Reading Time Summary Transcript: ~4 minutes Full Transcript: ~28 minutes Learning Objectives Understand the Five Categories of Tahara: Identify and...
All praise is due to Allah ﷻ , our Lord, Creator, and Sustainer, Who made us into varying nations and tribes, from a diversity of languages...
Some view the Republic of Ireland as the most anti-Israeli country in Europe, depending on who you ask. I like to view Ireland as the State...
Domestic violence exists within the Muslim community as well, because all Muslims are human. The incident in Houston shows us that domestic violence can be deadly.
Lieutenant Yasin Rahman came to consciousness in a beige colored autodoc chamber. The air was filled with a whirring sound, and he opened his right eye...
This short story is a guest post from Noor Latif, a talented eighth-grader! My mother and I pulled up to the school building. Sleepily, I stepped...
Five Islamic thinkers weigh in on Jordan Peterson's recent video message to Muslims, calling it patronizing and tone-deaf.
The crabs elect a new queen, who pledges revenge on Yasin Rahman. On another world, a dreamcat trains for an assassination mission that will change her...
Orphans in the Quran: A Contextual Thematical Analysis The Qur’an dignifies humankind (insān) by designating them as the vicegerents of Allah (khalīfah) upon the earth. Although...
The Kuwaiti shaykh who told me a story If you meet Shaykh Fayiz, you’d be mesmerized by his kindness and knowledge – and might even forget...
The guards who became Muslim after Guantanamo Guantanamo is known as a place of abuse and torture. However, it also became a place of faith and...