Reading Time Summary Transcript: 3~ minutes Full Transcript: 30~ minutes Learning Objectives Understand the Hierarchy of Knowledge Identify the highest...
My hardest Ramadan ever. “Reciting the Quran out loud got us punished.” Listen to Moazzam Begg speak about the hardship and torture prisoners experienced during Ramadan...
Motherhood And Hajar After the spiritual high of Ramadan has worn off, Allah Most High, in His Mercy, provides us with the gift of the first...
We’ve been hearing about the horrors of Guantanamo Bay for 20 years now. It’s difficult to learn so much about a horrific reality for our Muslim...
The brother who had a scoop If you ask journalists, they will tell you Guantanamo is a secretive place that no one can break into. Yet,...
What do you want to be? Rahmanโs father used to ask him. A Besar, or a Kecil? Whatever youโre doing, do it right. Be someone that...
He was just a kid. An extraordinary one. Listen to Moazzam Begg speak about one of the youngest prisoners in Guantanamo, Omar Khadr, a soft spoken...
Time and time again, sitting with hundreds of patients in my role as a hospital chaplain, I’m learning that the most powerful spiritual discoveries come at...
In this edition of From The Chaplain's Desk, we learn of the Prophetic training when it comes to sacred activism.
A dutiful son was found hanged in his cell In this episode, Moazzam Begg honors the memory of Yasser Al-Zahrani, a 17 year-old boy from Madinah,...
For Muslims, observing intermittent fasting is one of the core pillars of worship Allah has mandated upon us. “O you who have believed, decreed upon you...