Are we vulnerable sinners or arrogant saints? Who does Allah love better? In preparation for Ramadan, Shaykh Abdullah Ayaz Mullanee...
Two nights in a row now, I’ve awoken at 4am sleep-babbling nonsense to my wife only an Ilm Summit student would understand. Though I’ve returned home,...
Bismillah In continuation of the post “Chill Out Like The Prophet: Tips For The Stressed Muslim Da’ee – Part I“, we analyze more ways of how...
Bismillah Frazzled, short of time, in a hurry, with no time to talk – does that describe you? Whether you are a religious teacher, an administrator, khateeb,...
By J.Hashmi The fourteenth of August was technically the Pakistani day of independence, but Pakistanis found little to celebrate this year; many citizens expressed their fear...
Last Sunday before Ramadan… wow… time flies. How are you preparing for it? Tariq is urging American Muslims to send in their thoughts about their identities...
Welcome to the another edition of’s regular Islamic Art feature. If you want to see your work on MM, then either email us your images...
Khutbah delivered in New York on July 10, 2009, The Responsibility of being Witness to Humanity [audio:] Download link
Bismillah If we were asked to name instances where the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam displayed bravery, shed tears or gave advice to his Companions,...
The following first-hand account of the IDPs was sent to us by one of our readers, Ibn Abdul Aziz (true identity withheld on request). We are...
This is not new, but worth sharing and spreading far and wide. The translation has been touched up a bit. A beautiful heart-softener. The translation was...