Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. – A Smart (Probably) Dead Dude So, you wanted something hard-hitting from MM’s female writers, eh? Well,...
Next: Pew Survey- Muslims: Democratic, Socially Conservative, Concerned Citizens (Update #3) Analysis of Muslim Population in America- Methodology, Criticism and Other Sources (Update #4) ** The...
Dear Son, You are ten and we haven’t had the talk yet. I don’t mean the talk about puberty or sex ed, that we have been...
As the population of Muslims in the United States continues to grow, so too does the number of Islamic schools serving Muslim families across the nation....
Don McLeroy is a balding, paunchy man with a thick broom-handle mustache who lives in a rambling two-story brick home in a suburb near Bryan, Texas....
When I was growing up, and when my daughter was coming up through the public school system, I don’t remember parental consent being required for school...
Here’s a brief summary of a few of Sunday’s TDC talks, from our “reporter in the field”, Ahmad Al Farsi– Sex Ed., Domestic Harmony and Meet...
Updated: Formatting/links fixed Online porn addiction is a serious problem, not just for Muslims. See this article: Two in five Internet users visited an online adult...
 In many religions and cultures, children go through an important rite of passage to mark their transition from child to adult. In Christianity, Roman Catholics...
Although my ‘intellectual activities’ have slowed down since last summer – when I had plenty of time to peruse sites like the Angry Arab, Al-Jazeera News,...