Civil Rights
THE Powerful Testimony of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui
GuestsSAFAR 1431 A.H.
(January 31, 2010)
Dr. Aafia Siddiqui
As captured by El-Hajj Mauri’ Saalakhan
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Aafia Siddiqui – a daughter, a sister, a mother of three, committed Muslim, social scientist, hafiz of Qur’an – needed to be heard. For years she had suffered in virtual silence…aching to be heard, to be understood, to have certain malicious untruths corrected and exposed for the lies they were. That day finally came on Thursday, January 28, 2010!
The high drama of that day’s proceedings revolved around the question of whether or not U.S. District Judge Richard Berman would grant Aafia’s repeated demand to take the stand in her own defense.
Aafia’s lawyers appeared to be animate in their opposition to her taking the stand, while the prosecution appeared (on the surface) to be in favor of Aafia being entitled to her Fifth Amendment right. Her brother (Muhammad) was apprehensive about her taking the stand, leaning more in favor of her following the advice of her lawyers. Even Pakistani Ambassador Hussain Haqqani became involved. During a short visit he was allowed with the defendant, he reportedly advised Aafia to follow the advice of her lawyers.
Aafia’s response to this collective concern was that she would make istiqara (a supplication to ALLAH Almighty for guidance on the matter); and in the end Aafia Siddiqui would be heard.
While I understood the reservations of those who were concerned about Aafia taking the stand (given all that she had already been through), I fully supported our sister’s right to be heard, and was guardedly optimistic about the potential outcome. More than anything, however, I knew that Aafia – like two young Muslim men in an Atlanta courtroom, and several young Muslim men in a New Jersey courtroom (who were eager, but manipulated into not taking the stand in their own defense not long ago) – needed to be heard! Aafia needed to have her day in court!
The process began with a preliminary (test) examination, with Aafia taking the witness stand in the absence of the jury – a kind of hearing within a hearing – to see how she would respond to that type of intensive and focused examination. After the judge determined that she was capable enough to enjoy her constitutional “right” to take the stand in her own defense, the jury was brought back into the courtroom, and it was on. (And what truly spectacular courtroom drama it turned out to be!)
The following summary is based on my notes from January 28th
Open court proceedings began late in the morning, due to a number of procedural issues that needed to be addressed behind closed doors. Once proceedings began, it did so with the judge explaining Aafia’s right, and the possible risks, of her taking the stand. There was extensive discussion about the course and extent of cross examination should Aafia decide to testify.
The government’s support of Aafia taking the stand was full of irony, given the fact that the government had repeatedly argued (during pre-trial and trial proceedings) that Aafia should not even be allowed to remain in the courtroom, because of her periodic outbursts and “uncontrollable” nature (in their view).
The First Witness
It was noted by the government that over a 12 day period, while Aafia was at the Craig Field Hospital at Bagram for critical care medical treatment, following her near fatal re-arrest in July 2008, two FBI agents had continuous access to the injured prisoner (a male and female who did not identify themselves to Aafia as FBI personnel).
FBI Special Agent Angela Sercer was the first to testify. She spoke about how she interrogated Aafia on a daily basis for the purpose of gathering “intelligence.” She described how she sat with Aafia for an average of eight hours each day, and of how they discussed the shooting incident and other related matters (discussions she said Aafia would always initiate). Agent Sercer prepared written reports, and disclosed during testimony that Aafia was never Mirandized (i.e. informed of her rights to remain silent and consult with an attorney before questioning), nor did she have access to a Pakistani consular official.
According to Sercer, Aafia mostly enjoyed her discussions with this special agent. Sercer maintained that she treated Aafia with respect and did her best to respond to Aafia’s needs – i.e. when she requested food, water, bathroom access, or when she requested a Qur’an and a scarf, or when she would complain that the “soft restraints” were too tight and needed to be loosened, etc.
Between 7/19/-8/4/08, FBI agents were posted inside and outside Aafia’s room 24 hours a day, ostensibly to insure that Aafia could not escape and to provide security for hospital personnel – despite the “soft restraints” which secured her hands and legs to the bed (in what Aafia later described as very uncomfortable positions) during her stay at this field hospital in Bagram.
The second witness
The second agent to testify was FBI Special Agent Bruce Kamerman, who had reportedly been assigned on 7/21/08. He claimed that Aafia made numerous statements, that she seemed lucid and to not be in much pain. He also insisted that there was never any coercion. He testified that Aafia had no visitors, and that no Afghan staff attended to her. He also claimed that there were occasions when Aafia would declare that her children were dead, and other times when she stated they might be living with her sister.
Following the testimony of the second agent, a hearing within the trial was held so that Aafia could give testimony (in the absence of the jury).
Aafia testified that when she first realized she was in a hospital she had tubes everywhere. She was in a narcotic state resulting from the administration of powerful drugs (one or two she could remember by name, others she couldn’t). She recalled how her hands and feet were secured uncomfortably apart. She said the agents never identified themselves as FBI, except for “Mr. Hurley.”
Aafia accused Agent Bruce Kamerman of subjecting her to “psychological torture.” She accused him of being immodest whenever he was present and medical personnel needed to examine her, and complained of how he would stand right outside the bathroom door whenever she needed to use it. She testified that Kamerman would sometimes come in the middle of the night (when he wasn’t supposed to be there), and encourage the person assigned to take a break. Aafia said she remained in a sleep deprived state as a result of his frequent presence.
During this period she never had any contact with family, nor with any Pakistani authorities. She thought that [FBI Agent] “Angela was just a nice person.”
During the cross examination Aafia spoke about being “tortured in the secret prison,” and of how she kept asking about her children. She insisted that she never opined that they might be with her sister.
(I should note here that Aafia’s testimony was consistent with information contained on an audio CD that we’ve produced on the case. On the CD, former Bagram and Guantanamo prisoner Moazam Beg recounts how the un-identified female prisoner at Bagram, known only as Prisoner 650, was identified as a Pakistani national who appeared to be in her 30s, and as someone who had been torn away from her children and who didn’t know where they were.)
Aafia also testified that she had multiple gunshot wounds; and that in addition to the gunshot wounds she had a debilitating back condition (resulting from being thrown on the floor after she was shot), persistent headaches, and an intubation tube. She also emphasized that she was in and out of consciousness; and, at times, mentally incoherent.
The video testimony of an Afghan security chief (by the name of Qadeer) was received by the court. While I had to briefly leave the court, and missed this testimony, it is my understanding that what Qadeer had to say about events at the Afghan National Police station in Ghazni – leading up to the shooting of Aafia – contradicted the testimony of a number of the government’s main witnesses.
Later in the afternoon, when Aafia testified in front of the jury, the overflow courtroom (where I was seated) was full of observers. The majority appeared to be non-Muslims in professional attire – a probable mix of court and Justice Department personnel (including interns), law students, and a few journalists. I would estimate that roughly a quarter of the observers in this overflow courtroom were made up of solid Aafia supporters – and yet the reaction to the testimony at times was both interesting and edifying.
When I returned to the courtroom (about 10 minutes into Aafia’s testimony), she was describing her academic work leading up to the achievement of her PhD at Brandeis University. She testified that after completing her doctorate studies she taught in a school, and that her interest was in cultivating the capabilities of dyslexic and other special needs children.
During this line of questioning, the monstrous image that the government had carefully crafted (with considerable support from mainstream media) of this petite young woman, had begun to be deconstructed. The real Dr. Aafia Siddiqui – the committed muslimah, the humanity-loving nurturer and educator, the gentle yet resolute mujahid for truth and justice – began to emerge with full force.
Testimony then proceeded to the events of July 17-18, 2008. Aafia testified that she remembered being concerned about the whereabouts of her missing children. She also remembered a press conference in an Afghan compound.
She testified about being tied down to a bed until she vigorously protested, and was later untied and left behind a curtain. She later heard American and Afghan voices on the other side of the curtain, and concluded that they [Americans] wanted to return her to a “secret prison” again. She testified about how she had pleaded with the Afghans not to let the Americans take her away.
She testified about peaking through the curtain into the part of the room where Afghans and Americans were talking, and how when a startled American soldier noticed her, he jumped up and yelled that the prisoner had gotten loose, and shot her in the stomach. She described how she was also shot in the side by a second person. She also described how after falling back onto the bed in the room, she was violently thrown to the floor and lost consciousness.
She testified that she was in and out of consciousness, and vaguely recalled being placed on a stretcher, a helicopter, and receiving a blood transfusion – which she protested, drawing laughter in the courtroom when she recounted how she had “threatened to sue” her medical attendants if they gave her a blood transfusion. During this testimony, Aafia animatedly rejected the allegation that she picked up a [M-4] rifle and fired it (or that she even attempted to do so).
The Cross Examination
This is the time when every eye and every ear was riveted on the proceedings. It was the moment that Aafia’s defense attorneys, her brother, and a host of Muslim and non-Muslim supporters (seated within both courtrooms) dreaded. It was also the point in the proceedings that had the prosecution salivating for what opportunities would come there way – or so they thought!
Cross examination began with Aafia revisiting the degrees that she received at MIT and Brandeis universities. She acknowledged that she took a required course in molecular biology; but emphasized that her work was in cognitive neuroscience. When questioned on whether she had ever done any work with chemicals, her response was, “only when required.”
(This opening line of questioning was significant for its prejudice producing potential in the minds of jurors. While Aafia is not being charged with any terrorism conspiracy counts, the threat of terrorism has been the pink elephant in the room throughout this troubling case!)
The prosecutor attempted to draw a sinister correlation between Aafia and her [then] husband being questioned by the FBI in 2002, and leaving the U.S. a week later. Aafia noted that there wasn’t anything sinister about the timing; they had already planned to make that trip home before the FBI visit. To underscore this point, she noted how she later returned to the U.S. to attempt to find work in her field.
One of the most heart-wrenching moments in the cross-examination was when Aafia described how she was briefly re-united with a young boy in Ghazni (July 2008) who could have been her oldest son. She spoke of how she was mentally in a daze at that time, and had not seen any of her children in five years. As a result she could not definitively (than or now) determine if that was indeed her son, Ahmed.
When asked whether she had incriminating documents in her possession on the day she was arrested, Aafia testified that the bag in her possession on the day that she was re-detained was given to her. She didn’t know what was in the bag, nor could she definitively determine if the handwriting on some of the documents was hers or not. She also mentioned on a number of occasions (to the chagrin of the prosecutor) how she was repeatedly tortured by her captors at Bagram.
She was also questioned on whether she had taken a pistol course at a firing range while a student in Boston. Her initial reaction was that she did not have any recollection of taking such a course, and when pressed further, answered “No.” When the prosecutor continued to press the issue (infusing sinister motivations in the process), Aafia admonished the prosecutor in the strong, clear voice that was heard throughout her testimony: “You can’t build a case on hate; you should build it on fact!”
Aafia testified that all she was thinking about at the time of her re-arrest in Ghazni, was “getting out of that room and not being sent back to the secret prison.” While discussions were going on between the Afghans and Americans, Aafia was searching for a way out. She repeated her assertion that she startled one of the soldiers who hollered, “She’s free! – before shooting her.
Aafia also elicited an approving reaction in the courtroom when she opined, in reaction to the government’s narration of events, she could not believe a soldier would be so irresponsible as to leave his M4 rifle on the floor unsecured.
In response to government questioning she again took the opportunity to strongly rebuke Agent Kamerman, while rejecting most of his testimony revisited by the prosecutor.
Aafia spoke highly of a number of nurses (and a doctor) who took care of her at Bagram. There was one nurse in particular that Aafia promised to mention favorably if she ever wrote a book. She then produced laughter in the courtroom again when she stated, “Since I don’t think I’m going to write a book, I’m mentioning her now.”
One of the most powerful and revealing moments in the testimony was when she spoke about the people who systematically abused her in the “secret prison” – denouncing them as “fake Americans, not real Americans.” (Because of the way their actions both violated and damaged America’s image!)
She spoke again, under cross examination, about the strong pain medication she was on, and some of the effects this medication had on her.
Aafia also mentioned how she was instructed to translate and copy something from a book while she was secretly imprisoned. During the course of this testimony which repeatedly drew the ire of an increasingly frustrated prosecutor, Aafia noted how she can now understand how people can be framed (for crimes they are not guilty of).
At this point in the proceedings, the judge ordered a brief recess. Clearly the government had thought that they would be able to control and manipulate Aafia in manner that would work in their favor; this ended up being a MAJOR MISCALCULATION. The purpose of this break in the proceedings, in my humble opinion, was to allow the prosecutor to regain her composure, and consult with fellow prosecutors for a more effective line of attack.
When testimony resumed, Aafia spoke of how she was often forced-fed information from one group of persons at the secret prison, and then made to regurgitate the same information before a different group of inquisitors. While it was presented to her as a type of “game,” she spoke of how she would be “punished” if she got something wrong.
On defense cross, Aafia was shown pictures and asked to identify herself in them. She reluctantly did so, but with a little levity, citing how unattractive and immodest the photos were.
I could not see the photos from the overflow courtroom where I was sitting, but I assume that these were the photos of an un-covered, emaciated and emotionally disfigured Aafia Siddiqui – after her horrific ordeal at the hands of American terrorists.
A final note: I sincerely believe that Aafia Siddiqui’s time spent on the witness stand on January 28th was a cathartic experience for her – but one that the prosecution, in retrospect, now deeply regrets. For any truly objective and fair-minded person who witnessed that day’s proceedings, the U.S Government’s case against Aafia Siddiqui was exposed for what it always was…a horrific and profoundly tragic miscarriage of justice!
The struggle continues…
El-Hajj Mauri’ Saalakhan
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Yasir Qadhi
February 1, 2010 at 7:41 AM
Subhan Allah… speechless.
May Allah manifest the truth and reward the patient and take into account the transgressors.
February 1, 2010 at 8:13 AM
February 1, 2010 at 8:17 AM
Ameen to Sheikh Yasir’s dua.
Yus from the Nati
February 1, 2010 at 1:20 PM
February 6, 2010 at 10:17 AM
February 6, 2010 at 2:21 PM
Ameen. May Allah grant her a just and fair trial on the Day of Reckoning, because no one is a more honest Judge than Allah.
Abu AbdurRahman
February 7, 2010 at 6:55 AM
February 9, 2010 at 11:50 AM
Sheikh Yasir,
I am a 13 year old kid, and I don’t exactly know the aggressor. Would you please add who the aggressors are? thank you
January 1, 2011 at 8:07 AM
February 1, 2010 at 10:25 AM
Abu Sauleh
February 1, 2010 at 10:42 AM
Jazaak Allaah khayr for the well written update.
May Allaah protect sister Aafia and and guide her through this ordeal. May Allaah destroy the plots of the oppressors and shower them with disgrace and humiliation.
February 1, 2010 at 11:49 AM
February 1, 2010 at 11:57 AM
May Allah grant her strength and justice. Ameen.
Ibn AbuAisha
February 1, 2010 at 1:14 PM
SubhanAllah, truly moving…May Allah grant her justice.
Abu Ayyub
February 1, 2010 at 3:49 PM
May Allah grant peace, steadfastness and relief to our beloved Sister Aafia (fakkallahu asraha). May Allah (azza wa jall) send his angels to guard her from her enemies. May our Lord keep her patient and reward her with pearls and palaces in Paradise. May Allah azza wa jall grant her a resounding victory in court and free her from the evil injustice that has befallen her and her children. May He azza wa jall exalt her mention and make her suffering an expiation for her sins, and me He gather her with the likes of Mary, mother of Jesus (peace be upon them both), the Mothers of the Believers and the righteous, God-fearing women of past and present. Ameen!
And May Allah (azza wa jall) make a lesson out of those who have oppressed her, those who have lied about her, those who have laid false charges against her, those who have abused her, those who have deprived her of her children, those who have and continue to strip-search her, those who have imprisoned her unjustly…we ask Allah to gather these evil oppressors with the likes of Pharaoh on the Day of Judgement and, if guidance is not written for these wrongdoers, we ask Allah disgrace, humiliate and punish them in this world before their punishment in the next. Ameen!
Umm Bilqis
February 1, 2010 at 4:10 PM
Allahumma release our innocents from the prisons of the unjust whomever they are and wherever they are!
Allahumma return our aseer our prisoners and return them to their families in safety and security!
Oh Allaah they need safety and security please return them to their families!
Oh Allaah whoever mistreats them, mistreat him/ or her!
Oh Allaah they need your mercy so give them your mercy Yaa Rabb!
Oh Allaah correct the state/situation of the Muslims everywhere You are Al Muhaymin (The Protector), Al Aziz (the Mighty), Al Adl (the Just)!
Dhul Jalal Wal Ikraam, The Possessor of Majesty and Honor. Say: Ameen
February 1, 2010 at 4:35 PM
February 1, 2010 at 5:15 PM
May Allah swt protect you from the guffar) or should it be said the dajjal army! the Americans, who think they have the whole world in control! sister Afia is the most patient, woman ive ever known about, mashallah…
They may get away with it in this world but in the hereafter they will be the one’s that will be humiliated infront of Allah swt eyes… and the punishement will be endless!!!!!!!!……………………….
Oh Allah protect us from such people, especially muslims! who are suffering aroud the world! Ameen.
February 1, 2010 at 5:16 PM
I have been following this case (not closely) and I hope that Ms. Siddiqui is freed from any allegations of wrong-doing. What I still find troubling though, is that even if she did not do the activities mentioned in the court briefs, reports still indicate that Aaifia may still have an unstable mental state. For example, she said she did not want to have any “Jewish” jurors in the courtroom… I know that this looks bad on Aaifia but this could be used by the defense to showcase Aaifia sadly unstable mental state (could caused by many things; only Allah and she knows what those are). Any comments?
February 2, 2010 at 5:05 PM
this lady went thru stuff who men even cant go through
i think she is amazing
Umm Bilqis
February 3, 2010 at 12:45 AM
Sure here’s your comment:
Sister Aafia probably meant Zionist jurors…..that’s it.
Something to do with the fox guarding the hen house etc.
February 3, 2010 at 6:03 AM
Please see my comment below. Sorry, I should have put it here.
February 1, 2010 at 6:11 PM
May ALLAH help her and give her patience. Aameen. May ALLAH help every wronged person against their oppressors.
Aameen thumma Aameen to the sheikh’s dua.
Pingback: Yvonne Ridley on Sister Aafia Siddiqui « Cool Guy Muslim’s Blog
February 1, 2010 at 11:17 PM
Pingback: Yvonne Ridley on Sister Aafia Siddiqui |
February 2, 2010 at 1:28 AM
This brought tears to my eyes. Ya Allah, help her.
Fa Inna ma’al usri Yusra, Ina ma’al usri yusra.
Ameen. summa ameen. Ya Rab ul Aalamameen.
Umm Reem
February 2, 2010 at 5:58 AM
sunhanAllah….may Allah help the oppressed and release them from the oppression and injustice..
February 2, 2010 at 8:53 AM
February 2, 2010 at 8:10 AM
subhanAllah, how is it even possible that this nothing short of miraculous? After everything she went through she is still able to testify for herself.
I cant imagine any other religion or belief that the harder you push it the more the iman increases.
Inshallah my Allah grant her jannat Al-Fordous and forgive her and have mecy upon her. Ammen
Dear Sister Aafia — please stay strong! I dont think I will ever think of this Hadith and not think of what you have went through
Sajad Malik frm Kashmir
February 2, 2010 at 9:23 AM
Dear brothers and sisters
I have a hope in Allah that the sister be freed and get united with her children. Her response that she will pray istikhara for her to take stand in her defense, speaks volumes of her absolute faith in the Allah, muslims allude to god almighty…it was heart breaking to read a devote, muslimah pleading before her fellow muslim brothers not to send her with Americans in a secret jail…how helpless of us? even shaitan must be feeling pitty on us…
we pray to Allah, not to confront us with the sister on the yomul-kayamah, for she may grab us by our collars and complain…”O brother, what did you do for me”. we pray to Allah to absolve us of our criminal silence towards a sister that is so full of love and compassion. Sister…ya akthie, we salute ur patience n, with moist eyes we turn to Allah and pray for you and your family. May Allah reward you in here and in the hereafter, may you be granted the highest levels of jannah, and even if we meet there Inshallah…may you not have any animosity towards your shameless fellow muslim brothers..may you not complain. terrorists demand your silence in this world and we, the muslims request your silence in the hereafter.
abu Rumay-s.a.
February 2, 2010 at 2:07 PM
HusbunAllahu wa na`mal wakeel…. May Allah ta`ala grant her jannatul ferdous with the prophets and grant her ultimate justice against those who harmed her and return her safely to her children and family…ameen…
February 2, 2010 at 7:06 PM
February 3, 2010 at 12:37 AM
i will pray always fro her as she is innocent and she has done nothing wrong.i will since she is highly educated and very pure soul the west does like her but inshallah the days are not far when success will kiss ker feet.pls pray for this sister as she is a very pure woman.Almighty Allah bless her and her whole family and keep thee a long and healthy life.Ameen
February 3, 2010 at 3:34 AM
O Allah! Free our sister from the clutches of her oppressors and reunite her with her children and family. Ameen.
February 3, 2010 at 6:01 AM
Pakistani MD I just wanted to mention that Dr. Aafia studied at Brandeis University, which is a Jewish school. She would be very familiar with the Jewish community in the U.S. So, if this comment was made, it was not from some ignorant or prejudiced point of view (like many who make Islamophobic comments), but from some real practical experience. Basically, if she said it, it was for a very good reason.
Ameen to all of your du’as for Dr. Aafia.
concerned sister
February 3, 2010 at 9:00 AM
If only the American public can open their eyes to cases like these; fraud cases. This is not the only case where the FBI has accused an innocent civilian of “terrorism”. I really hope that justice is served here and may God help us all.
Umm Bilqis
February 3, 2010 at 4:36 PM
Inna lillA wa inalahi rajioon.
The arrogant ones have brainwashed the masses for years that Muslims are terrorists so how can you expect them to turn towards her with compassion and mercy?
They have become Bullies and have suspended the truth and justice that they used to try to carry out in their court systems.
When will the Muslims stand up for Truth and Justice everywhere?
Abu Moaaz
February 3, 2010 at 9:16 AM
Ameen to all these duas. May Allah SWT protect our sister and make the truth manifest even further.
And say: Truth hath come and falsehood hath vanished away. Lo! falsehood is ever bound to vanish. Al-Isra 17:81
I also pray that they put the prosecutors and all the other terrorists and lie-mongers on trial and punish them with the most severe punishments.
February 3, 2010 at 5:15 PM
Not gonna happen.
February 3, 2010 at 10:40 AM
Any update? Those in the court room, please keep us updated.I heard that Jury is deliberating?
February 3, 2010 at 12:21 PM
From AP Pakistan
When juries take this long, it could be a good sign perhaps inshallah. At least, they aren’t ready to jump at her conviction, considering all the fear-mongering done by the prosecution.
Here is an interesting article by a HRW lawyer:
Ahmad AlFarsi
February 3, 2010 at 2:01 PM
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un.. The jury found her guilty of attempted murder today.
Very Sad
February 3, 2010 at 2:32 PM
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilahi rajioon…. I feel so sick right now
Ahmad AlFarsi
February 3, 2010 at 3:12 PM
February 3, 2010, New York, NY – The International Justice Network (IJNetwork) represents the family of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui in the United States. Attorneys from IJNetwork have been monitoring her trial, which began on January 19, and ended with a guilty verdict today in U.S. Federal Court in the Southern District of New York.
“Today marks the close of another sad chapter in the life of our sister, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. Today she was unjustly found guilty. Though she was not charged with any terrorism-related offense, Judge Berman permitted the prosecution’s witnesses to characterize our sister as a terrorist — which, based on copious evidence, she clearly is not. Today’s verdict is one of many legal errors that allowed the prosecution to build a case against our sister based on hate, rather than fact. We believe that as a result, she was denied a fair trial, and today’s verdict must be overturned on appeal.”
February 3, 2010 at 3:16 PM
la hawla wa la quwwata ila billah.
February 3, 2010 at 3:40 PM
Sorry but as a Muslim I dont have a lot of sympathy for her. She chose to run with the wrong crowd and it eventually got her into trouble. She obviously hasn’t changed her radical ways either.
After declaring the verdict came from Israel, she turned toward spectators in the packed courtroom and said: “Your anger should be directed where it belongs. I can testify to this and I have proof.”
February 3, 2010 at 5:43 PM
Akhi, go get yourself drugged and tortured for a couple years and then tell me what kind of statements you’ll be making in court.
We do have radicals in our midst, but to claim she is one of them is to do so without evidence or basic reading of her case.
February 3, 2010 at 8:20 PM
her own husband claimed she is a radical, i guess you know more about her than the father of her children?
February 3, 2010 at 8:28 PM
Do you? You take the testimony of one?
Umm Reem
February 3, 2010 at 9:53 PM
AhmedKhan: so much for that “father of her children” who had no concern about his missing children for five years….speaks volumes about him…his testimony regarding his wife should be disregarded in toto.
Abdus Sabur
February 4, 2010 at 4:25 AM
Are we not to make 70 excuses for our brother/sister? None of us are in a position to judge this sister. We should be compassionate, kind and remember who knows best. Allah. qul, Allahu Alim.
March 5, 2010 at 7:30 AM
Why are u believing his husband. Yvonne Ridley has already challenged him.
May be he said it because of some kind of pressure or may he also got sold out like Musharaff.
Her reaction is normal. How can u expect someone to react after getting torture for 5 years.
February 3, 2010 at 11:05 PM
She’s radical because she is blaming Israel?
I think that would make the majority of the world radical. As most blame the entire war on terror and subsequent injustices as having their fountainhead in the occupation. I don’t think this particular case had direct ties to Israel, but if we are talking about some of the reasons behind Islamophobia, one can look the Lobby in its eyes for a lot of it.
February 6, 2010 at 11:39 AM
Actually, she’s radical because she displayed herself to be anti-Semitic with her anti-Jewish rant of hers and the fact that she is a Taliban activist.
The majority of the world despises the Taliban, Amad, including many Muslims (especially Shi’as), does that mean they are Islamophobic? Are you going to ban people for disagreeing and condemning the Taliban now?
February 6, 2010 at 8:27 PM
Actually Dan she could not have been anti-semitic as sister ummi mentioned in an earlier post : ”…Dr. Aafia studied at Brandeis University, which is a Jewish school. She would be very familiar with the Jewish community in the U.S. So, if this comment was made, it was not from some ignorant or prejudiced point of view (like many who make Islamophobic comments), but from some real practical experience. Basically, if she said it, it was for a very good reason.”
I hate zionists and despise them beacuse of their greed and the great harm they cause to so many. If that is what she meant by not having jews in the court room .i.e pro-zionists then she is totally right and there is nothing radical about not wanting to have radicals in the same room with you.
And the taliban? They are definitely misguided Muslims but even if she was pro-Taliban how on earth does it help to call her a radical? Rather than showing her their faults how does it help her or anybody to call them a radical?
Muslims are not supposed to act like this American government, that supplies the ethnic-cleansing,aparthied Terrorist state of israel with weapons and the will to do as they wish. We are not supposed to be pointing fingers at each other with glee and looking for faults with no intention of helping them become better people and calling each other terrorists when the real unjust terrorists are getting away with everything.
We are not supposed to be handing Muslims to haters/kuffar, we are their protectors after Allah, and their guidance after Allah,when they do wrong we correct them ,when they fall we support them and when they oppress we prevent them….The beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said,
“Help your brother whether he is an oppressor or an oppressed,†A man said, “O Allah’s Apostle! I will help him if he is oppressed, but if he is an oppressor, how shall I help him?†The Prophet said, “By preventing him from oppressing (others), for that is how to help him.â€
Sahih Bukhari Hadith No. 84 Book 85, Volume 009 Narrated by Anas (Radiyallaahu `anhu)
What I am very saddened by apart from the aseera’s case, our sister Afia’s tragic case, is the apparent disregard some ‘Muslims’ have in making up their minds about her innocence ,and the looking down at her with this ”holier than thou attiude. Where is the honour in putting down a believer in Allah and his Messenger? Where is the excuse we make on their behalf?
The least a Muslim can do is pray, make dua’, ask Allah to overlook their brother’s mistakes, their sins…to have husn addhan of them things so small and easy to do aided by the mercy present in the hearts.
‘Can I put mercy in your hearts after Allah has removed it from them?'”
Wal alhamdulilah, and may Allah forgive the sins of all Muslims, and free any prisoners held unjustly, and make our hearts soft towards the weak , the needy and the oppressed, Ameen.
February 10, 2010 at 10:33 AM
You’re talking nonsense, Dan. Israel is a terrorist state set up by non-semitic East European Jews, the same virulent variety who exercise disproportionately large influence in the West. I checked some of your comments on Umar Lee’s blog and it is YOU who is anti-semitic with your anti-arab and anti-Islamic nonsense.
What evidence do you that that Dr.Afia is a “Taliban activist”? You have none, you just made it up, hoping to establish her guilt.
Dr.Afia is a political prisoner and victim of Anglo-American terrorism which seeks to silence any opposition to its criminal domination of the planet. If I were you I’d repent because your time is up.
February 8, 2011 at 6:52 PM
One question for Aaafia Siddiqui Supporter:
There are 6 million muslims in America. Millions of them have have professional jobs/degree. Thousands of them have criticized US policies/justice.
Don’t you all sit on computer and act innocents. America is still the most-just country in the world!
Very Sad
February 3, 2010 at 3:45 PM
Shut up moron. She was very well known in the MA area, and everyone who knows her knows she’s innocent.
February 3, 2010 at 5:37 PM
Absolutely disgusting decision.
May Allah free our sister and grant her and her family jannatul firdous!
Abu Bakr
February 3, 2010 at 6:18 PM
Aafia’s mother reacts:
YouTube – 03.02.10 Dr Afia mother talking to media. GREAT SPEACH BY HER.
She says proud and considers it a blessing of Allah that America’s injustice has been exposed by this case. She also says, “the judge maybe hoping that Aafia’s mother will hear the verdict and faint or die, tell him that this verdict has given her life…”
For those who understand Urdu, this is a must hear speech.
February 3, 2010 at 8:15 PM
marking her daughter’s imprisonment as the downfall of america. looks like the apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree.
February 3, 2010 at 8:27 PM
Brother Ahmed Khan, if you have any reservations about her innocence, I advise you to keep it to yourself. Firstly, you are not certain beyond reasonable doubt to assert that the evidence is true. You neither saw or heard. Also, as Muslims, we should assume good of people unless proven otherwise. In this case, we can only hope that she is innocent. None can assert that they are 100 percent sure either way. Although many muslims will inadvertently allow their emotions to get the best of them and say what you say or defend her. I urge that we make dua for her. Even if she is guilty, she still deserves dua and strength. Even a sinful muslim deserves mercy from God. It’s quite painful that you would say that you feel no pity. Either you say what is good and neutral by ascribing all knowledge to God or you will end up overstepping your bounds and giving hasanat away
Abdus Sabur
February 4, 2010 at 4:33 AM
Any adult with critical thinking ability can tell that all of the charges against her are a fabrication. This is akin to very poorly written B-movie. I do hope that this travesty of justice is wake up call for muslims. May Allah unite us, strengthen our iman, give us taufiq and taqwa. Astagfirallah!
March 5, 2010 at 7:35 AM
I hope this happens to your daughter or sister and i would love to see your reaction.
February 3, 2010 at 9:31 PM
Seems like “AhmedKhan” is “Muhammad Khan” with new name and different IP.
Very Sad
February 3, 2010 at 9:33 PM
Maybe he should rename himself Moron Khan
February 3, 2010 at 10:12 PM
There’s no benefit in calling him a moron or starting a flame war on a topic that is dedicated to Dr. Aafia. He is going off what he is told and maybe reflecting a fear of being lumped in with terrorists and therefore disassociating and demonizing anyone who has been called a radical.
Apparently a Mother cursing a country that has tortured her daughter for years and now unjustly convicts her of a crime she did not commit is very “radical”.
And an even more apparent sign of “radicalism” is for Dr. Aafia to tell the people not to violently protest in Pakistan.
Very Sad
February 3, 2010 at 9:33 PM
A good assessment here:
February 3, 2010 at 11:02 PM
The jury represents what is becoming of a once-just American soul. The people’s soul. This soul needs some serious soul-searching… the result of the trial is as shocking and unjust as was the OJ trial, just flipped around. Without evidence, with serious doubts spread throughout, the jury found the Prosecution story to be believable??
But then again, consider where this trial was conducted. New York. It’s almost like trying to prosecute a Japanese in Pearl Harbor a few years later after the attack.
There is SO much that stinks of this case that I don’t even know where to start.
This is a moment of shame for America and a moment where Islamophobia officially became legal!
As for AhmedKhan, he can sit in the same spam folder from now on, as his brother MohammedKhan. It is not so much that he disagrees with 99% of fair people. It is that instead of arguing about case specifics, it’s the same ole pathetic tangents.
Umm Reem
February 4, 2010 at 12:39 AM
“The nations may live long in spite of their disbelief, but they cannot live long when they do oppression.” -Ibn Taymiyyah
Abdus Sabur
February 4, 2010 at 4:37 AM
Jazakallhu khair for the reminder Umm Reem.
February 4, 2010 at 10:41 AM
The real world is the next world. This is temporary.
February 4, 2010 at 9:15 PM
May the Muslims be freed of oppression.
Umm Bilqis
February 5, 2010 at 11:24 AM
No! Most people realize that the people in power can not be trusted.
That is why their own system has checks and balances however they bypassed this system using the Patriot act and cast a net so wide that innocents are being persecuted!
Pingback: Dr. Aafia Siddiqui Guilty of US murder attempt - IB Islamic Forum
Asmat N
February 6, 2010 at 8:32 AM
May Allah bless you. My pray for you and all fighters for justice
February 6, 2010 at 11:31 AM
I’m sorry but wasn’t she a Taliban activist and an al-Qaeda sympathizer to begin with?
February 6, 2010 at 11:48 AM
Also, what is pathetic is that the Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan is just doing what it always has done in Pakistan…by playing up the Dr. Aafia hysteria among the Deobandis and playing up the non-issues while ignoring the glaring problems plaguing the country like sectarian terrorists and the Taliban’s war on the Pakistani people and the Wahabi madrassas which churn out batch after batch of ignorant, supremacist bigoted men who want to take Pakistan back into the medieval ages.
Kinda like some of the commenters on here who continue to praise the Taliban and their oppression, as long as it suits their narrow-minded worldview.
Just a couple of days ago, the Taliban bombed a hospital and a minibus, but I forgot…they were mainly Shi’as so I don’t expect anyone here to be sympathetic to them. Because after all, they are “misguided” /sarcasm
Umm Bilqis
February 6, 2010 at 1:51 PM
Do not answer this silly rant about Pakistan. We do not live their!
This thread is about injustice here in North America by a system that has bypassed its normal checks and balances and instituted a abnormal, immoral Patriot Act that strips people of due process& rights!
These hate monger Islamophobes wish to split the brethren so that we do not concern ourselves with the affairs of the weak prisoners.
“Do they then seek the judgment of Ignorance?
And who is better in Judgment than Allah for a people who have firm Faith.” Maa’idah: 50 (Holy Quraan)
Umm Bilqis
February 6, 2010 at 4:32 PM
“Do they then seek the judgment of Ignorance?
And who is better in Judgment than Allah for a people who have firm Faith.†Maa’idah: 50 (Holy Quraan)
The justice has been hijacked and its previous and just checks and balances have been bypassed by the Immoral, Unjust Patriot.
Dan is a Zionist agent and apparent troll screeching about actions we cannot verify if true or not in other countries.
We must highlight the injustices in the systems we live under and ask for justice to be served.
February 6, 2010 at 10:57 PM
Your rants about taliban, shias, and other misc. talking points in EVERY post that has nothing to do with those subject, frankly seems like an obsessive compulsive disorder that you possess.
We are not supporting taliban, we are not supporting anti-shia or anti-Muslim violence, we are not supporting any sort of violence against non-Muslims or non-sunnis. In fact, we have highlighted support AGAINST them in many posts on MM. We also had a post not long ago about Egypt and Malaysian non-Muslim minorities. We have been hammered by the “keyboard jihadi” elements for being “agents of the West” for speaking the truth about justice, even if it is against our own selves.
If anyone supports violence and injustice by Muslims or by non-Muslims on MM, you can bet we will not wait for you before deleting it.
You seem to be like a Steve Emerson planted troll who continues to rant about the same thing in the hope that someone would agree with your nonsense and then you can roll all commentators and posters here in the guilt-by-association trap. NONE of the individual writers speak for all of MM, and CERTAINLY none of the commentators speak for MM or all the rest of the commentators.
So, let me make it quite simple for you. UNTIL you talk DIRECTLY to the post, that is RELEVANT to the post, you will be moderated.
You raised a question:
“I’m sorry but wasn’t she a Taliban activist and an al-Qaeda sympathizer to begin with?”
And before providing any evidence of this, you went on a rant against Taliban. I could similarly say that you are a MOSSAD agent without any proof. And then I can go on a rant about how bad MOSSAD are, just to make it sound that anyone who supports you is supporting MOSSAD. Enough of these dirty tricks.
Provide proof or refrain from trolling. And no, FOX doesn’t count.
After you provide proof, which you can’t, then we will discuss how that is relevant to this case.
February 9, 2010 at 11:56 AM
Uh haannhh… Was this a plaguing problem before or after war on terrorism? Was it always plaguing all of Pakistan, or was it just plaguing the isolated remote region of Pakistan?
Umm Bilqis
February 6, 2010 at 5:17 PM
“Observers asked how they could ignore the science and the irrefutable facts … there was absolutely no evidence linking Dr Aafia to the gun, no bullets, no residue from firing it.
But I really don’t think we can blame the jurors for the verdict – you see the jury simply could not handle the truth. Had they taken the logical route and gone for the science and the hard, cold, clinical facts it would have meant two things. It would have meant around eight US soldiers took the oath and lied in court to save their own skins and careers or it would have meant that Dr Aafia Siddiqui was telling the truth.”
From article by Yvonne Ridley, ICH.
February 7, 2010 at 2:05 AM
Plz read following article by Yvonne Ridley:
February 7, 2010 at 9:47 AM
Absolutely ridiculous verdict. This verdict is extremely demoralizing.
I wonder how Bowe Robert Bergdahl may suffer for such a mockery of justice.
February 8, 2010 at 8:01 AM
Excellent article:
Imran Khan, probably one of the few honest and sincere politicians in Pakistan asks three questions from USA and Pakistan.
Umm Bilqis
February 8, 2010 at 6:01 PM
Journalist Chris Hedges (TRUTHDIG)discusses the Terror- Industrial Complex.Specifically as it relates to Sr. Aafia article from (ICH).
February 9, 2010 at 7:18 PM
What can you do to help your sister?
In addition to dua (prayer):
1) Write to Aafia Siddiqui:
2) Send money to Aafia by one of two methods:
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Post Office Box 474701
Des Moines, Iowa 50947-0001
The deposit must be in the form of a money order made out to the inmate’s full committed name and complete eight digit register number. Cheques and cash cannot be accepted. The sender’s name and return address must appear on the upper left hand corner of the envelope to ensure that the funds can be returned to the sender in the event that they cannot be posted to the inmate’s account. The deposit envelope must not contain any items intended for delivery to the inmate.
You can also send money via Western Union ‘s Quick Collect Program –
At an agent location with cash: The inmate’s family or friends must complete a Quick Collect Form. To find the nearest agent, they may call 1-800-325-6000 or go to
By phone using a credit/debit card: The inmate’s family or friends may simply call 1-800-634-3422 and press option 2.
ONLINE using a credit/debit card: go to and select “Quick Collect”
You need to include the following:
1) 90279-054 (prison no.)
2) Aafia Siddiqui entered on
Umm Bilqis
February 10, 2010 at 12:14 AM
Imran Khan On Dr. Aafia an interview with Yvonne Ridley:
Umm Bilqis
February 10, 2010 at 2:36 AM
Dr Paul Craig Roberts wrote this article about the case of Aafia and other muslim prisoners. May Allah honor him with Islaam.Ameen.
Abdus Sabur
February 14, 2010 at 1:43 PM
Great link!!! There’s also one on corporate raping of america which is also excellent! jazakallhu khair
Abu Moin
February 12, 2010 at 11:15 AM
May Allah give strength and power to Sister Aafia. Ameen
And big Ameen to Shaikh Yasir Qadhi’s dua.
Sister Aafia keep strong !
Umm Bilqis
February 13, 2010 at 10:55 PM
Video>Paul Craig Roberts On Aafia, ICH Link:
Umm Bilqis
February 15, 2010 at 5:13 PM
Dr. Aafia Siddique and Justice in the service of Empire(ICH) :
tajweed quran online
February 16, 2010 at 3:19 PM
may Allah help her and she is a brave women and is a great sister of all of us amean
February 17, 2010 at 11:34 PM
Ya Allah,please help Aafia.Give her all support
Umm Bilqis
February 24, 2010 at 6:49 PM
Ultimately what I find truly sad is that Muslims can some times fall into issues that are not top priorities and they continue to struggle in these efforts and draw the attention away from worthier causes and issues.
I command myself foremost and ask my brothers and sisters in Islam to withstand the machinations of all forces that draw our attention from worthier and weightier matters. Insha’Allah Ameen.
These forces are in our midst as well as outside of our ranks and they think that they are successful, but they are not Insha’Allah. Many Muslims are waking up and will Insha’Allah frustrate their attempts in shaping our opinion or beliefs.
The Oppressors will go from Full spectrum domination to Full spectrum Humiliation Insha’Allah, unless the saner ones amongst them prevail and stir their countries towards genuine peace and dialogue.
For now our concerns should be with the aseer and the innocents.
March 1, 2010 at 1:18 PM
Plz visit website:
Support Dr. Aafia & hundreds of missing persons in Pakistan!
March 14, 2010 at 1:29 PM
March 14, 2010 at 1:33 PM
Plz also see links below:
Aafia Siddiqui Torture/Kidnapping Claims Ignored:
Part 1:
Part 2:
just another ayesha
April 11, 2010 at 8:27 AM
don’t worry Dr Aafia, Allah willing, we’ll read your book one day, and will be present on the book signing too.
i have faith. we all do.
Azmat Usman
September 24, 2010 at 6:12 AM
Dr Aafia is daughter of Pakistan
Istqamat Ko Teri Salam Afia
Ya Allah,please help Aafia
Support Aafia and Missing Persons
مظلوموں Ú©Û’ Øقوق کیلئے بر سر پیکار رÛناÛÛŒ تو زندگی ÛÛ’
Ûر نقاب Ùروش کا نقاب اتارا جائے گا۔کچھ Ù†Ûیں رÛÛ’ گا’بس نام رÛÛ’ گا میرے Ø§Ù„Ù„Û Ú©Ø§!
مد د چا Ûتی ÛÛ’ ÛŒÛ Øوا Ú©ÛŒ بیٹی
اے زمین و آسمان کے خالق۔۔۔۔۔۔
مدد مدد مدد مدد
September 25, 2010 at 1:31 AM
May Allah give her sabr
Only khalifah can protect the muslims.
Issadeen Rilwan
October 20, 2010 at 6:56 AM
Allah will save and serve the Muslims in the world
Mika Jones
April 17, 2013 at 7:00 AM
Let the truth be heard and Justice may prevail at all times. Don’t be afraid to say what is the truth.