where your boundaries are…however, YOU have to establish those boundaries, otherwise your co-workers won’t know…don’t assume them to be aware of what muslims can and can not do…in that regard, it’s important that our akhlaq and our actions–not just our beards and hijabs–reflect the beliefs of our faith…
lastly, never underestimate taqwa and tawakkul in Allah…i recently went through the interview process (well, about 11 months ago), and as i was preparing my resume i debated whether or not to include in the extra-cirriculur activities part of the resume the islamic organizations and projects i’d been involved in (as they related to my profession and would’ve otherwise looked great on my resume)…after a some reflection i decided to leave them in…if an employer happened to see those and be put off by them, well, that’s not an employer i’d want to work for anyways…in a sense, i was interviewing my prospective employers by putting that in my resume…alhumdullilah, i’m happy to say it was never an issue…
there’s an ayah from the Quran (that i unfortunately only remember in a general sense) that i believe applies perfectly to the issue of the interview process for muslims…and that is when Allah swt says that for those who have taqwa of Allah, Allah provides for them from places they never expected…
June 30, 2008 at 9:25 PM
hidaya – im only writing based on my own personal interview experiences – that’s why i titled it for men :) i honestly don’t know the norm for sisters in this environment as i haven’t really encountered it much. im hoping if some sisters read this they can add their comments inshallah.
June 30, 2008 at 9:26 PM
where are these philips/norelco beard trimmers? the largest i have found is 1-1.5inch lengths.
June 30, 2008 at 11:00 PM
I got mine from target.
July 1, 2008 at 3:32 AM
As salamu alaikum,
Great article mashallah. RE: shaking hands, I’ve also notified people beforehand in case it’s a very big event like gradation and mashallah they are very accomodating. Also, there was one thing where I was getting an award in front of a lot of people and it came on tv too so I notified my principal and the main lady in charge and it was no problem alhamdulillah. Even in college interviews for colleges as “up there” in the dunya level such as ivy league schools, I wouldn’t shake hands and there simply was no problem at all. We should be proud to be Muslim and in actuality the “discomfort” one might feel at NOT shaking hands is out of their own nervousness, lack of fitting in or wrongfully assuming that people ‘think they are weird.’ (when in actuality, most non-muslims are simple, good people who are just curious to learn more and don’t necessarily think you are weird)
As an alternative to hand shaking, I also politely nod or something and I would like to clarify if this is OK if one’s intention is not bowing or anything but, rather, good manners?
As a sister, I’ve never worked in the corporate world but do think shukr.com has some nice options. Personally, I follow the opinion that an overgarment is fardh (jilbaab/abaya) so I wouldn’t wear skirts instead but probably jilbab/abaya with a coat on top. wa Allahu alam.
Al Madrasi Al Hindee
July 1, 2008 at 4:37 AM
Jazakallahu Khairan Akhi .
Brilliant article !
The grooming the beard part is something I would look forward to in your next few articles :) !!
The beard is always frowned upon in most of the interviews especially if there are some Muslim bashers on the panel . I have seen so many mashallah ‘practising’ brothers who either ‘trim’ or shave the beard off completely before the interview day and give justifications citing the ‘Actions based on Intension’ hadith . We have found justifications to fit Islam into the corporate world , but nobody seems to be taking pains to fit in the corporate world within the realm of Islam . Regarding prayer , there are brothers who dont even take the pain to enquire about empty meeting rooms and feel too embaraased or timid to pray at the workplace , forgetting the demarcation between Imaan and Kufr .
Why is it that something which is our Izzah is becoming a ‘burden’ . There is also an unfounded , unjustified guilt . Is it because of the Decrease of Imaan or just generally ignorance which can never be justified .
We need some refresher courses to boost the morale of Muslims working in the corporate sector to instil some pride and Izzah before its too late . There’s this general fear that people will lose their livelihoods and Rizq if they openly live the Islamic way !! This misconception needs to be eradicated foremost from the minds of young Muslims all over the world that Rizq is bestowed by the corporate honchos . Rizq and Barakah are something that can stem only from Ar Razzaaq , Al Kareem , Al Hayy , Al Qayyoom . Why would he ever deprive us of Rizq – only because we heeded to his commandments ?? Na udhu billah . Lets not forget that being Muslims , we must be ready for the tests and fitnahs and never inshallah compromise on our ideal way of life for a kufroprate way!!
Another point that the brother missed was the ‘pant-above-the-ankle’ bit. How do u handle questions on percieved sartorial incompleteness !! :)
Barakallhumma Feek . Keep the articles flowing in !
July 1, 2008 at 8:13 AM
“How come author didnt explain the dress code for sisters who work in Corporate world?”
Because they shouldn’t be there?
July 1, 2008 at 9:42 AM
“pant above the ankle” has been discussed here,
http://muslimmatters.org/2008/02/23/rolled-up-couture/ :D
July 1, 2008 at 9:54 AM
Quoted from above “i honestly donโt know the norm for sisters in this environment as i havenโt really encountered it much”… there’s many sisters in the workforce but a comment like that makes them feel as though they shouldn’t be there. Please provide a similar article for sisters who need to work for financial or personal reasons so that they’re not excluded from a worthwhile discussion.
July 1, 2008 at 10:00 AM
sabinah – it is true though, there aren’t that many sisters in many corp offices. and again, this article is based on my own interview experiences, if a sister who has been through it can write up some similar tips and send it to us, we could even post it as its own article. i could just have easily written a section on sisters – however since im not a sister many of the comments would then accuse me of being patronizing or not understanding what they go through (which i dont).
whether they should be there or not is a different debate for a different post :)
July 1, 2008 at 10:01 AM
Here’s a proposal: Sr. Hidaya, as a regular reader, why don’t you write something and send it to us… In fact, Sr. Sabina, you are free to do the same… we can then consider posting it or using it for another post on this issue for sisters. There is no denying that there are many sisters in the workplace, regardless of our views against it or for it. If one doesn’t want his wife, sister, etc. to work, then doesn’t mean that all the sisters will disappear from the workplace. So, let’s be pragmatic and help where we can. If we can’t change/control a situation, we can try to make the defacto at least better, right?
July 1, 2008 at 1:16 PM
@ mcpagal
regarding your comment about commencement, i was nervous about the situation of shaking hands with the dean. Alhumdulilah, he was the one that avoided shaking my hands. It might have had to do with a presentation we had at the D School by the Muslim Students “How to treat Muslim Patients” which was very effective. i recommend students at other universities to try the same thing.
July 1, 2008 at 3:51 PM
No Amad, I’d like to read what others write, the reason isn’t because I already have the answers and can write an article but because I don’t… that’s why I’m asking :)
July 1, 2008 at 4:19 PM
Nice article,
You know i’d actually like to see an article written by Shaykh Yasir on trimming the beard. Something in depth (as per his usual style ie. cheese article). I’m just curious to see what’s up. Share the knowledge!
I often hear the whack ‘if it’s for da’wah’ you can take the weaker option scenario. I wouldn’t buy that for a penny, lol.
July 1, 2008 at 5:57 PM
Are you sure you have a beard timmer? I think you have a hair clipper! Like ibnabeeomar, I have never come across 9 inch beard trimmer :(
July 1, 2008 at 6:26 PM
I have been working in Corpoarte America for over a year and half now, so i can definitely give some tips (not sure how useful they will be), however will do that later. I am exhausted right now!
July 1, 2008 at 7:30 PM
Sr. Hidaya, email us something that can be made into a post at your convenience…
July 1, 2008 at 9:19 PM
I think the majority of this article is applicable to Muslim women. What is considered acceptable Muslim womenโs attire in the corporate world has various shades of gray. I always try to find out as much as possible about the corporate culture of an organization before an interview and I try to gauge my dress accordingly. In some instances that might mean a suit, a long skirt or a jilbab. Looking neat and tidy is important. A nice wrinkle free or pressed hijab (yes, you can iron a hijab) is a good thing! Making sure your hijab is securely pinned might be a good idea. It could be a bit distracting to have to adjust it during an interview. I wouldnโt go to flashy with the scarf color or attire. As the brother mentiond above, stick with more conservative colors on an interview: blue, black, grey, kaki. No henna on my hands. Itโs always better to be on the more conservative side when dressing for an interview rather than being too casual and making a bad first impression.
When it comes to things like interacting with co-workers, praying or wudu, I would just exercise common sense. I always make wudu at home before I put on my socks and shoes so I can just wipe over them at work. When I shared an office, I gave my officemate a heads up that I would be praying and it wasnโt a problem. Although I work in the corporate world, my workplace is pretty diverse and majority female so I havenโt had to really deal with the whole handshaking business.
Abd Allah
July 2, 2008 at 12:31 AM
Asalam alaikum,
โWhen you deal in โeenah transactions, and are satisfied with cultivation, and hold on to the tails of oxen [and abandon Jihaad] then Allaah will impose a humiliation upon which that He will not remove up until you return to your deenโ
What have the muslims become? For those who use seek wealth and use it to support that which has been abandoned, may Allah enrich you and increase your wealth and bless you and have mercy on you and give you a reward that never ceases. Ameen
July 2, 2008 at 12:58 AM
How about a similar article for Muslim women?
July 2, 2008 at 6:13 PM
MashAllah nice article. One thing that I’d like to add is that if you need to make wudhu just wipe over your socks. Allah wants to make it easy for us. I have been working for a year and half now and Alhamdulillah my empolyers are very accepting of the fact that I have religious obligations that need to be fulfilled. If I go to Jummuah I make up the time by coming in on the weekend or working late.
Br.ibnabeeomar yes we are indeed very strange people in this society but you gotta do what you gotta do. BarakAllah feek for a nice article
July 2, 2008 at 8:22 PM
Asalam alaikum,
I’ve read that in all mathabs, except hanbali, that you can only wipe over leather socks (water proof). Hanbali allows it over thick socks.
July 2, 2008 at 9:33 PM
I don’t want to get onto the masah-on-socks debate, but …
… I think in all opinions, a person needs to have wudhu before putting on the socks; so many people ignore that, and I don’t think it’s based on any scholarly opinion. Also, if you take your socks off, you can’t put them back on and do masah on them after; the socks need to remain on from the time you make wudhu. And Allah knows best.
July 2, 2008 at 10:28 PM
huh! here’s islam-qa’s answer
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July 7, 2008 at 11:46 PM
Hermana has given some good tips for sisters. I’m in finance (corporate enough i guess :)) and i wear a hijab. Avoid:
1) Flashy colors
2) Scarves that wrinkle…use chiffon or georgette or a similar crease-proof material.
3) PIN IT UP. Nothing looks worse than a sister talking to you while tugging her scarf back. It should be secured in a way that you don’t have to mess with it the whole day. Personally, i find wearing a head band under the hijab prevents it from slipping OR your hair from coming out at the sides.
4) I personally find Jilbabs the easiest to handle because they look smart and are basically fuss-free.You can use an ankle skirt or loose straight cut pants if you’re very slim because then it doesn’t reveal very much. If you’re like me, you can opt for the jilbab!
July 8, 2008 at 7:21 AM
I find it disconcerting that some of you are promoting hiding your religious practices until after you are hired for a job. Would you not agree that part of being a good Muslim is to exercise honesty? Hiding your special religious needs is definitely not being honest, particularly if it interferes with work schedules and your contact with certain co-workers. There are some jobs where an employer would find a weekly 2 hour break for Juma (which would certainly extend more than 2 hours) to be disruptive to the work environment, depending on the job, and where refusal to shake hands with potential clients because they are women would be considered harmful to business. To hide this fact and then potentially sue your employer for religious discrimination is reprehensible and will do nothing but give a bad image to Islam.
If you are feeling this strong about your beliefs then you should stay within a Muslim environment where your needs to not impinge on the majority of others.
Pingback: The Beard Story: Exclusive Interview With Yasir Qadhi | MuslimMatters.org
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July 17, 2009 at 8:22 AM
assalaalikoom, dear very good and
nice advice
July 17, 2009 at 8:24 AM
woman are allowted in islamic view of point
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