Alḥamdulillāh, through the grace and mercy of Allah ﷻ, four of our IOK (Institute of Knowledge) team members were blessed...
Now that we have learnt about wudu, let’s talk about fasting. Question: Does anyone know why Allah ﷻ requires us to fast in Ramadan? It does...
This social distancing and social isolation is a disaster! Or is it?
Recitation of Ayahs 63-77 of Surah Furqan The Holy Qur’an And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and...
Our Prophet Muḥammad is told in the Qur’ān: “Be patient like the strong prophets of old were patient.” Allāh tells our Prophet , “Look at the...
What does Ramadan remind us of? Fasting, late night prayers, charity. Yes, all this and more. However, Ramadan should also remind us of the event with...
Disclaimers I’m not a public health expert, medical expert, or infectious disease expert. Neither are most of the people who will end up making the decision...
“One of the seven given shade on the Day of Judgment is the man who remembered Allah in private and so his eyes shed tears” [Sahih...
Assalamu‘alaikum, On a good day, local grassroots, charities, and places of worship are on the front line dealing with day-to-day societal and emergency relief issues. With...
How could you make this testing time the HIGHLIGHT of your year?
What did we discuss yesterday? You know, sometimes I notice that you all hold your wudu for a really long time. Whenever I ask if you...