A very happy Eid to all of our readers! We pray that Allah has blessed us all immensely, forgiven our...
UPDATE: (More updates can be found at Tariq’s blog, where he is up to Update#4). A followup article has been posted on MuslimMatters here. These inSANE...
I recently finished reading two books, Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne, and Zag by Marty Neumeier. The main crux of both...
Originally written for the al-Ameen newspaper (B.C., Canada) Prepare yourselves, people, for a revelation sure to shock you and possibly turn your life upside down. Particularly...
SIGN UP FOR CAIR MEMBERSHIP TODAY (it’s only $35 and your chance to not only help CAIR, but get back at WT) Washington Times is intensifying...
This is an inspiring video, and after watching it I couldn’t resist posting it here. It’s entertaining, but there is a good message about teachers and...
Robert Pape, a Professor at the prestigious University of Chicago, concludes that there is no such link. In fact, Pape’s research shows that, “Over 95% of...
Check it out here; these are two passages that particularly struck a chord with me: Even the scholars of Ahl al Hadith who were not proponents...
Disclaimer: I wrote this long before the Ummah Films vid came out! So don’t accuse me of being a copycat! :P Ah, Jumu’ah – the best...
This is quite awesome and covers a few topics discussed here, hat-tip to CAIR’s website.
Any of you that have read my blog know that I am opposed to the methodology of isolationism. I really believe that we must engage the...