A young empath named Tarek Othman is taken out of the training academy and into the woods, and fears he...
I think I’ve just stumbled across the most difficult obstacle that teachers face… dealing with disinterested students. Okay, I’m not exactly a teacher… I’m more of...
This is a real ‘gem’ I heard in a khutbah a long time ago from a Shaykh who is very dear to me (may Allah(swt) preserve...
Sr. Ruth talks about the challenges in starting up a Non-Profit (pls try to make a small (or big) donation) Dates Anyone? Sh. Yusuf reminds everyone...
All of us ‘grown-ups’ probably share some interesting stories from childhood. How many times have we heard someone say ‘my father used to say’, or ‘my...
My ethnic heritage is from quite a few parts of Europe – England, Scotland, a little bit of Ireland, Germany, Poland, and if you consider Jewish...
Joe Sestak (D-PA) is faced an intense attack of sorts by Philly Jews at a synagogue event to back down from his commitment to speak at...
The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), an Australian conservative/libertarian think tank, has published an interesting article [pdf] on Islam and free markets in their latest issue...
After NY Times’s ‘moderate’ article on CAIR, which I had analyzed here, Washington Times came with its guns blazing on a few days ago. What extremely...
This is post is not what most might have expected from the title. This is not an article about the (somewhat) trite topic of the inhumane...
The documentary below – An Islamic History of Europe- was originally shown on BBC. It is NOT my intention, by posting this, to romanticize or to...