This is a continuation of a series on the structure and organization of the Quran (though this piece should have been released first, many factors did...
This is a continuation of a series on the structure and organization of the Quran. The goal is to help the reader appreciate the amazing coherence...
This is a continuation of a series on the structure and organization of the Quran. The goal is to help the reader appreciate the amazing coherence...
There is a sentiment, whether verbalized or not, that the Quran is random and unorganized in how it presents its subject matter. Topics can jump from...
Success; something which everyone desires. There has not been a person who has walked the face of this Earth, or who will come to this dunya...
Not all the narratives of the prophets of Islam can be found within the Qurโan but the ones that are present within the speech of Allah...
A clip from a recent seminar we held at our Masjid earlier this month highlighting some of the characteristics necessary for leadership that we can learn...