Reading Time Summary Transcript: ~2 minutes Full Transcript: ~33 minutes Learning Objectives Understand the Distinction Between a Scholar and a...
As the midterm elections get closer, the debate on whether or not it is appropriate to teach the Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools is likely...
As Ramadan approaches, we have our own inner voices, the lectures online and physically in our own masajid, and then all those social media posts about...
With Ramadan just a week away, we’re all busying ourselves with last-minute preparations to welcome (and make the most of) the most blessed month of the...
Four minutes into the documentary film Guantanamo Diary Revisited, the movie’s subject, Mohamedou Ould Slahi, looks into a camera and addresses the men and women responsible...
With Ramadan just days away, we’ve all been taking steps that we hope will allow us to reap the most of the most rewarding month of...
Prepare for your ‘Best Ramadan Ever!’ with this video series from Shaykh Yahya Ibrahim! Here we learn about the power of seeking forgiveness, especially during the...
It’s official–having Ramadan decorations up in your home, and giving out Ramadan gifts to friends, coworkers, classmates, and neighbors is now a part of American Muslim...
Prepare for your ‘Best Ramadan Ever!’ with this video series from Shaykh Yahya Ibrahim! In this episode we learn about utilising the month by being thankful...
[Disclaimer: MuslimMatters was informed by the author that the film Huda’s Salon contains scenes with full nudity. This review was approved for the purpose of important wider...
“This year, I’m definitely going to stay on track!” Quoth we all as Ramadan approaches swiftly, sending us into a tizzy of Ramadan prep and Ramadan...