By Abdallah Khan I remember that it was humid; an anomaly in the boisterous city of Chicago, because his hair stuck to his forehead, like...
Despite significant theological and practical differences, families with both Shia and Sunni members may not have challenges greater than any other families. ย The difference in Islamic...
Thumaฬma b. Uthaฬl had killed some of the Companions and even attempted to assassinate the Prophet (sฬฃallAllaฬhu โalayhi wasallam). Eventually, he was captured by Muslim patrolmen...
Byย Siddiq Bazarwala Why do Muslims pray so often? Why is there such a heavy emphasis on worshipping Allah ? Why does Allah need people to...
There appears to be a notion that has been very much present in our current global society, and it is that different groups of people can...
By Sana Gul Waseem This might be my last Ramadan. And I am very excited about it. I intend to use this month to find, understand...
By Farhana Sharmeen Cursing and swearing have become a common phenomenon in our society. We are pelted with expletives in movies, music, social media and in...
Welcome to Ilmburst’s FREE Ramadan children’s video series: Power Up Ramadan. Each video comes with accompanying resources, to access them, please click this link, Day...
Welcome to Ilmburst’s FREE Ramadan children’s video series: Power Up Ramadan. Day Two: RACE Day Three: GOALS Day Four: PRAYER Day Five: EMPTY Day Six: QUR’AN...
By Hamza Vohra […continued from Part I] What is the difference between Group Study and Private Study? Private: a) The biggest advantage of private study...