Part 1: Boys will be boys? | Part 2: But that’s not abuse?| Part 3: Why doesn’t she just leave?|...
This is a must watch, eye-opening, video from the Huffington Post. In the spring of 2008, a conference was held on the outskirts of Washington, DC....
The following article was written by Abu Shoaib Ashmead Choat, a very dear family friend of ours. He visited Houston a few years ago and gave...
As a Muslim comic book geek reader, I’m always on the lookout for a good graphic novel that has awesome pictures, cool characters, and a rockingly...
We all know by now how Obama catapulted to the influences of the Israeli lobby, in at least stating a message that pretty much neutralized any...
It’s Open Thread Sunday once again, so comment away. As a nice refresher, below are some posts related to fiqh, some of its subtleties and the...
Nikāḥ kitāba, otherwise known as katb al-kitāb or “celibate marriage,” has become an increasingly common and preferred way of marriage for many young Muslim couples. A...
In this khutbah, Sheikh Younus Kathrada from Dar al-Madinah Islamic Society of Vancouver, Canada, shares the divine wisdom behind trials and tribulations, explaining how to deal with calamities...
The first in a series of papers tackling a variety of issues and concerns. It includes: does the 73 sects hadith imply most Muslims will go...
I’m currently reading The Veil: Women Writers on Its History, Lore, and Politics, edited by Jennifer Heath, which is an in-depth compilation of essays by different...
This is another Heavenly Hues paper from Qabeelah Haadi (San Fransisco Bay Area). Check out the previous papers, Nurayn (DC/Maryland) Hosna (Houston) Ittihad (Windsor/Dearborn) Haadi #1...