Yasin Rahman must battle to the death against an invisible assassin, and another wearing a focus gem.
Another Sunday… another opportunity to tell everyone what’s on your mind. Let’s also keep in mind our relationship with Allah, from oldie-goldies: Developing Consciousness of Allāh...
*Quick disclaimer, most of the links in this article contain pictures that are not consistent with the Islamic view of Hijab YUM-O! By now you have...
This is a good reminder about paying off debts. He touches upon doing hajj vs. paying off debts, and also includes examples from the Seerah about...
A wife is a wife… No matter who you are! How would you caption this?
I had the distinct pleasure of hearing the Muslim “pop” group Seven8Six. Their performance was part of a concert put on by a new nonprofit organization,...
I have been working on this draft for some time, so some of the info. may be a bit dated. But the theme of “internet tribalism”...
New Khutbah delivered on May 16 at IIOC by Shaykh Yaser Birjas. [google -3137567587058241368] We will also be podcasting the mp3 of this talk, so please...
For this week’s oldies, think Arabic and Quran: Quranic Verbs used for Purification and Exoneration Expressions for Giving And Getting Help in the Qur’an “Alhamdulillah” –...
Some AlMaghrib students may have heard about Shaykh Riad Ouarzazi’s “A Heart Serene” class held in Canada in late 2007. The class was stellar, and I...
This is a new khutbah recently delivered by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi in Bath, UK on happiness. [audio:http://muslimmatters.org/audio/True%20Happiness.mp3] (Direct Download) *Please make sure to subscribe to our...