Many times, as a Muslim woman writing novels, I have asked myself whether my Muslim identity can be dissociated from...
An American businessman was once standing on the jetty of a Mexican coastal village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the boat...
Hijaab… a concept and a command from Allah that has fueled many discussions, hot debates, and provoked the passions of many – Muslim and non-Muslim alike....
To keep Holy Lands fresh in our memory, this Open Thread’s oldie-goldies revolve around this theme: Jerusalem is My Love The Farmocracy Experiment Farmocracy Experiment Part-2...
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In his New York Times op-ed on May 12, Edward Luttwak puts forth the provocative claim that Barack Obama is considered an apostate by Islamic law....
The other night I was sat on my sofa not doing very much. Being the easily bored woman-child that I am, I ended up messing around...
All the talk about Obama’s minister Wright and his big mouth. But hardly a squeak about McCain’s extremist endorsers and guides. After the endorsement from one...
Music is haram. Music is halal. … and the debate continues ad infinitum. I recently listened to a lecture called ‘The End of Music’ by Kamal...
A few weeks ago I was scheduled for endoscopic sinus surgery and a septoplasty. Since moving to Houston I have suffered from chronically clogged sinuses and...
| Intro | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3a | Part 3b |Part 4 | Part 5 | What about Islam and Jihad? The...