South Park Episode & Censorship of Mohammed’s (S) Depiction: The Script Played to Perfection
Note on Moderation:
Strict moderation will be in place for this post, I will mod your comment if:
1) You defend or promote violence against civilians (including South park guys or anyone like that– this isn’t CNN!).
2) You defend or promote the revolution guys.
3) You cut and paste tons of ahadith and verses trying to prove that its OK to use violence. I am not censoring the texts, but your contextual use of them.
4) Push some radical “scholar’s” view that it is okay to use violence for Muslims in the West.
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South Park Episode & Censorship of Mohammed’s (S) Depiction: The Script Played to Perfection
Ever since the South Park episode issue arose and this non-event became a big story, I have been itching to write something. This itch arises from a combination of disappointment and frustration, with a tinge of amusement at how the same old script is successful every time!
Here is how this script goes:
1) Some despairing soul (could be plural, but sticking to singular for this script)- let’s call him Party-I (I for instigator), who has very little purposeful happening in his life, decides to write something disparaging about Islam or Muslims for one or more of the following reasons:
(a) spice up his “human rights” credentials (maybe a desire for some legacy?); this reason is almost always never the sole or real motivating force
(b) earn lots of dough ($$) in the process; almost always the “real” reason
(c) earn some fame; goes back to (b) in some ways.
2) Party-I then makes sure his attempt at establishing “freedom of speech” is well-publicized. He will go at great lengths at how afraid he is for his life, or how he feels that this is a “mission written for him”, or how he wants to stand up for the other “brave souls” who similarly stood for “freedom of speech.” Party-I will include a lot of hot-button phrases in his speeches/interviews, lamenting the lack of freedom Islam provides or how he shouldn’t need to feel afraid for writing whatever he wishes. The purpose is to gain sympathy of everyday Americans, using the easy Islam scapegoat. Party-I will almost NEVER touch topics such as Holocaust denial or other subjects that can get one arrested in some parts of the “free West.” Some speech is more free than others? The reason for this is obvious. Such topics will never get #3 flowing, and hence are not be desirable for the ultimate goal outlined in #1.
3) Some media outlet, usually FOX, but sometimes one or two from the “liberal” mainstream will pick the story up and look for angles to sensationalize it (sensationalism is important otherwise it won’t help with the ratings-think $$ again). Let’s call this outlet Party-M (M for media). Party-M then goes on a frenzied search for someone from the Muslim circles to say something that endorses the “mission” of Party-I, directly or indirectly. Party-M needs someone who will make a threat (veiled or otherwise), will invoke a previous threat or simply disagree “strongly” with Party-I’s attempt at mocking what Muslims hold dear.
4) If Party-M is lucky, they will happen to land on Party-W (W for wacko). Party-W usually represents some fringe Muslim element, a one-man show or a little bigger. Party-W usually has no physical links to scholars of the mainstream, or really any foundation of Islamic knowledge. Sometimes Party-W is actually working for Party-I (indirectly), an agent provocateur of sort, whose specific goals would be to delegitimize Islam in the garb of a “practicing” and “Muslim-looking” Muslim. Either way, Party-W would make himself fully available to the media, and ultimately do (intentionally or otherwise) exactly what both Party-M and by proxy, Party-I were hoping for, and bang:
5) With Party-W in the wraps, Party-M finds “Islamic experts” (code for Islamophobes) who then exploit Party-W’s exhortations to his fellow Muslims against Party-I, to assert how they have been warning everyone for so long about the threat of “Islamism.” Of course, to maintain the script, Party-M never even tries to contact a mainstream Islamic organization.
Who Succeeds?
- Party-I gets media attention, which equals $$.
- Party-M gets a loud-mouthed Party-W, and gets the ratings, equals $$.
- Party-W, despite having no Islamic expertise (except that gained with Shaykh Google), finds himself on TV (yoohoo), popularity and depending on the type of agency, perhaps some $$ as well.
- Islamophobes relish in increasing Islamophobia
And Who Fails:
- The Muslims. The opinions about Muslims. The views about Muslims.
- And the media, having sacrificed quality and responsibility for ratings.
- And Muslim organizations, for not jumping on the issue faster than lightening (considering the script)
- And the West, allowing for some freedoms (of speech) to be more sacred than others.
Coming back to South Park, having provided you the script, consider the three players in this: CNN, South Park (creators) and RevolutionMuslim. I will let you figure out what Party is which… shouldn’t be that hard!
Starting with the South Park creators, having taken a look at these guys, it is obvious that these junkies are not really looking at this as an opportunity to become ambassadors of human rights. I mean they are creators of a show that is intended to be dumb and highlight the dumb. They get their kicks by offending other people. They find it very satisfying to step on what others hold dear or sacred. What this obviously means is that these despairing souls probably don’t have much that they themselves hold dear, and thus it’s the “if I can’t get it, then I’ll make fun of yours.” Dumb? Didn’t I just say that! But the point is that they live in America. This country gives them the freedom to be dumb and to say dumb things. For them, a successful script is a guaranteed jackpot, so why not?
What is unfortunate this time is that it wasn’t FOX that jumped on this non-story, rather it was Anderson “I-am-really-serious-and-the-burden-of-the-world’s-human-freedoms-is-on-me” Cooper, whose Anderson-360 was reduced to a mere 180, or maybe only a right-angle (that’s 90 degrees for those not mathematically-inclined). Watch the video, witness how grand Cooper makes the issue sound; you could be excused for thinking that another Katrina just hit New Orleans! And then he leans over what he probably thinks is a real cool touch-screen and flashes different screens, so that we can admire CNN’s technological brilliance. But Anderson shames his own journalistic standards, relying on a “radical Muslim,” completely on the fringe to basically represent the entire Muslim community. To “balance” it, he interviews Ayaan Hirsi, the discredited Islamophobe, who claims that Islam cannot be criticized these days? If Islam can not be criticized, it would not have become the only “acceptable” cottage industry to thrive on racism and prejudice.
And who is Cooper’s radical (#4 of the script)? Some radical jihadist with thousands of armed followers, some extremist with a million unarmed followers, someone respected (even if disagreed with) in the wider Muslim community? Not quite. Our radical is none other than Yousef al-Khattab (officially Joseph Cohen) whose only claim to fame is a website with the “scary” name, “Revolution Muslim,” leading an army of four individuals. Brilliant mate! Mr. Khattab’s background is interesting, to say the least. He claims to be an ex-extremist Jewish settler and ex-Zionist. Only Allah knows the secrets of the heart, so I will not venture to guess Khattab’s allegiances (although some are not hesitating), but I will say that he could do a lot more good doing dawah to his Zionist family and friends, than to turn away countless people away from Islam due to his vitriolic speeches.
As Svend articulated in his post on the subject,
Two men do not an organization make and so far, there is no more evidence that these hateful nutcases are any more representative of any broader stream–or even a really narrow one –within “their” community than, say, the infamous and equally odious Westboro Baptist Church, whose handful of congregants are known for traveling the land to picket at high profile events with outrageously homophobic and anti-Semitic signs (e.g., “AIDS cures fags.”). Both “groups” are minuscule and repudiated by their fellows, and both would be unknown were it not for the media attention they’ve gotten
In the old days of publishing, the incoherent rants of kooks and nobodies like the dim duo behind MuslimRevolution.com [which appears to have been pulled off the web] would end up where they belong, in a trash barrel with all the other waste produced by modern society.
If Muslims would stop feeding Party-W to the media, we wouldn’t be talking about this. Party-I/B would not be able to profit off Muslim sensibilities and/or kooks. The insulting misrepresentations or mockery Party-I wanted to propagate would suffer a sudden death-blow. When no one cares, no one will care. And we have seen the history be witness to it.
In fact, South Park already characterized the Prophet (S) 9 years ago and until this recent ruckus, you and countless others would probably have never heard or remembered that episode. In other words, our methodology in channeling our anger in fact helps promote what we don’t want promoted. Think of the countless chain emails we get, reminding Muslims not to visit such and such a site for its materials against Islam. Countless Muslims actually click on it, check it out, and then pass it 10 other friends!
How do we channel our anger properly? More than a year ago, we promoted an alternative treatment, the “Silent Treatment” towards the republishing of the Danish Cartoons:
Seriously, what has any of the above done for us? No matter what we say and do, the enemies of Islam will continue to try and provoke our anger and – more importantly – try to push us to do something that will harm us far more than it will harm them. It’s also imperative to note that their pathetic attempts at mocking and insulting the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) are absolutely useless: like throwing dust in the direction of the moon. The dust will be swept away, and the moon’s beauty and guiding light will not be affected in the least. [Read the full article here]
Married couples know that the worst thing that your partner can do during a fight is to stay silent. I believe there is some application of the same psychology in this case. It will make the instigators appear as fools, when no Muslims takes them up on their “mission.” And so this may actually help prevent a repetition in the future. As minorities living in a countries whose laws we have to stay within, our goal should be to break the script, to say what needs to be said, forcefully and politely. And sometimes, as in this case, not to say anything at all. Or consider other strategic options. Perhaps use interfaith opportunities to express disappointment over the depiction of all Prophets, like Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them, a sensibility shared by other faiths.
Ultimately, we have to remember how the media makes its money. It is all about advertising products. The more attention we give these idiots, the more attention we give to the advertisers, and the more money the outlets will make.
So, if you really want to hurt them where it counts, ignore them. Next time, it won’t be profitable to repeat!
Think long-term strategy over short-term emotional release.
As far as the Islamic ruling around the issue of defaming the Prophet (S), many scholars have discussed this in the context of an Islamic state (like on Islam-QA). Islam pays a great deal of attention on individual actors not taking state matters in their own hands in an Islamic state. We can argue and discuss the rulings around blasphemy in an Islamic state, but that discussion is irrelevant to the issue at hand. No respectable scholar residing in the East, with any sort of mainstream following, has urged Muslims in the West to take the law in their own hands, and to resort to violence. Similarly, the fact that NOT ONE mainstream scholar in the West has ever encouraged or approved of violence by Muslims in this issue, is sufficient to prove that any other opinion is a fringe, marginalized view with no place in the mainstream public sphere.
See Also:
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Abu Reem is one of the founders of MuslimMatters, Inc. His identity is shaped by his religion (Islam), place of birth (Pakistan), and nationality (American). By education, he is a ChemE, topped off with an MBA from Wharton. He has been involved with Texas Dawah, Clear Lake Islamic Center and MSA. His interests include politics, cricket, and media interactions. Career-wise, Abu Reem is in management in the oil & gas industry (but one who still appreciates the "green revolution").
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April 26, 2010 at 6:49 AM
By the way, it’s complete coincidence that 3 of my posts appeared in the span of a few days, after a hiatus of many weeks… time-sensitive nature of this and Fahad’s trial can be blamed for the over-dose of my blogging :)
April 27, 2010 at 12:46 AM
A question for the author:
“I mean they are creators of a show that is intended to be dumb and highlight the dumb. They get their kicks by offending other people. They find it very satisfying to step on what others hold dear or sacred.”
You write about South Park, but have you actually ever watched an entire episode of the show?
It is not simply dumb for the dumb. There are rather deep morals brought into many, if not most, episodes.
The first time that South Park showed Mohammed, they showed him in an extremely positive light as a fighter for justice. This is _exactly_ the sort of image that you should want promoted about your prophet in the West.
As a matter of fact, they’ve never made fun of Mohammed in any of their episodes.
But, yes, a couple of episodes did highlight the fact that while it’s okay to make fun of Jesus or Buddha, the fear of Islamic extremists has taken away our freedoms in America to _also_ make fun of Mohammed.
The only reason that this is an issue at all is because hateful intolerant Muslims engage in threats of violence and acts of violence against.
So, it would seem that you should stop trying to demonize South Park who simply makes fun of everyone equally, usually with a good point behind their jokes and instead turn your attention to the minority murderous and violent Muslims.
Are you tired of people in the West generalizing and demonizing Muslims?
Well then do the right thing, and take a clear stand against _all_ Muslims who use violence or threaten to use violence against people who are just making cartoons or otherwise engaged in free speech!
April 27, 2010 at 1:46 AM
Actually, I have seen an entire episode, more than one. I enjoy satire. I do think most of it is dumb and I do believe that these guys hold nothing sacred, as many in the Entertainment industry.
Hello? Did you read my post and some of my comments? What am I saying?
April 30, 2010 at 6:55 AM
Love the response. And the article.
April 30, 2010 at 2:49 PM
jazak i/allah khair A.
April 27, 2010 at 9:47 AM
asSalaam alaykum wa rahmatullah,
Don’t you find it interesting that characters like Ayaan Hirsi Ali always seem to dig themselves into these kinds of things. The sad part is that some sincere people actually pick up her books and think they will learn about Islam (non-Muslims, I mean).
Just in case, check out this review of her first two works, inshaAllah it might help those people better understand her books and get the real information: http://www.alhamdulilah.info/2008/11/defending-our-diin-ayaan-hirsi-ali.html
InshaAllah it is a dawah and may Allah guide us all.
Ibn Masood
April 27, 2010 at 8:43 AM
Bro… I merely skimmed over your article, with all due respect… I agree with some of your points but I think you left some important things out.
I used to watch South Park back in the jahiliyya days, and I know enough to say that anyone who takes that show or its production team seriously needs a good kick in the rear end.
While I’m not advocating not defending our beloved Messenger (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam), I think a little wisdom was needed in this case. South Park makes fun of everything under the sun, and not to make any political or religious point, but merely because the show’s creators are a bunch of retards who have no boundaries for themselves whatsoever, and get a kick out of making a ruckus. Seth Green is like that… anyone who’s seen his standup or his other shows knows this clearly.
Wisdom would have helped here a lot. It is well known and stressed amongst learned Muslims who are active in da’wah that it is haraam to forbid the evil if it leads to more evil. Unfortunately I think this is what will happen in this case… I have little doubt that this event will actually cause the South Park creators to make fun of Islam and our beloved Messenger of Allah even more, whether it be on the same show or others. It’s just how they are.
An example of a better way to address this problem would have been to team up with other religious groups who have also complained about the show (and there are a LOT), and try to start a collective motion.
April 28, 2010 at 3:54 PM
Good point on the show and haram-ness of forbidding evil if it leads to more evil.
abu Rumay-s.a.
April 26, 2010 at 8:05 AM
whatever maybe the intention of people or groups who start such campaigns against the most Influential human being in history, the far reaching “ironic” outcomes of such acts can be enumerated as follows;
– Muslims of all faith levels return to learning about the Prophet (saws) so they can defend him (intellectually/academically)
– Organizations of defending the Prophet (saws) increase
– More useful material such as books, documentaries, films are produced about his life (saws) and his message is spread even further than before
– Those non Muslims who had not heard of Islam and the Prophet (saws) will now learn more about him
– Those extremist fringe groups who support such media campaigns against the Prophet (saws) are exposed
– Muslims in general will feel the great honor that they are fortunate enough to know, believe, and follow the last of the Prophets (saws) and will return back to their religion
Is not the words of God so evident in the verse, “verily the plan of the mischief doers shall never succeed”
April 26, 2010 at 8:19 AM
Just today as I was strolling around, it hit me that I cannot yell “I am going to blow this place up” on board an airplane because that would cause an uproar and I would definitely go to jail.(this actually happened a few days ago when a flight bound for Denver was stopped and forced to land when a Qatari diplomat said something to that effect).
Why the double standard? They are a bunch of hypocrites and disbelievers. They don’t even follow their own rules. What a waste of time and what a waste of neurons thinking about idiots like this.
April 26, 2010 at 10:56 AM
You cannot threaten people and then call that a right to free speech. The supreme court addressed this issue long ago saying that the cause of a public harm supercedes free speech. So for instance it is illegal to yell “Fire” when there is no fire, or to yell out a threat against another person or against a crowd of people.
April 27, 2010 at 2:51 AM
Ah so isnt defaming the Prophet(SallAllah u alayhi wasallam) a kind of public harm. It has caused muslims to burn up embassies and fuels hatred and causes people to engage in violent acts. Isn’t that enough of a reason to ban it and not allow it to happen?
English Teacher Man
May 1, 2010 at 7:08 AM
Let me preface this by stating that I am not taking sides. I just want to clarify a misunderstanding.
@Alawi: what “Dude” was saying was that it is illegal to yell something like “fire” when there is no “fire.” This is fundamentally not the same as a low-brow humor TV show parodying Mohammed, which in turns provokes extremists to hatred and violence. Logically, the two appear to be the same, but they are essentially different: one is a lie; the other is satire. There is a big difference here: when you hear someone yell “fire,” you automatically fear for your safety on for your loved ones who might be in the vicinity. But when South Park broadcasts something offensive, you can choose to ignore it, for you know that according to your own truths that regulate the way you live your life that it is not true. The same goes for all outlets of satire all over the world. Satire has nothing to do with safety; it is not illegal because we are supposed to be discerning enough to understand that it is not a truth but a caricature.
April 27, 2010 at 2:21 AM
salam I thought that Qatari diplomat tried to burn his shoe soles to cover up another smell… wonder what that was?
Middle Ground
April 26, 2010 at 8:20 AM
Jazak Allah for this. The reaction of this one individual muslim (I didn’t know until I read this that is the same dude who got ‘famous’ a few weeks ago, also on CNN) really upset my 16 year old daughter, Inshallah this will clear up some things for her.
April 26, 2010 at 8:35 AM
Is it true that the Prophet SAW allowed the assassination of a poet who used poetry to insult Muslim Women and Islam?
April 26, 2010 at 10:06 AM
Not true. Pls do your research on the incident, but as I mentioned in the post, ahadith/quran without context and without scholarly application in the situation at hand, can be dangerous (as we see in the use of texts by the extremists).
April 26, 2010 at 10:56 AM
It is true, within its appropriate context. Please support your statements with evidences brother, because you are misleading people with yoru blanket statements
April 26, 2010 at 12:47 PM
I thought Huzaifa was talking about the woman whose story was mentioned in Islam-qa’s link… the Prophet (S) did not order any assassination in that.
If he was talking about Kab b. Ashraf, then this link should help, which clearly illustrates it’s not a simple matter of throwing verses and ahadith at the issue. If it was so clear-cut, at least one or two mainstream scholars would disagree with the majority and propose violent actions.
And this will be the last comment on this issue.
P.S. Ukht, because you insist on going into areas that I specifically addressed in my note on moderation, you are on auto-mod. If you can’t figure out why, read my note very carefully again. I’ll pick out the appropriate comments. Sorry.
April 26, 2010 at 8:39 AM
The Post-Script hints that it might be okay, in an Islamic state, to penalize (execute!) defamers of the Prophet (S), and mentions the Islam-QA fatwa in this regard. (This one, I presume? http://www.islam-qa.com/en/ref/14305/) I think rather than side-stepping this question, the author should have been brave enough to distance himself from that fatwa, which provides no proof for its claim, and on the surface appears rather ridiculous.
April 26, 2010 at 9:25 AM
Every nation has set limits to what is acceptable free speech, in other words, there is no such thing as total free speech. Holocaust denial will get you to jail in Germany. How a perfect Islamic state should operate in these issues is another discussion for another time, because (a) the state doesn’t exist, and (b) that has nothing to do with this topic.
So, the last thing I want to do is get caught up in an argument that is tangential the issue at stake… role of Muslims living in the West, because I know from experience that the j-trolls would make that the centerpiece of every comment.
April 27, 2010 at 2:15 AM
difference is that in Germany article 1 of the constitution is “the individual’s honour is untouchable” and a criminal offence to libel/call a person names and spread untrue things (that’s how Marwa Sherbini was possible to sue that guy that killed her in the end. She wouldn’t have been able to do that in the US). Holocaust Denial is also a part of the constitution for good reasons (I’ve visited concentration camps, believe me, you don’t wanna take your kids there)
In the USA article 1 of the constitution means “freedom of expression” and it’s therefore very difficult to sue somebody for libel/defamation and most states do not even have a concept of defamation in their laws. US law has hardly any limits for freedom of speech and defamation is rarely a criminal or punishable offence.
VIPs usually sue from abroad or if they can proove by 100% that the book that was written by them is untrue (see case Oprah Winfrey).
It is theoretically even possible to publish maths books for children that state that 3+1 = 7 without consequences even everybody knows it’s rubbish.
South Park lives on attention, these people are attention seekers and should be treated like attention seeking kids: ignored.
Null Void
May 1, 2010 at 3:30 PM
This comment was appreciably enlightening and rational.
One thing I’ve noticed in many discussions//debates//flame-wars with my Muslim friends is that the go-to defense is to reference back to the Qur’an whenever I criticize//parody the book. One thing I’d personally like to see is if all parties were versed in the constitution of the United States as well.
A few common misconceptions about the right of free expression in America are:
1. “There’s a limit to free speech, bro”
True. You are not allowed to libel or slander any individual person (note: All sorts of hilarious lies and falsehoods can be printed about public figures as parody in America. I write for a comedy paper at UCSD, trust me) Additionally, you cannot say anything that immediately threatens the public good (Fire in a theater) or incite violence (Known as “fighting words”. There is a highly stringent legal test devised by the SCOTUS to determine if an act of free speech incited violence. The first and foremost is that it must have been uttered, therefore invalidating any form of recorded or print media from being fighting words. Secondly, in a case of incited violence, the next action of the offended party upon hearing the fighting words must have been to assault the offender.
2. “You can’t make fun of religious figures, man. That’s not cool.”
Debatable, which is the entire point. American free speech laws codify protecting free discourse in the least restrictive fashion. Any public figure, including any religious figure, are legal targets for parody and satire. Whether or not you find it funny or offensive is irrelevant to its legal validity.
3. “You just don’t know enough about either the Prophet, or Islam to have an informed judgment”
Irrelevant to this discussion. In America, no tenet of the Qur’an, the Bible, or the Space Marines rule book is codified or applicable through the American legal system. Therefore, any information stipulated in the Qur’an or the haddith, while intellectually stimulating, is ultimately non sequitur to matters of the legality of free speech in America.
April 27, 2010 at 12:51 PM
I understand your intention, and I respect that, but I think that sometimes trying to bracket away discussions of “the proper ruling in an Islamic state” gives the impression that what we are actually saying is: “yeah, under ideal situations we would have the state execute people, but given that we have no power, have patience and don’t try to take things into your own hands.” In other words if gives the appearance that the “asl” is execution by the Islamic state, and we’re just dealing with an exceptional case here. Obviously if I was a non-Muslim and read it that way, I would be concerned.
Which is why I think the better approach would be to admit that we don’t even know what an ‘Islamic state’ really means, and Saudi isn’t exactly a great model. And if the Shaykh on Islam-QA is simply stating Saudi law, then that’s one thing (still subject to criticism, of course), but if he’s giving a fatwa, then he ought to back it up. Until I hear some good proof, the “asl” is universal (applying to Muslim and non-Muslim lands) and it is that we should react by enjoining good and forbid evil within reasonable limits and there is no such rule about executing people who insult the Prophet (s). (I am no Mufti here, just trying to use common sense.)
Do you see what I’m trying to say?
April 26, 2010 at 8:42 AM
Unrelated, but this site is lame for mobile browsing. Can you guys put that on your to do list for future improvements?
April 26, 2010 at 9:03 AM
According to Wikipedia, Yousef Khattab, while one of the founders of RevolutionMuslim, is a former member and didn’t have anything to do with their South Park fiasco.
Whether or not he would disagree with what they did is another story though.
April 26, 2010 at 9:56 AM
Doesn’t make a material difference to the story. In fact, all the members (remaining or otherwise) see to have very similar background to Yousef. And actually even background is irrelevant, except to make one more skeptical about the real identity of those behind this hate-site.
April 26, 2010 at 8:51 AM
While the extremists who call for violence are few and far between, it is clear, even from the comments, that Muslims in general get way to emotional about these sorts of things, and misunderstand freedom of speech. There is the suggestion (e.g. abu Rumay-s.a.’s comment) that the South Park episode is “mischief,” or anti-Islamic, and can probably be lumped in with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, when it is quite clear that South Park’s agenda is just to make fun of everything for a laugh and a quick buck. People need to relax and breathe a little.
Alawi meanwhile somehow thinks this that poking fun at the Prophet (S) and/or extremists who insist the Prophet (S) cannot be depicted is akin to uttering threats, potentially causing stampedes, causing emergency plane landings and police lockdowns, and the like.
April 26, 2010 at 9:20 AM
Right. So they insult and slander our beloved prophet, and what does our dear sheikh advise us to do? TO remain silent.
Allahul musta’an
Remember sheikh, that you are in a position where you either guide or misguide.
On the day of judgment, you and i will stand in front of our rasool to be questioned about what we’ve done, and you dear sheikh will say “i remained silent”. By Allah, i will stand as a witness against you.
I dont care if you delete this comment, as long as you read it, i can be sure that my message was sent across.
May Allah grant us all hidaya saliha
April 26, 2010 at 9:33 AM
Oh, and regarding the “silent treatment”. Are we not meant to learn from others mistakes? Look at all other relgions who have been using the “silent treatment” for centuries. What has become of their prophets and the reputation of these prophets? We now see movies depicting Jesus nude and Noah as a fool. Yep, the silent treatment sure does wonders!
April 26, 2010 at 9:37 AM
You have not offered one specific alternative to the responses (silence was one) I mentioned in my post. If you cannot tell us what you are proposing that Muslims do, then please take the fretting and screaming somewhere else.
April 26, 2010 at 10:17 AM
No one is fretting or screaming except you here. I was actually quite calm when writing my above responses.
[quote] And what will you say on the day of judgment, รขโฌลI shouted and frettedรขโฌย or did some physical harm to someone, outside the authority and bounds of what we know from scholars of the ummah for Muslims living in the West. [/qote]
1- since you mentioned it, please provide me the ‘adillah from these scholars you speak of. this is a genuine request, and i promise you that your effort wont go to waste i.e. i will actually read what you post and consider the opinions. at the end of the day, its about the truth, seeking it, finding it and holding on to it, yes?
2- i am *against* the silent treatment as it clearly has proven to be a fail. apologies, but this is only the truth which i highlighted by citing the examples of other religions
3- just so no one would get any idea:
a) i have no affiliation with the RM brothers, however, your comment regarding him being an ex zionist is uncalled for and unnecessary and is in no way the correct way to address your muslim brother. perhaps it would be best if you edit that part out
b) in no way do i follow or adhere to the opinion of killing civilians in the west . nor do i think the silent treatment would be something id like to face my beloved prophet s.a.w with. there are alterntatives where muslims can stand together, brain storm and do something that can be both effective and not cause any harm.
my recent comments were pointing out your errors. you erred in trying to defame our brother, regardless of his views you cant use his past as an arguing point. again, plz consider removing that part as it is not appropriate nor the islamic thing to do.
April 26, 2010 at 10:33 AM
I am sorry but I am not sure what research you are sending me on? My point was that no scholar with a mainstream following allows for the use of violence by Muslims in these situations. If you know otherwise, it is YOUR lot to find.
Okay, you are against silent treatment, what about the other ways to do “something” as mentioned thus far? If they don’t suit you either, then what do you suggest we do? But I hope you agree that RM’s way is not the way to go about this either, right?
P.S. I have already responded to your concern about “defamation”. The amount of defamation of Muslims that Youssef has caused far outweighs any defamation he may ever face.
Null Void
May 1, 2010 at 3:34 PM
Actually, American laws simply protect freedom of free expression instead of freedom from offense. Whether or not it is polite, tasteful, or even civil to draw a picture of any religious figure in a compromising situation (or position), it is not a legal one in America. Sorry.
April 26, 2010 at 9:35 AM
And what will you say on the day of judgment, “I shouted and fretted” or did some physical harm to someone, outside the authority and bounds of what we know from scholars of the ummah for Muslims living in the West. And what did all that emotional response do for the Prophet (S)’s image? Hurt it further, and profit exactly the same people who you are fretting about. Good intentions are not sufficient for actions that have negative consequences.
In fact, I am VERY comfortable in a position which I truly believe is the more fruitful position in the long-run. A position where the bigots and the mockery-makers will not profit from my anger, and I will not contribute to creating more anti-Islam hysteria, turning others away from Islam. As I said, judge the harms and benefits of the situation and the answer is clear.
By the way, I did not say silence was the only option. If you don’t have a positive response, then indeed silence is better. But if you are up to it, then do the other things I mentioned in the post. Also, consider using each of these “bait a Muslim” opportunities to propagate something good about the Prophet (S) instead. For instance, create a “south park” post on your site and merely say, “who is this Prophet that South Park talks about”, and then use the rest of the post to mention the Prophet’s qualities instead, to teach a few who might stumble on to your post by accident. Or create a video or do something positive.
Finally, I don’t guide or misguide. Only Allah does. I only say what I believe in, for reasons that I believe in. It is up to the readers to agree or disagree, and ultimately up to Allah to turn the hearts the way He wills.
Middle Ground
April 26, 2010 at 9:43 AM
Well said Amad. The reactionary behaviour is giving my own daughter, like I said, a bad impression about muslims. If this is how a girl from a practicing muslim family fees, how about non practicing muslims or even non muslims? How would they feel over this?
When the Danish cartoon rubbish happened, Why Islam made good use of it for dawah, the way Amad is suggesting. They put together this radio ad, and played it on some radio stations in the New York/New Jersey area. If you really want to do something about South Park, maybe you should also try something like this.
“What is Islam? 1400 years ago, the Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him)
walked the earth and changed the people. He took them from the worship of idols to
the worship of one God. He took them from the exploitation of the weak
to reaching out and helping them. And, he taught the virtues of speaking the truth, honoring promises, kindness to everyone, and helpfulness to your neighbors. Throughout his mission, he lived a life of humility and simplicity. This is Prophet Mohammed, and these are some of the reasons that Muslims have always loved him, and still do.”
April 26, 2010 at 9:58 AM
Jazakallahkhair “Middle Ground”… people who actually think of America as home, raising their families here, can look at things a bit more crisply.
Abu Ibrahim
April 27, 2010 at 11:48 PM
The fact that no one can agree on the proper response to this incident shows that the American Muslim leadership is not stepping up as they should.
WE (average Joe Muslims) shouldn’t be the ones trying to figure this out. Those whom Allah has put into a position of leadership are the ones who should be leading the charge. Those who are the heads of large organizations, large communities, have access to lots of funds, and can influence tens of thousands of Muslims, are the ones who can handle this best.
Since we cannot (and should not) use or threaten violence, our best options are to hit them in the wallet. The leadership can write letters, organize letter-writing campaigns, contact the show’s sponsors, and make their displeasure known. Just like Nike and the “Allah” shoes many years ago, Comedy Central will get the message without making us look like savages.
If organizations like ICNA, MSA, Zaytuna, TMC, ISNA, CAIR, and others joined together in this effort, it may have a much better effect than simply responding to the zealots (real or fake) amongst us like RM.
Allah knows best, but perhaps this might have a more beneficial outcome and discourage others (obviously not all) from disparaging our Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him).
Islam In America
Null Void
May 1, 2010 at 3:42 PM
The point is that you’re kind of being a repressive authoritarian if you do anything besides switch the channel when you see something that offends your faith on TV.
Abu Ibrahim
May 3, 2010 at 6:15 PM
There are many ways to respond to your condescending and self-righteous statement.
“Stating an opinion as if it’s fact does not make it so.”
“Speak for yourself.”
“Says who?”
“Who died and made you king?”
Speaking out against something that offends is the most basic expression of free speech. You show your hypocrisy by stating people on TV can say whatever they want yet I’m being oppressive (kinda stupid thing to say considering Muslims have very little political power) if I decide to use legal and peaceful means to protest it.
May 3, 2010 at 9:01 PM
I think NullVoids argument is that if someone insults you, you should respect their freedom of speech and ignore them. For example, lets say you are at the grocery store with your mom, and some guy comes up to you and starts making obscene gestures at your mom and tells you some very offensive things about her. In this situation, you must respect the fact that they have a right to what they say and express and carry on like nothing happened. If you were to utter a single word of defiance, you are being a repressive authoritarian and deserve the highest condemnation for your intolerance and hatred. I mean, there must be something seriously wrong with you if you say anything back right?
You gotta love NullVoids brilliant and insightful rationale.
April 26, 2010 at 11:21 AM
I’ll follow the Prophet (saas) who when was made fun of and mocked, continued to deliver the same message: there is nothing worthy of worship except God. So if you truly love the Prophet (saas) and want to defend him then follow him by giving the message of Islam to the writers of South Park.
Stick to the sunnah.
And Allah knows best.
Middle Ground
April 26, 2010 at 11:35 AM
Does anyone have the email addresses of the South Park guys?
April 26, 2010 at 11:54 AM
You could Direct Message on Twitter.
Not sure if it will reach the South Park guys, but it will reach someone there.
aamer khan
April 28, 2010 at 2:49 PM
aamer khan
April 28, 2010 at 2:42 PM
Ma Sha Allah….good response. This should be a part of the article!
April 27, 2010 at 11:52 PM
as-salaam ‘alaykum Ukhti,
The Shaykh of our masjid was speaking today. Not about this incident, but about the concept of following a ruling vs the wisdom understanding the realities behind it. Clearly clearly clearly there is more harm in the actions of ‘Revolution Muslim’ (we’re not communists who have dumb ‘revolutions’) have done more harm to us than good.
Perhaps another course of action is in the greater good. Maslaha?
April 26, 2010 at 9:27 AM
P.S . Fear Allah and dont stoop so low that you would have to go to the extent of discrediting your fellow Muslims to prove your point. Subhanallah, i am appalled at the statement above. Using his past, his pre islamic days as reference? Audhobillah. Must I, an 18 yr old remind you that every sin is erased upon one’s conversion? When the sahabah erred, did the prophet s.a.w ever use their history and jihaliyah days and discredit them?
April 26, 2010 at 9:48 AM
Based on the many cases of fire-brand converts engaged in undercover activities as well as entrapment operations, Muslim Americans cannot be blamed for some level of skepticism, especially when the convert wants to be more Muslim than all the rest of the Muslims, and engage in the sort of activity, much less of which has landed so many Muslims in jail. Still, as I said, only Allah knows what is his in heart, and that he could be much more beneficial to the ummah by concentrating on positive, not negative dawah. Apparently, you are good at ignoring what doesn’t fit with the essence of your comment.
This video is interesting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWvRslKA__8 (i cannot vouch for the source’s authority though)
Abd- Allah
April 27, 2010 at 2:45 PM
It doesn’t matter whether he is a convert or a born Muslim, he can still be working for some one else. If he was working independently out of his own whims, he would have been arrested by now and charged with terrorism. We are not talking about anyone’s intentions here, but actions speak louder, and no matter what his intentions are, good or bad, and no matter if he is a convert or was born a Muslim, his actions are harming Muslims and Islam. If he has good intentions, then that is between him and Allah, but his bad actions which affect all of us, then I think that the Ummah has a right against any individual Muslim and hold him accountable for what he does, especially if it is in the name of Islam.
April 27, 2010 at 4:30 PM
Really than why don’t you go and hold people like Saudi King Fahd, Hosni Mubarak and other traitors who are openly collaborating with the Kuffar against the muslims. Your anger is directed towards a brother who is first of all not even associated with RM anymore. He does not live in US anyways so why are you so riled up over this.
Secondly how do you know his actions are hurting Islam. It may be hurting the muslims in the US other than that what bearing his actions has on Islam. Since he is not even associated with RM anymore why don’t you take your words back.
As i said earlier words carry a lot of weight but we speak them without being concerned.
Saying a person is spying on muslims and working for kuffar to harm the muslim is making Takfir of him. It is clear that this types of action throws oneself out of Islam. You are not just saying that you saying that he is doing this delibirately.
I am astonished at you doing Takfir of a brother just because of your own suspicions and without any freaking knowledge about his current status with the organization which he has already left.
Abd- Allah
April 27, 2010 at 5:20 PM
Brother suhail, first off you need to calm down and stop accusing people of declaring Takfir on others. If to you saying that a Muslim is harming Islam by his actions is declaring Takfir on him, then you have a faulty understanding of what makes a Muslim a kaafir. I am sure you know of the famous story where one of the companions wrote a letter to the kuffaar of Makkah to warn them that the Muslim army is heading their way, yet when the Prophet peace be upon him found out about it he did not declare that companion a kaafir, but rather affirmed that he is a Muslim and prevented anyone from harming him for what he did. So please hold your Takfir horses and stop accusing us of declaring Takfir!
As for that brother, then I wasn’t even talking about RM or his relation to it anyways! I was talking about what he said in the video which is old, way older than this whole RM thing anyways. What he said is harmful to Muslims and Islam in general, not just those who live in the US, because it is not in accordance of the teachings of Islam!
If you falsely accuse me of doing Takfir of anyone ever again brother suhail, I will make du’a to Allah that He shows me justice in you for falsely accusing me of something which I am free of !
April 26, 2010 at 10:01 AM
Brother Amad,
It’s all about ratings. South Park published a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad long time ago and had been doing it ever since, and muslims didn’t complain. It’s probably because a) it’s on cable and b) not enough Muslims really care about South Park anyways.
A comment on my letter to South Park said the violent threat was originated by someone with non-Muslim origins!
I think South Park was miffed their portrayal wasn’t being taken seriously – so they created this ruckus!
April 26, 2010 at 10:02 AM
good Mezba… proof of a positive response.
“created this ruckus”… part of the script too… Party-W could be indeed working for Party-I
Middle Ground
April 26, 2010 at 11:05 AM
You know what the ‘reaction’ of some muslims reminds me of? When my daughter was 5, her 7 year old male cousin used to tease her just to get a kick out of her, and a reaction. After a LONG time, she finally cottoned on that the best thing to do was to ignore him and not give him the reaction he wanted. So are we saying that muslims have the mentality of a 5 year old girl being teased by an older brother/cousin?
April 26, 2010 at 11:37 AM
While I agree with some of the writers points, I believe that while discussing this issue, it’s extremely important to remember that there can be more than one solution to the problem.
For those of you who feel that the silent treatment may work best, you must understand that when individuals attempt to insult the messenger of Allaah (swt), naturally muslims will feel hurt (as I’m sure you’ve feel hurt right now). Feeling this pain inside your heart isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign that you care.
Just as a side point – regardless of how practising you are in your faith, this pain should make you realise that there is a natural love of Islam in your heart. Use that love and passion for Allah (Swt) and His (swt) Messenger and bring yourself closer to Islam.
For those of who you feel that we should being vocal about the situation works best (i.e. writting letters, petitions, speeches, talks, interviews and so forth), you should also realise about brothers and sisters who are advocates of the silent approach, that they are putting this forward not because they don’t love islaam or they don’t love Allaah’s (swt) Messenger, but they are trying to find an effective solution to what is becoming an increasing problem. You might not think they’re right, but one thing’s for sure, they care just as much about the situation as you do. Don’t let shaitaan tell you otherwise..
For those of you who feel that being proactive in islamic work is the way forward, then of course the same applies to yourselves. You might feel that by showing the rest of our society, that we are only individuals looking for the betterment of humanity (seeking to rid it of the social injustices, the lack of kindness, mercy and so forth that is rampant today), we will earn the pleasure of Allaah (swt) and as a result place He will place the respect of Islaam in everyone’s elses hearts. However you must recognise that people are looking for an immediate solution as well, even if you don’t think one is strictly necessary.
Finally, you might think a combination of all the approaches is the best response, or maybe even an alternative solution that hasn’t already been mentioned!
Whatever it is, discuss your issues with adab and realise first and foremost that all of you are working towards the same cause. Don’t get flustered or frustrated with each other over methods when you all agree on the objective – to earn the pleasure of Allaah (swt).
April 26, 2010 at 12:55 PM
Good comment.
I will say that remaining silent is not inaction. In fact, as we can see on right on this forum, it is very difficult indeed to stay silent, and I say this in all seriousness. When someone insults you, forget your Prophet (S), the natural reaction is defensive. And herein, I think the Prophet (S)’s instructions, “speak a good word or remain silent” is very appropriate. Think about it… silence is not as easy at it sounds… and it is a killer strategy for trolls on blogs, and trolls in the entertainment and media industries as well.
P.S. I do agree that silence is not the only appropriate reaction, neither do I claim it is best for all. There are some excellent suggestions already made beyond silence. As long as are talking about positive reactions, we are all in the same boat.
April 26, 2010 at 11:44 AM
When there are cartoon / free speech controversies, these are the best times for du’aa and daw’ah.
Du’aa – there is nothing you can (or should) do physically to harm the creators of South Park. It’s not in your jurisdiction, and this is not an Islamic state where authorities can put a stop to such nonsense. There is a higher sovereign power over everything, and it is Allah. ‘Abdul-Muttalib was intelligent enough to realize this when Abraha came to topple the ka’bah and he left it to Allah to defend, and He did. So make du’aa first and foremost for Allah to bring the best outcome and to make us supporters and helpers in it if it’s possible.
Daw’ah: This is the time local, college, and national media have their attention focused on the Prophet (SAW). The neo-cons will be out in full force peppering the airwaves and the editorial pages (and now comment sections) about this man – this is your chance not to defend, but to set the tone and message and speak about who he is, what he’s done, and why Muslims care so much about any attack on him. At this level, when engaging others, ignore the neo-cons and the haters (it takes a supreme effort of will, believe me, but if you stay on message, it will seriously anger them ;)).
April 26, 2010 at 12:09 PM
I won’t hesitate. This was a Zionist plot run by extremist ex-Israeli illegal settlers posing as Muslim converts. How many really believe they converted to Islam? I don’t for a second. But the racist media took the bait. I bet these “RevolutionMuslim” frauds are laughing their butts off right now.
April 26, 2010 at 4:12 PM
Good thing. Now we see new Takfiris among us. Before you guys used to shout “Oh these extermist Takfeeris” and now you are doing the same. Isn’t that amazing. They create a video and suddenly they are labelled as kuffar.
Throw Takfir left and right just because Yousuf is an ex-Israeli thus he must be a Zionist helper and an spy. Do you understand the implications of your words and what if you are accounted for the words that you have spoken.
There may be many things that you may disagree with Yousuf but here you have done a clear Takfir of him. Please think about your words before saying them.
As the Prophet(SAW) said people will be thrown in hellfire with there tongues just because they spoke something.
April 27, 2010 at 1:20 AM
As far as the real background of the RM guys, I have already mentioned that there is enough history of spies and agents in our community that when someone goes out there and tries to act in this way, it raises all sorts of red-flags. Brothers & sisters, I myself had a very good friend, a convert, who was one of our major conferences’ spokesman. Only a year later, he had taken some brothers out for some “training”, brothers who couldn’t hurt a fly to be honest, hardly the j-types… and now all 3 of them are spending years in jail. It would be naive and dishonest if we didn’t have a nagging suspicion about such “commandos”. I am sure there are a few other ex-settlers, ex-extremist Jews who are the best Muslims in the world, who are not creating a massive drama and creating the atmosphere of hatred for Muslims. So, remember, it is the actions of these brothers which is creating our doubts.
But I also clearly admitted in my post that Allah knows the state of the heart, and we cannot say for certain one way or the other.
So, even though what Saif said is not technically takfir (that happens when we accuse someone of saying something or doing something that we believe removes them from the fold of Islam, vs. saying someone never entered it), I agree with Suhail that we cannot stamp them as disbelievers.
May Allah guide the RM guys to the truth and make them beneficial members of the Islamic community, not instigators of hate.
April 27, 2010 at 4:41 PM
Brother Amad i can understand what you are saying. I am not saying that people should not be careful. But making Takfir of someone by calling them agents of Kuffar and spies is not the same as warning against something which you deem as wrong.
You may disagree with there rhetoric or the method of there delivering a message but casting suspicions on them as being agents is below the belt.
In this internet age where anonymity rules nobody knows who is behind a certain poster. I can also be an agent posing as muslim. RM guys seem to be hot-headed or even crazy to some but they have always stood at the sides of the muslims in every matter.
Regarding them harming Islam’s image than it is in in the eyes of the beholder. We are easy on people who created this episode where they insulted Prophets of Allah and we want a dialogue with them but we are so suspicious and insulting at the brothers who are muslims who made that video in there zeal and love of the Prophet(SAW). They may be wrong but it is enough to make bara from there actions rather than labelling them as spies.
I say Ameen to your dua brother Amad and let us all pray that Allah guides us to the path which pleases him.
April 27, 2010 at 9:22 AM
What are the traits of the khawaarij?
They are harsh toward the believers and easy with the disbelievers and they make takfir of the Muslims over issues which are not kufr. This might not really be clear takfir, but it is certainly the equivalent of saying, “He might be a kafir and I have good reason to suspect this.”
Dawud Israel
April 26, 2010 at 2:20 PM
Arguing with South Park for the sake of Islam is like arguing with the crazy mentally insane dude downtown who thinks he is god. All you can say is…
Islam’s izzah is higher than this, higher than going after everyone of these dudes like we are a bunch of mafia dons.
P.S. Great critique Amad. I didn’t know Muslims even watched this trashy show.
April 28, 2010 at 3:58 PM
lol – that makes complete sense
April 26, 2010 at 2:23 PM
The revolution muslim getup is nothing but pure antagonism and ignorance at it’s best…none of them have studied anywhere and they blind follow a 4 yr madeena grad( if he graduated?) named faisal who is a well know takfiree…The Revolutionists can be found Standing in front of mosques shoving their nonsense down people’s throats…All they do like typical takfirees and khawarij is concentrate on the rulers and the kaos in the muslim world…while leaving off the rest of the deen..This getup needs to be silenced… they arent doing the muslims in the usa any good…..they .do many news reports and interviews and the western media embraces them… it’s hard enough living here dealing with the western bias ..now all we need is a few ignoramuses who are completely ignorant of islamic sciences making it worse….enough.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!unli$$$$$$$ted2010
April 26, 2010 at 2:23 PM
รหรยฅรยฐรยง รยฃรยฑรยงรยฏ รยงรโรโฌรโรโฌรโก รโ รยดรโฌรโฌรยฑ รยรโฌรยถรโฌรล รโรโฌรยฉ รยทรโฌรยรหรล รโฌรยช*** รยฃรยชรโฌรยงรยญ รโรโกรโฌรยง รโรยณรโฌรยงรโ รยญรยณรโฌรหรยฏ
รโรหรโรยง รยงรยดรยชรยนรยงรโ รยงรโรโ รยงรยฑ รยรล รโฆรยง รยฌรยงรหรยฑรยช *** รโฆรยง รฦรยงรโ รล รยรยนรยฑรย รยทรล รยจรย รยนรลฝรยฑรย รยงรโรยนรหรยฏ
Loose translation:
If Allah wants to spread a hidden good, he allows for it the tongue of a envious wretch
Had it not been for the flame burning that which surrounds it, the beautiful scent of a incense would not be known
Anas Hlayhel
April 26, 2010 at 3:02 PM
The Prophet said, “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day then let him say what’s good, or STAY SILENT”. So remaing silent is a Prophetic option. If we can’t contribute positively, then it’s BETTER to stay silent. We’ll be questioned about being silent on the Day of Judgement only if we had the opportunity to contribute positively and we didn’t. And Allah knows best.
Death is upon us
April 26, 2010 at 3:33 PM
I have a solution for everybody worrying about television network/program/advertisement/news speech that is against Islam to save yourself a headache: Throw the tv out the window (But make sure you are on the first floor).
April 26, 2010 at 3:40 PM
I agree with the author’s position: indifference and education is key.
altmuslim has a great piece on their website:
That author, Aziz, also brings up a couple of notable points, such as the fact that positive portrayals are shown yearly and that no other U.S. Islamic organization was contacted to make any statement.
April 26, 2010 at 3:42 PM
I dont condone insulting the prophet and it is a vile act from anyone but implementing a punishment is something that a islamic govt does….not some lone ranger with a butcher knife or a pants bomber,or shoe bomber or a army soldier all of that is treachory…I’m with Shaykh Yasir Qadhi we live here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!unlissted2010
April 26, 2010 at 4:41 PM
Please read this as well
April 26, 2010 at 9:12 PM
South Park, sadly has been depicting Prophet Muhammad (saws) for a long time but no one cared until the Danish cartoons a number of years ago, which then Trey and Matt (creators of South Park) made an episode of how the controversy worked and how Muslims were offended.
I took this new episode so seriously, that when it came out about two weeks ago, I wrote a note on my facebook about how much South Park couldn’t just leave Prophet Muhammad (saws) alone.
Indeed, I am guilty of watching this show because of it’s stupid humor, but I skipped episodes that had to do with degrading Islam. I know this is still wrong, but it was a habit that I was getting into. I was fine until they decided to bring back the Prophet Muhammad depiction issue in the new episode that I did not watch whether they censored him out or not.
I know many non-Muslims are going to say things like “Muslims take this too seriously” or “how can you get offended by a stick figure”, those were many of the comments I saw on facebook and tv news.
The only reason why this is even an issue is because bored non-Muslims decide to make it a big deal. The creators of South Park made this because they know Americans love controversy and probably curious to see Prophet Muhammad’s face.
From what I know, no Muslim I know even heard of this issue mainly because they do not watch South Park.
I loved this show, but I hate why they do this. I’ll admit I laugh at a few of their jokes, but I also get overly offended on how they can make fun of everyone to the point where it’s ridiculous.
And please do not be fooled. In the beginning of every episode with all the charatcers waving at you, Prophet Muhammad’s depicted character is somewhere in the back, very tiny, barely seen. So they have been showing him all these years but no one knew. I found this to be true when someone posted the proof and zoomed in and circled him (which I did not look at)
And I am glad I am not the only Muslim who come to realize what South Park did years ago and recently. Some people just take advantage of their free speech and press.. and opinions, which gets utterly annoying. Especially when you argue with someone (usually online), they just say “it’s my opinion and I’m free to say what I want”, I see this being used by people who really have nothing smarter to say, sorry.
What I started to get more worried was before the second part of the new episode came out, one of the character, Eric Cartman, was going to have his dad’s identity revealed. Many fans guessed it to be Prophet Muhammad.. which is utterly offensive. We already know Eric Cartman is a Jew hater. Imagine what people think if they get the idea of Prophet Muhammad being Eric’s father?! That’s double the offense.
I did not see the second part because of this same issue, but I am HOPING it was not what these fans said.
April 26, 2010 at 10:04 PM
I know that the Prophet was insulted both behind his back and to his face. What was his reaction? We should probably react the same way since it would be following the sunnah. Or perhaps we should learn from what the Prophet instructed his companions to do in such situations.
Personally, regarding these south park guys, they seem like the bottom of society in their mannerism and level of sophistication, or anything else that’s postive for that matter. How would you address mockery coming from the bottom of society? Emotion should take a back seat in the face of adversity. Having a clear mind is an asset.
P.S. we should give all people who claim to be Muslim the benefit of the doubt that they are Muslim even if we don’t agree with that they say. If we see that they have clearly erred, perhaps we should give them guidance.
April 26, 2010 at 11:42 PM
Asalamu Alaykum Br. Amad,
What troubles me is how confident you are in your views. I like many of your posts brother, but I dislike it when you act like you’ve been given the “green light,” by Allah subahana wa t’ala. On the Day of Judgement, Allah will be the judge of us, not the sheikh’s living in the West (whom I respect) and not yourself my friend.
You said “…outside the authority and bounds of what we know from scholars of the ummah for Muslims living in the West.” But yet, I see you acting as confident as a scholar is. How do you know they’re right? Are you ready to bet your life on it? You allude to the fact that the RM guys could be “agents?” That’s like openly calling them hypocrites, you alluded to it by posting that ridiculous video. My brother, you shouldn’t even allude to such a thing.
You state “I have been itching to write something.” Are you following your desires or are your trying to help the Ummah? You say we shouldn’t draw attention to the matter, yet you created this post.
If I say to you “fear Allah,” I assume it would have little impact.
If I quoted Sura 49, Verse 12, how much of an impact would it have on you? I’m asking you seriously.
“O you who believe! avoid most of suspicion, for surely suspicion in some cases is a sin, and do not spy nor let some of you backbite others. Does one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? But you abhor it; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, surely Allah is Oft-returning (to mercy), Merciful.”
Personally I don’t know who is right, the RM guys or you. But I’d rather not make a conclusion. I’d rather just ask Allah to forgive us for being the weak Ummah that we are. I do feel these days that we’re teaching the “treaty of Hudaibiya” and “how Indonesia become Muslim” far more than we teach the other aspects of the Seerah and Islamic History.
I remind you and I ask you to remind me as well.
My brother, I sincerely believe it would be better if you disabled the comments function entirely whilst putting an end to these types of post which divide our community.
Your brother in Islaam,
April 27, 2010 at 1:20 AM
Br. Baasel, if you don’t know who’s right, RM or me, then that is more troubling than the trouble that my confidence gives you. Their constant message has been one of defending terrorism, and telling a non-Muslim audience that the Qur’an instructs us to terrorize them– great dawah mashallah.
Allah will be judge of all things, but if I am waiting for a direct green light from him before writing anything, then I might as well pack my bags and not write at all.
There is no doubt that there are grey areas in the world, but there is also no doubt that there are clear blacks and clear whites. Adultery is a clear black, charity, without showing off, is a clear white. And to me, murder is a clear black. And when the majority of the world’s scholars, in fact, probably ALL of the mainstream scholars in the world have never recommended a Muslim to take to violence in this issue, when residing in the West, then that black to me is pitch-black.
So, I appreciate your sincere advice (no doubt), but I vehemently disagree that silence is an option when there are those out there sprouting the worst ignorance about Islam and turning normal, unbiased non-Muslims into haters and Islamophobes. Silence in this case is NOT an option… Allah conducts us to amr bil-maroon and nahi al-munkar.
As for the RM guys, please see my comment above.
April 27, 2010 at 8:34 PM
So clearly your position is white and theirs is black???
Where on earth did they condone violence? Unless I’m mistaken all he said was “they will probably end up like…” As for terrorism their definition is the usage of the word “turhiboon”. I agree their terminology and form of da’wah isn’t exactly optimal but to say that they are clearly 100% wrong for “supporting” terrorism is just ridiculous… unless of course you know of something they said that I didn’t hear (I’m basing this off the cnn video).
April 28, 2010 at 12:20 AM
I am not going to argue on this issue anymore. One only had to go to their website (before it went down) to know where they stand. And that’s not where the vast majority of Muslims stand.
End of topic.
Abu Ibrahim
April 28, 2010 at 11:54 AM
They clearly and openly support the killing of American citizens on their website. I saw it and read it myself.
This is more than just a disagreement on whether shrimp is halal or not. This is a group of Muslims with the eye of the Media misrepresenting Islam and causing harm for all Muslims in the U.S.
We would be foolish to sit here and not say anything against them, not investigate them, not discredit them, and just “stay silent” because we “don’t know what’s in their hearts.”
They are using the words of Allah and His messenger to spread mischief (is this current situation anything but mischief?) We have every right to stop them with our hands, or our mouths, or if nothing else, at least hate their deeds with our hearts.
So, yes RM is clearly wrong on this matter. There is no gray area.
Dawud Israel
April 28, 2010 at 12:31 PM
Amad does have a green-light, because if he didn’t few of you would be pushed to think seriously about these things.
Silence is an option- knowing which battles to pick, is essential to any victory. Especially, when RM is nothing more than a bunch of egotistical clowns.
April 27, 2010 at 12:07 AM
I have to agree with Br. Baasel, just because you disagree with a Muslim blog doesn’t give you the right to question their intention.
Sh. Yasir Qadhi taught us when we were going over the etiquettes of students is that the moment you question someone’s intention you need to immediately question yours. You should never assume someone has a bad intention, and if you do then keep it to yourself, spreading fitnah is very bad.
The Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasalam reprimanded the companion who killed the “disbeliever” even though his last words were the shahadah, and he asked him “did you know his heart???”. Let’s not forget about this sunnah in the “West” when we go on that tirade.
April 27, 2010 at 1:24 AM
I am not questioning their intentions, but their actions. I do doubt their entire shtick though for good reason, as I have mentioned above (see comment reply to Basel)
But I will never say that they are not Muslims, or that they never became Muslims. Only Allah knows the affairs of the hearts.
In any case this is a side-issue and I have said all I need to say on it, so let’s focus on the main subject please.
Marcus Aurelius
April 27, 2010 at 12:22 AM
I am no doubt unwelcome here, so I will keep this brief.
“Some despairing soulwho has very little purposeful happening in his life, decides to write something disparaging about Islam or Muslims”
Matt and Trey have more money than they will ever know what to do with. They have won nearly every award a television show can win. Despite some lowbrow humor, it is recognized as one of the most biting satires on television. It’s following remains strong.
So I suppose it is the “human rights” Solidarity with their fallen brethren and those now in hiding.
April 27, 2010 at 1:01 AM
Marcus, you are welcome if you maintain general decorum, which you did.
How many examples of people do you want me to give you about people with more money than they could ever spend committing suicides. They produce good satire, but there is no artist in the world who is not looking for more money or more reach. Matt & Trey are no different. What other “real” human rights efforts have they engaged in? Are you telling me that there are no uncontroversial issues they could fight for? How about the illegitimate war in Iraq? How about the homeless right in America? How about global poverty? How about malaria in Africa?
You know, if Matt/Trey had a history of being engaged in unselfish ventures for human rights, off which they don’t directly profit, I would be willing to entertain much more good will for them.
Marcus Aurelius
April 27, 2010 at 10:03 AM
I don’t think one must comment on the most pressing aspects of human welfare to be deemed a legitimate warrior for human rights. South Park skewers the sacred cows. This, I feel, is a great service. Could they spend their time doing something more worthwhile? Probably. But I see no reason why they have to.
As men who have depicted every sacred cow, it would be hypocritical NOT to touch on Mohammed. Is it about pressing buttons? Absolutely. But it is also about solidarity with Rushdie, Hirsi Ali, Kurt Westergaard, etc.
In a world where most people never do ANYTHING to further ANY freedoms, I support any small sacrifice for a freer world.
April 27, 2010 at 8:41 PM
If your definition of freedom is immorality then I don’t want your so called freedom.
April 27, 2010 at 9:11 PM
If a freer world is considered one where people compete to degrade others, then I don’t want it.
I was a victim of that in elementary school where kids were free to insult me and degrade me as they pleased. Although it seemed like it made them very happy, since I was at the recieving end, I did not enjoy any bit of it nor would want that for any of my kids. And by the way, you are welcome to defend their freedom of speech on what they did to me, but I consider them oppressors to this day. True, this was a very long time ago, and who cares right … other than me? You are are welcome to replicate those kids behavior and make fun of the fact that I still remember that stuff.
Anyway, my point is that freedom of speech has been deformed to what it is today. Freedom of speech is supposed to make society better, not promote vice and enemity amongst the people.
Null Void
May 1, 2010 at 3:53 PM
Freedom of speech is to protect free expression. Nothing more, nothing less.
If the American concept of freedom does not suit you, I would recommend you either take action to legislate a more appropriate definition via constitutional amendment or you find a country more congruent to your beliefs.
Umm Bilqis
April 27, 2010 at 12:59 AM
Marcus, Actually it is divisive and plays into the politics of division and alienation.
It pits one segment of society against another and if it is for the purposes of free speech then it is the height of hypocrisy.
I am sure that they would not question or touch issues dealing with the holocaust for example with a ten foot pole because of legislation regarding anti semitism.
Free speech in some countries is a hypocritical affair.
jane doe
April 27, 2010 at 1:12 AM
I agree Umm. Freedom of speech is a hypocritical affair. Muslims like you always whine that the holocaust isn’t openly questioned yet we all know Muslims and Arabs have a long history of lying and fabricating to make yourself the victim when you are not. Trying questioning Bosnian ethinic cleansing, colonialization, racism, or talking about Arabs and crime in Europe.
If you think that westerners are overprotective towards Jews I suggest you say to a bunch of people “Slavery never happened. Africans made it up to get symapthy and power”. See whether any of the people you say that to would ever assosciate with you again. They would not.
jane doe
April 27, 2010 at 1:14 AM
I noticed that in the Muslim world Protocols of Zion is openly sold. There is a book just like it called Protocols of an Arab Named Mohammad… can’t find it in any Muslim or Arab bookstore. What were you saying about hypocrasy Umm??
Umm Bilqis
April 27, 2010 at 2:38 AM
Jane doe, my belief is that just as the holocaust is off limits for freedom of speech so too should the defamation of the Prophet Sallaahu Allauhi wasallam. At the legislative level.
jane doe
May 1, 2010 at 2:37 PM
The Holocaust isn’t off limits in the Muslim world but the Prophet Mo is so they hypocrasy is with you. Also, try to question if slavery happened and your freedom of speech will disappear in 5 seconds.
Null Void
May 1, 2010 at 3:55 PM
It is actually perfectly legal to say the Holocaust never happened and that the entire affair was fabricated by zionist pigs, in America of course. In some parts of Europe, it’s not legal to say that. But notice how Europe is not America.
May 2, 2010 at 12:47 AM
There are 2 types of “off-limit” that we are using interchangeably but probably correct to delineate now.
One is legally off-limit, speech that will get you in trouble with the law. There are examples of it in America, like the fire in theater (which is dissimilar to what we are talking here), and holocaust denial, which is similar to our topic here, and is illegal in parts of Europe.
The other speech is the socially off-limit type, speech that is taboo and one may not go to jail for it, but one’s reputation, career, and many other facets of life could be totally disrupted for it. And being a career holocaust denier is one of those. It is a horrible thing to deny a well-established crime against humanity, so I am fully on board for it to be socially off-limit. And that is our point. There should be no encouragement or kudos for hateful or offensive speech, against any religion or race.
What is offensive speech? That is for the target to decide (and not just one or two people, but communities who agree that x or y is offensive).
We are not asking for mockery of Muslim beliefs or sensibilities to be made illegal. What we are saying is that they should not be encouraged by our media, by officials of our government, by church or community leaders, etc. just as they would do with what holocaust, racist epithets against African-Americans, Hispanics, etc. And if someone does it, they should be social outcasts, not heroes of free speech.
Hope you see the difference.
Null Void
May 2, 2010 at 5:13 PM
I do see the difference and am glad someone else has seen the delineation between “offensive” and “illegal” speech.
April 27, 2010 at 4:05 AM
Glenn Greenwald on the South Park controversy (and make sure you make loonwatch your homepage. It is too important not no notice it. Thanks)
April 27, 2010 at 4:27 AM
As much as I like loonwatch, MM should remain the homepage :)
Amir (MR)
April 27, 2010 at 8:54 AM
What I find really strange and something we should all ponder on is that people like the Revolution Muslim guys can go around freely supporting hate and violence, while people like Fahad Hashmi and Dr. Aafia Siddiqui who haven’t done or called for hate and violence are in jail.
It questions me to double think the real agenda of the Revolution Muslim guys and their supporters. I mean what did Fahad Hashmi do compared to what the Revolution Muslim guys do. Seriously it is very unusual.
April 27, 2010 at 9:08 AM
In the hadith where the Companion killed his Jewish wife/servant (depending on the narration), the Prophet, salaa Allahu ‘alayhi wa salam, approved of the action even though the man did not go to a judge first. How do you reconcile this hadith with your statement about the Islamic state?
April 27, 2010 at 10:03 AM
This thread answers your question:
Read the whole thing
April 27, 2010 at 11:35 AM
The รขโฌลRadicalรขโฌย Muslim Group That Threatened South Park Creators Was Founded and Run by Joseph Cohen, a Former Israeli Radical Who Used to Live in a Settlement in the West Bank
April 27, 2010 at 1:50 PM
WARNING: The previous posted link contains some strong language.
Null Void
May 1, 2010 at 3:59 PM
Did you notice how that website is a wordpress blog?
Did you notice how that website did not link to any external sources to corroborate information presented by it?
Did you see the various references to “propaganda” on the side bars?
Apparently not, because that site appears to be some insane man’s blog rather than an actual font of true information.
Abd- Allah
April 27, 2010 at 3:30 PM
Yes! As Muslims we should all express disappointment in a peaceful manner that we disagree with the depiction of ALL the Prophets peace be upon them all.
As for this issue specifically, then I agree with what Amad is saying. Sometimes it is better to stay silent and not even show any response, because whoever is doing such things only wants attention, so we shouldn’t help them out by giving them that attention.
To take this issue further, I would like every sincere Muslim who truly loves Allah and His messenger to read what I will say and think about it and ponder over it. I blame no one but us, the Muslims, for everything bad that is happening to us, whether it is the depiction of the Prophet peace be upon him, or whether it is the oppression of Muslims around the world, or killing our innocent civilian brothers and sisters… Everything that is happening to Muslims is because of what our own hands have gained, and there is no one else to blame for it all except ourselves! Think about how much we indulge in our sins, how much haram do we commit, the lives that we lead, are our actions in accordance to what Allah has commanded us? Are we performing our obligations in a proper manner? I wouldn’t be wrong is I said that as an Ummah, we have not perfect our prayers yet, one of the basic pillars which Islam is based upon, our prayers, yet we have not perfected them yet. Many don’t even pray, others don’t don’t pray on time. Of those of us who pray 5 times a day, how many of us has perfected our prayers? How many of us pray with tranquility and really contemplate about the words that we say in our prayers? How many of us have bothered to take the time out and learn how our Prophet peace be upon him used to pray so we can perform our prayers in the same way in which he did? How many of us really strive and struggle to follow the sunnah and lead our lives according to it, even the very small details and actions in our lives, do we do them according to the sunnah? We should think, have we purified ourselves from the different forms of subtle shirk? Have we purified our intentions and purified our hearts like every Muslim should? Whenever things like this happens, like the Prophet peace be upon him is depicted, we try to prove our love for him by expressing anger. That is not how true love for Allah and His messenger is proven. The true measure of how much we love Allah and His messenger is not how angry we get, but it is how much do we follow the Prophet peace be upon him. Many of those who get angry and call for violence don’t even pray or don’t have a beard. If you truly love the Prophet peace be upon him, then start being regular with your prayers. Strive to perfect your prayers, to grow your beard so that you look like the one whom you claim you love. Write out the full “peace be upon him” after you mention the Prophet peace be upon him instead of just being satisfied with the abbreviation using a few letters. Struggle with yourself to perfect your manners, to fast on Mondays and Thursdays, to leave off those sins which you have become so addicted to. Strive to be a better Muslim, to perform your duties and obligations, take the time to go back and learn more about Islam and how to practice according to the sunnah and what are the proper beliefs that you as a Muslim should have. Indeed, the only cause of our humiliation and weakness as an Ummah, is because aren’t what we are supposed to be as Muslims, and the only solution to it, is not to get angry when our Prophet peace be upon him is insulted, not to use violence when it is not justified, not to continue in our daily lives without practicing Islam and following the sunnah, but the only solution to ALL of our problems as an Ummah is that we all go back to the true teachings of Islam, as it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and the way it was practiced and understood by the companions may Allah be pleased with them, and go back to practicing the true and pure Islam, free from all forms of shirk and from all forms of innovations, for it is only then that we will truly achieve any sort of honor and respect as Muslims. In the famous words of Umar may Allah be pleased with him, “We are a people whom Allah has honored with Islam, so if we try to seek honor through any other way (other than Islam), then Allah will humiliate us.”
April 27, 2010 at 4:49 PM
What you say is right to a certain degree but anger at people depicting Prophet(SAW) in insulting way is a sign of Iman brother. If somebody makes fun of my father or mother in front of me and i do not get angry than there is surely something wrong with me.
It does not mean that i go out and beat somebody whom i am angry with but anger is a natural feeling when somebody you love more than yourself is attacked. Even Prophet(SAW) got angry when people attacked Islam. Sahabah (RA) used to get very angry when anybody would disrespect Prophet(SAW). It is something natural.
So yes we should rectify ourselves and work hard to implement Islam in our life but a believer will get angry if the Prophets of Allah are insulted or if Allah (SWT) is insulted.
April 28, 2010 at 1:04 PM
But the anger does not equate to violence. It might if it is in a war like situation but not in this context.
We are told to be angry but not necessarily violent or threatening.
Allah knows best.
April 28, 2010 at 12:23 AM
Remember what I said about concise comments :) You’ll get more people reading it than skipping it. Lengthy comments scare people :)
April 27, 2010 at 10:11 PM
I obviously agree with the spirit of this post; however, I would highly disagree with the notion of south park being labeled as a dumb show. While it can be offensive, especially to religious groups, its a very intelligent show and does a great job at exposing the hypocrisy, double standards and the injustices that happen in our world. I would argue that its far more ‘moral’ and gives a better world view than CNN or FOX. By no means am I trying to defend their right to ridicule our Prophet or any other prophet for that matter, I am just saying its not fair to discredit it of its brilliance. Perhaps you should watch it more often.
April 27, 2010 at 11:20 PM
Perhaps we should weigh the benefits of South Park against the harms of it. Actually, that should be done for pretty much everything.
My personal opinion of South Park, bad outweighs good by far. But again, its just one show and there is no shortage of bad programming.
Abu Ibrahim
April 28, 2010 at 12:12 PM
I like a lot of silly shows (The Office, The Simpsons, The Colbert Report, Fox News [just kidding]). But I find nothing smart or intelligent about South Park. I’ve tried watching it, and it just seems too foolish to waste time on.
There was one episode with Saddam Hussein being in love with a penis, and another one with a talking turd. I don’t see how that is enlightening or intelligent satire.
But that’s just me. To each his/her own.
Signs of the Last Day
April 29, 2010 at 12:17 AM
wow, the last time i watched Fox news i traced Glen Beck’s shape with a permanent marker to throw darts at the telly. and you know what I noticed? It sometimes matches the Homer Simpson silhouette!
April 28, 2010 at 1:13 AM
as-salaam ‘alaykum wa rahmat Allahi wa baraktahu,
I don’t question the intentions of ‘Revolution Muslim’, but I don’t see their actions as anything short of a major major mistake. The Khawarij and Shi’a also quote Qur’an and Ahadith, so that doesn’t impress me. Anyone who denies their actions are not causing more harm than good is living in a fairytale.
Its part of Islamic law to seek the public good, even despite a ruling. This is why ‘Umar bin al-Khattab (RA) didn’t cut the hands of the thieves in the famine, despite the clear Ayah stating the contrary.
This is what happens when people:
A) See issues in black and white.
B) Think copy-paste scholarship is legitimate
C) Go against the Jama’ah
D) Declare 99.99% of the Muslims misguided or deviant
E) Have zero knowledge but speak with fire
May Allah help the Believers
Abd- Allah
April 28, 2010 at 1:18 AM
Interesting articles to read:
April 28, 2010 at 5:54 AM
JazkAllahu khair for the links. Gonna have to sift through the stuff to see what’s plausible and what’s just hearsay.
another white brother
April 28, 2010 at 2:12 PM
LOL sorry, I don’t take my deen from the mureeds of Peer Saab Rabbi Madkhali
April 28, 2010 at 4:01 PM
@Amad – 1 correction
Party-W…finds himself on TV (yoohoo)
…nobody says that
It’d be “woo-hoo” :P
ps. Excellent article with the Party ___ breakdowns for the scenerio. mashaAllah.
April 29, 2010 at 12:39 AM
Party-W could be a FOB?
April 29, 2010 at 12:26 PM
New episode…here is the script you can read: http://www.salon.com/entertainment/tv/south_park/index.html?story=/ent/tv/feature/2010/04/28/south_park_satire
So they went after Revolution Muslim or what they call, Devolution Muslim.
My god, what a crass show- I felt I was getting dumber just reading the script!
April 29, 2010 at 1:11 PM
Also Imam Zaid: http://www.zaytuna.org/articleDetails.asp?articleID=92
April 29, 2010 at 5:37 PM
Asalamu Alaykum,
I skimmed over many of the comments about this article and found many to be not even on topic.
I think many of us have missed this opportunity to bring about an even more important point. We waste so much time analyzing issues from the same perspectives, that sometimes we miss a chance to discuss something vital.
Forget about “freedom of speech”, crazy radical website responses and politics for a second. Let us focus on a bigger issue.
The bigger issue being that many Muslim children and adults of all ages actually watch programming like South Park for entertainment purposes. And then when something like this happens, they get mad for a day or a week and then continue to watch these programs. Personally, I know many people who cannot RESIST watching the cartoon show Simpsons on TV, because they have grown up on this show and it is literally their habit of doing so.
I think any sane, adult Muslim who habitually watches this TV show, and others like it such as Family Guy, Simpsons, etc, for entertainment purposes needs to question their faith. Any disrespect of the Prophet, Sall Allahu Alayhi Wasalam, would throw one out of the fold of Islam. Any Prophet for that matter. No Muslim doubts this. These seemingly harmless adult cartoon shows are the most persistent when it comes to mocking anything sacred.
Making fun of and joking around about the Prophet, Sall Allahu Alayhi Wasalam, is considered disrespectful to any person with common sense. Don’t boycott the show for the sake of a political statement, but for the sake of your own faith. If we can’t resist or stop ourselves (and our children) from watching a show that is constantly and blatantly making fun of Allah, all of the Prophets, and other aspects of Islam, what kind of Muslims are we? We legally (according to Shariah) might not even be considered Muslims for watching these shows for relaxation and entertainment purposes after we know they constantly make fun of God and the Prophets in disrespectful ways, and continue to do so in future episodes. Any simple analysis of some of the most famous TV programs these days will show a pattern of increasing mockery, disrespect and jokes about God and His Prophets and religious themes. Would you hire a comedian to come to your house and entertain your family when you know he also goes around making jokes about Allah and the Prophets?
These shows are slowly scraping away any type of sacredness left surrounding the understanding of God in our minds/hearts and respect for any of our Prophets and religious personalities. Hundreds of hours of watching these shows have affected our minds and hearts and might ruin us on the Last Day when we are running around, looking for that SAME person to save us, Sall Allahu Alayhi Wasalam, who we might have accidentally laughed at on one of these shows, as a joke about him “unexpectedly” came “out of nowhere” while we were watching it. We really have no excuse. I think we should just turn them off in all of our homes, and warn anyone who we visit who have these programs playing on their television the great, hidden danger in them, and to turn it off.
This also goes for much of the political satire that is out there these days. I think most of it is an excuse to backbite and mock people, rather than to address problems in our society. I think as Muslims, we can find a much more creative way to positively affect the state of our societies, wherever we live, than to crack jokes on them. This type of mass disrespect of authority and authoritative positions through the airwaves in society, I believe, actually has a destructive effect.
I remember an elder telling me that back in the day, after the adhan took place in Muslim societies, the community would collectively make Du’a for the leader of their community. I am not sure how accurate this is, but it seems like a better situation than what the world is in these days.
I really don’t understand why “political satires” like South Park get so much respect from people. They don’t really do anything except make fun of everything in life, including life itself.
April 30, 2010 at 2:45 PM
Well written. Jazakallah.
English Teacher Man
May 1, 2010 at 7:41 AM
MT writes: “Donรขโฌโขt boycott the show for the sake of a political statement, but for the sake of your own faith.”
Well said! I find “politics” to be a disease that infects faith. Our relationship with God should always transcend any human institution.
April 29, 2010 at 8:35 PM
I am very much in agreement with you brother MT. We have all been desensitized to the hatred and mockery aimed at the prophets and also Allah. This desensitization also includes vulgaraties such as foul language, pornographic content, and whatever other tool Shaytan uses to lead us to Hell.
For those Muslims who think South Park, and shows like it, is “genius” or “serves to better humanity” or some other grand cause of goodness, Shaytaan has tricked and decieved you in the worst possible way. Please turn away from these evil things and come back to Islam so that the next time someone mocks any prophet or Allah, you feel hurt and anger in your heart. Not caring is definitely not a good sign of iman.
April 30, 2010 at 2:40 AM
wow fun stuff bro.
Pingback: Yet Another “Non”-Radical Muslim Site Recycles CAIR’s Misinformation « Zionist Anti-Communist
April 30, 2010 at 11:50 PM
PLEASE WATCH THIS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ci1VmxtPb0
jane doe
May 1, 2010 at 2:20 PM
You very carefully obsured the truth:
1) the guy who made the death threats is not Jewish. An Islamic (Jewish born) convert established the group and is not longer with it. He has nothing to do with the death threats.
2) South Park makes fun of everyone. Muslims were not singled out. Trying to make it sound like there was a conspiracy to offend Muslims is crap. He was treating Muslims like EVERYONE else.
May 1, 2010 at 2:54 PM
The issue of Youssef being an ex-zionist is a side-issue, and not significant to the story. The part of Party-W can be played by anyone, a sincere “hyper” Muslim, an undercover agent or whatever. It doesn’t matter. Someone plays it.
Learn the difference between script and conspiracy. Recognizing a pattern doesn’t imply a conspiracy is in place. Recognition is a key to preemption of stupidity.
Finally, South Park is just doing business. My bigger issue is with CNN for sensationalizing the story, and giving a bunch of no-ones center stage as if they are official Muslim reps!
jane doe
May 1, 2010 at 2:30 PM
“I am sure that they would not question or touch issues dealing with the holocaust for example with a ten foot pole because of legislation regarding anti semitism.”
Actually they wouldn’t question or touch issues dealing with slavery, Bosnian ethnic cleansing, Dafur, NAtive Ameican genocide, or black people being lynched with a ten foot pole either. There is no legislation regarding anti-semitism in America. People don’t really mock atrocities regardless of the victim.
I love it how you Muslims always whine that making fun or quesitoning killing Jews is off limtis. Try making fun or questioning slavery or whether the KKK was really all the bad and your freedom of speech would come to an end.
May 1, 2010 at 2:55 PM
Exactly. Thanks for making OUR case. There are many issues that are off-limits. And to be honest I totally support holocaust-denial, KKK-rantings, etc. being off-limits. There should no place for hate speech in our society, against any race or religion.
jane doe
May 1, 2010 at 4:44 PM
Amad- The reality is that when speakers are shut down by anti-racist activists it is never hate speech BY Muslims, Arabs or Africans. For instance, Louis Farrkhan can speak at any college in this country while Ann Coulter gets blocked by activists. They are both horrible, but protestors will not shut down hate speech by Africans, Arabs or Muslims cause of white guilt. If Ann were a Black Muslim and made the same rants against whites, America and Israel those people would leave her alone.
I stand by the statement in my last post. Everytime Muslims don’t like something you compare it denying or ridiculing the Holocaust then scream “double standard”. There is no double standard cause no one was making fun of genocide against Muslims. And I do not know anyone who would be less offended at making fun of killing Africans, Mexicans, Native Americans, or Arabs then Jews.
The South Park Cartoon was not hate speech. Now this is hate speech
and I should mention she was NOT arrested. I firmly believe if white person did a similar rant to a Muslim or black person they would have been arrested:
You state “there are many issues that are off limits”. Yes and they aren’t determined by laws in the US but by public opinion. And public opinion seems to be jokes about religious icons are okay but jokes about murdering people are something most people would find unacceptable. (No one would be arrested but people would probably stop watching).
That is how the public feels and if Muslims can’t accept that then you need to decide whether you wouldn’t be happier living in a country where most people feel like you do. Americans really resent you demanding we change to appease you. I wouldn’t go to another country and expect them to change for me- I would just not live somewhere where I didn’t feel my way of life was respected, and if Islam is so modest I wonder why you don’t take the same approach.
May 11, 2010 at 4:55 PM
Your logic makes no sense. I know many Americans who left the US to escape the horrible economy and are now residing in Qatar (in many case also to play a role in nation building by changing the way people feel about Americans). While Americans practically get little respect here, they continue to mossy along with the rest of the population. I have personally seen Americans who lived here long enough, to change few minds, and also see the other side of story.
This is what needs to happen to America by Muslims residing in the West. And in fact this is the case in parts of the country. Our challenges are greatly augmented, and we do see setbacks. Just because public opinion in the US is retarded at this point in time, it is never a good reason to leave. This is more reason for Muslims to change America; more reason to clarify what it means to exercise freedom of speech without debasing the right to practice religion.
If God wills, this I believe should happen
May 17, 2010 at 11:57 AM
@ author
Although your articles is very neatly written, i must say that what you are asking for is extremely difficult. Silence policy is an alternative but we Muslims tend to be extremely emotional about the Prophet SAW. Some times the frustration is unbearable. I also think that such events cannot be seen as something completely isolated. With Muslims being butchered all over the world, and Muslims from day to day feeling a sense of helplessness, do tend to become radical. There is no escaping this fact!!!
Also you talk about long-term strategy. What actually is it??? OK we should be silent. We “say what needs to be said, forcefully and politely.” But will it end wars? will it end humiliation? will it bring peace to the Palestinians? I am not trying to be emotional in any sense. What I am asking are questions that come to mind when we talk about strategies in handling such issues.
Overall I agree with your proposal but I need you to elaborate on long-term strategy.
May 18, 2010 at 11:01 AM
If you really think south park is a dumb programme for dumb people, why be so insulted by it? Just ignore it, as any wise person would do. If you provoke them in such a way, you just prove their point. Im christian and I dont get offended when my god is made ridiculous, so shouldn’t you.
May 18, 2010 at 11:22 AM
Yup, whatever doesn’t offend you, shouldn’t offend me.
June 1, 2010 at 6:47 PM
Comedy Central has announced a new show called “JC” – this is from a press release on their website here.
A half-hour animated show about JC (Jesus Christ) wanting to escape his father’s enormous shadow and to live life in NYC as a regular guy. A lot has changed in 2000 years and he is the ultimate fish out of water. Meanwhile his all-powerful yet apathetic father would rather be playing video games than listening to JC recount his life in the city. JC is a playful take on religion and society with a sprinkle of dumb. Executive produced by Reveille (“The Office”), Henrik Basin, Brian Boyle (“American Dad”), Jonathan Sjoberg and Andreas Ohman.
Will our voice be heard?
Caleb Green
June 28, 2010 at 12:13 AM
the tv show American Dad is actually great.-~-
Watch tv series online
October 23, 2010 at 1:43 PM
lol, love it… heck might even have to say something about this on my own page today. By Watch tv shows online
October 31, 2010 at 4:17 PM
the whole south park series, is satire.
it means it teaches you by making fun of things. being a moderate muslim i will say i have no problem looking at cartoons and drawings and even laughing at them.
why get angry? why let it bother me and my faith?
south park, in every episode, promotes religion and faith and disses sinful culture.
just take a look next time, underneath the jokes the true message is all symbolic and hidden.
he is part of the superfriends after all..