“Muslim restaurant owners are forced to sign a document to remain open and continue selling alcohol during Ramadan” Remember the fall of Al Andalus, Muslim Spain...
Students at Oxford University, one of the highest ranking, and most prestigious educational establishments in the world, have begun a sit-in protest, to highlight the brutality...
The following are statements of African-American Imams. It’s time to let BAMs to speak for themselves inshallah! —————– STATEMENT OF IMAM JOHARI ABDUL-MALIK From โOut Houseโ...
CAIR: Zawahari Does Not Speak for Muslims (in Calling Obama a House-Negro) [or for that matter anything in Islam] I find it interesting that these murderous...
A group of 8 people, who believe in the fundamentalist Christian belief that the Aryan race is the superior race, engaged in an act of violent...
Just in time for Martin Luther King Day, the openly racist organization “Society of Americans for National Existence” – SANE – apparently has the ear of...
There is a reason why this question of Ahl Kitaab is important. But before I get to the punch-lines, I hope that by reading this snippet...
What would you expect will happen when inSANE reports effect one or two average Joe 12-packs (doesn’t need many lunatics to cause a lot of harm,...
For easier reading, the analysis will be split betwen three posts. Please read background and first 2 parts in order to better digest the information in...
I was asked to write about the victory of Nicolas Sarkozy in the recent French presidential election. Not knowing too much about French politics, I was...